

A Study on College English Teacher Talk and the Effect of Classroom Interaction

【作者】 姚丽杰

【导师】 张宜;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 目前国内外学者对教师话语的研究大多注重其作为语言输入所具有的特征,但关于教师话语在课堂互动中所起的作用在外语教学领域尚未引起足够的重视。在新大纲的要求下,教师话语也必然要进行改革。由于上述原因,本研究将对沈阳师范大学六位ESP大学英语教师课堂话语进行全面系统的分析。通过对他们的课堂话语及课堂互动效果的调查与分析,帮助更多教师了解怎样的教师话语更有利于课堂互动。本研究采用自然调查法,旨在描述和了解真实的教学过程。作者试图研究大学英语教师话语对课堂互动效果的影响,选取沈阳师范大学(以下简称沈师)大学英语特色类教学(新托福、雅思方向)的英语课堂作为个案进行研究。作者对个案中的英语课堂进行了全程录音和详细的观察记录,为了从不同角度研究教师话语对课堂互动效果的影响,作者还对学生发放了问卷(见附录一)。围绕这些研究问题,作者对个案中的课堂进行了多次观察;之后从这些课堂中的学生里随机抽取了200名学生进行了关于“大学英语教师话语对课堂互动效果的影响”的问卷调查;最后为了就某几个具体问题获取更多的信息,作者对所观察课堂的6名教师进行了半结构化访谈(访谈提纲见附录二)。本研究将观察法、问卷法和访谈法有机地结合起来。研究发现,1)个案中的教师话语时间占总课堂时间的62.22%,能够为学生提供充足的英语输入,另外还为学生提供一定的课堂时间来练习英语口语,从而提高课堂互动效果。2)个案中的教师的参考性问题多于展示性问题,参考性问题比展示性问题更有利于课堂互动。3)个案中的教师在学生回答问题正确时,通常对学生进行表扬并进行点评,十分利于课堂互动。在学生回答错误时,教师通常为学生提供部分答案作为提示,期待学生补充出其余答案;而重复学生的错误,鼓励学生进行自我修正十分利于课堂互动。4)个案中的教师通常运用澄清请求这种互动调整方式,十分利于课堂互动。最后,作者系统地对本研究进行了总结,并指出了由于时间等客观因素的限制,本研究存在的一些不足之处。作者还为今后该方面的研究提出了一些可行的建议。

【Abstract】 Currently, most of researchers home and abroad on teacher talk only focus on the features of it as language input, but there has been little attention paid to the role of teacher talk in classroom interaction in the field of foreign language teaching. In order to meet the requirement of the newly-revised College English Syllabus, teacher talk has to be reformed. Due to the above reasons, this study will analyze teacher talk of six ESP teachers comprehensively and systematically. Through the investigation and analysis of their classroom teacher talk and effect of classroom interaction, this study is aimed to help more teachers learn what kind of teacher talk is conducive to classroom interaction.This study takes naturalistic inquiry as research method, with the aim of investigating the real teaching process. The researcher wants to explore the influence of college English teacher talk on the effect of classroom interaction, choosing the classes of ESP (TOEFL-iBT & IELTS) Teaching in Shenyang Normal University ("TOEFL-iBT & IELTS Teaching in SYNU" is used in the following part for short) as the case to carry out this study. The researcher audio-recorded the observed classes of TOEFL-iBT & IELTS Teaching in SYNU, and took field notes during the process of classroom observation. Meanwhile, questionnaires (see AppendixⅠ) have been handed out to students with the aim of studying the influence of college English teacher talk on the effect of classroom interaction from different perspectives.Based on these research questions, first of all, the author observed classes of TOEFL-iBT & IELTS in SYNU several times; Then the author chose 200 students randomly from these classes to participate in the questionnaire survey; Finally, the author conducted semi-structured interview with six teachers of the observed classes to acquire more information about some specific issues. This study incorporates three types of research methods- observation, questionnaire, and interview.The study has found that:1) The percentage of teacher talk time in the total class time in the classes of the six chosen teachers of TOEFL-iBT & IELTS Teaching in SYNU is 62.22%, which provides the students with enough English input; furthermore, these teachers allocate some time to let students give their own output, which can improve classroom interaction.2) The teachers of TOEFL-iBT and IELTS Teaching in SYNU raise more referential questions than display questions, and referential questions are more conducive to classroom interaction.3) The teachers of TOEFL-iBT and IELTS Teaching in SYNU can give suitable feedback to students’answers: When students give right answers, most of the teachers give praise and then comments to students’good performance, and this is the best way of teacher praise profitable to classroom interaction; When students give wrong answers, most of the teachers provide students with part of the correct answer as assistance to elicit students to give the rest answer, and the best way of error treatment that does good to classroom interaction is to repeat students’errors to arouse students’attention, in order to encourage students to make self-repair till they give the right answers themselves.4) The teachers of TOEFL-iBT and IELTS Teaching in SYNU use clarification requests most often to solve communication problems in class, and clarification requests are the best way of interactional modification to elicit students’output, thus conducive to classroom interaction.At the end of this thesis, the author summarizes the whole study systematically, pointing out the limitations of the present study due to the limited objective situations, such as limited time. Moreover, the author offers some feasible suggestions for future research of the same kind.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】427

