

A Study on Frequency Adverbs in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

【作者】 苏文文

【导师】 王素梅;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 频率副词是现代汉语副词系统中的重要次类,留学生在学习频率副词时常常出现偏误。本文选取留学生经常出现偏误和混淆的四个频率副词“一直、总(是)、一向、从来”行进了考察。从句法特征、语义特征、语用选择、偏误分析及教学对策几个方面进行了分析研究。第一章,着重介绍了本文的选题背景、研究意义、研究范围、研究内容、研究的理论方法及语料来源情况,并从频率副词本体研究综述和频率副词偏误及教学研究综述两个大的方面对前人的研究成果进行了系统的梳理。第二章,从整体上对频率副词进行了研究。分析了频率副词独成一类的必要性,考察了频率副词的定义及划分标准并分析了频率副词与一般时间副词和重复副词的区别,总结了频率副词的特点。第三章,以三个平面理论为依据,从句法特征、语义特征、语用选择三个方面对“一直、总(是)、一向、从来”这四个频率副词行进了细致的分析。首先,从位置的分布和句法功能两方面对这四个词的句法特征进行了考察。其次,从持续性与重复性、长时与短时、动态与静态三个方面对这四个词的语义特征进行了研究。最后,从对句类的选择和语用功能两个方面对这四个词的语用选择进行了综合考察。第四章,依据从中介语语料库中收集到的语料,提取了“一直、总(是)、一向、从来”的偏误实例,归纳总结了这四个词的偏误类型,分析了出现偏误的原因。第五章,以偏误语料为依据,结合汉语学习者学习这四个词时出现的偏误类型,提出了教学对策,对课堂教学方法进行了探讨。本文采用了文献检索的方法,对已有的研究成果进行了查阅与梳理,使结论更具有可信度。坚持定性分析和定量分析相结合的原则,在具体操作过程中,二者相互印证,增强研究的科学性。运用了中介语理论和偏误分析法,总结归纳了“一直、总(是)、一向、从来”的偏误实例,并逐一进行深入研究,分析了产生偏误的原因。

【Abstract】 Frequency adverb is the important category in the modern Chinese adverbial system, but international students often make errors in learning it. This thesis selects four frequency adverbs, always, often, consistently, all along, mistaken and confused by international students to research, and will analyze and study them from the perspective of grammatical features, semantic features, pragmatic choices, error analysis and teaching strategies.The first chapter focuses on the introduction of research background, significance, range, content, theory, method and corpus sources, and makes a systematical review on precious achievements from the perspective of the study on the frequency adverbs themselves and errors and teaching of the frequency adverbs.The second chapter overall studies frequency adverbs, analyzes the necessity of separating frequency adverbs from others, observes their definitions, criteria of classifications and the distinctions between them and general time adverbs and repeating ones, and concludes their features.Based on three-plane theory, the third chapter analyzes these four frequency adverbs, always, often, consistently, all along in details, from the aspect of syntactic features, semantic features and pragmatic choices. First of all, it observes the syntactic features of these words from the aspect of position distribution and syntactic function. Secondly, it carries on a study on their semantic features from three aspects, sustainability and repeatability, durative and instantaneous states and static and dynamic states. Finally, it carries on a comprehensive investment about their pragmatic choices based on sentence choices and pragmatic functions.The forth chapter is mainly to conclude the types of errors of these four words and analyze the reasons, according to the selected error examples from the data, which is collected from the inter-language.Based on error corpus, the fifth chapter comes up with teaching strategies, and makes discussion about teaching methods with the error types that are occurred in the learning process of Chinese learners. This thesis adopts literature retrieval to access and review precious research achievements, which makes the conclusion much more credible, insisting on the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, which strengthens the sciencificity of the research. The thesis also makes use of inter-language theory and error analysis methods to conclude the error examples of the four words, always, often, consistently, all along, meanwhile, to analyze the reasons of errors with deeply research.


