

Research for Care Modes of Alzheimer’s Disease Among Older Age Group in China’s Urban

【作者】 王萌

【导师】 高飞;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳师范大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,英文简写AD,下文简称AD)是一种中枢神经系统原发性、退行性、变性疾病。据2010年中国医学会最新统计,我国AD患者近600万,以65岁及以上老年患者居多,位居世界之首。AD老年群体为家庭和社会带来沉重的护理及经济上的双重负担。其中护理问题已经成为当今社会不可忽视的公共卫生难题之一。我国多数AD老年群体在家庭接受护理,少数在养老机构和医疗机构接受护理。随着老龄人口增多,AD老龄群体规模逐渐扩大,护理问题日渐突出。近年来,家庭规模与结构的缩减和变迁使传统家庭护理模式很难满足AD老年群体对于护理者全程监护的需求。患者亲属在为AD老人选择护理机构时,往往受公立、私营护理机构的入住资格、床位、高额的护理费用等条件的制约。我国养老服务产业发展仍不成熟,存在很多弊病。本文针对我国护理现状、AD病程特点、目前国情及我国AD老年群体对于护理服务的需求和社会供给之间的矛盾,同时借鉴了国外老年长期照顾服务的开展经验的基础上,提出了建立“以社区为平台组织的社区护理服务为主线,家庭为平台组织的居家护理服务为辅助,专业机构组织的机构护理服务为补充”的多重护理模式,分析了建立这一模式的具体措施,并从护理人力资源配置、资金保障和社会保障制度三个层面提出了建立多层次护理模式所须的支撑体系。

【Abstract】 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a central nervous system of pathological changes. According to China Medical Association,nearly 6 million people had caught AD in China 2010.Most of the patients were more than 65 years old. The data of patients are highest in the world.The care issues give family and society heavy economic burden.The nursing problem has become one of the most significant problems of the public health in current.In China,most of AD older age groups have been cared at home.With the number of patients increasing faster and faster,nursing problems become more and more serious.In the recent year,the size and structure of family change small.The traditional family nursing model is very difficult to meet AD older age groups in the custody of the entire nursing needs. When relatives choose nursing homes,they are restricted by qualifications,care price and sickbeds etc.The current pension service industries is still not mature.On the basis of predecessors’ work and foreign experience for the elderly care services for a long time.The article suggests comprehensive nursing mode.This new mode combined the power of family,community and nursing institutions together.Community organizations as a platform for community care services as the main line,the families take care of AD patients as a supplement,and the nursing organizations take the professional care services as a supplement.The new mode shift from the nursing burden of the family to the communities and retirement services market.It is in line with the current situation and to comply with the development trend of our nursing services market,while reducing the family burden of care for patients,reduce care costs and improve quality of life and slow the disease progression. And put forward the model of the problems and causes,from the nursing human resources,financial security and social security system for the establishment of three levels of care model to be multi-level support system.


