

The Study of Coastal Geomorphic Evolution at Laizhou Southern Bay Based on RS and GIS over the Past Three Decades

【作者】 孙云华

【导师】 张安定; 王庆;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 莱州湾南部海岸位于山东半岛蓝色经济区和黄河三角洲高效生态经济区结合部位,沿岸自然资源丰富,人口密集,海洋经济发达。特别是最近30年来,经济发展非常迅速,人类活动对海岸地貌环境改变影响深刻。本文以莱州湾南部海岸地貌环境变化研究为全文主线,选用4期数字遥感图像、2期海图及相关辅助数据,通过建立遥感影像解译标志,采用目视解译和计算机解译相结合的方法,增强并提取海岸地貌各种专题地物信息。在此基础上,以GIS技术为支持,将研究区的海岸地貌信息综合分析,建立莱州湾南部海岸地貌1979~2008年间的基础地理信息数据库,并从空间和时间两个方面揭示其变化规律,最后对海岸地貌演变的影响因素进行了研究。主要结论如下:(1)地貌类型和结构变化1979~1989年莱州湾南部海岸地貌类型变化主要表现为海域、滩涂、海积平原、冲积平原和冲海积平原等自然地貌类型的减少以及养殖池、盐田和建筑物等人工地貌类型的增加。1989~2001年莱州湾南部海岸地貌类型变化主要表现为滩涂、海积平原、冲海积平原、冲积平原的持续减少和海域、建筑物、盐田、养殖池的增加。2001~2008年莱州湾南部海岸地貌类型变化主要表现为滩涂、海积平原、养殖池、冲积平原、冲海积平原的面积减少和海域、盐田、建筑物的面积增加。从1979~2008年近30年时间尺度来看莱州湾南部海岸地貌类型变化主要表现为养殖池、盐田和建筑物等人工地貌的迅速增加和滩涂、海积平原、冲海积平原和冲积平原等自然地貌的迅速减少。(2)地貌类型转化分析作为人类活动的主要地貌类型,养殖池主要由海积平原、冲海积平原和滩涂转化而来,盐田主要由冲积平原、冲海积平原和海积平原转化而来,并且盐田和养殖池互相转化,建筑物主要由冲积平原转化而来。自然地貌类型中滩涂主要转化为海域,这和潮位误差有关,其次转化为养殖池;冲海积平原和海积平原转化为养殖池和盐田,冲积平原主要转化为建筑物。(3)地貌冲淤演变研究从1979年到1989年在人类活动影响较弱状态下莱州湾南部海岸以淤积为主,年均净增加淤积面积2.33km~2。从1989年到2001年人类活动加剧后莱州湾南部海岸淤积速度变缓,年均净增加淤积面积0.99 km~2。2001年到2008年,研究区增加的侵蚀面积较增加的淤积面积多84.85km~2,年均净增加侵蚀面积12.12km~2。这表明,莱州湾南部海岸在2001年到2008年地貌冲淤状态以侵蚀为主,且速度显著变快。(4)海岸线变化信息分析根据岸线向海延伸或者稳定或者后退的不同类型,可将研究区海岸分为三类,小清河左侧和右侧及白浪河右侧为一类,均是先后退然后向海延伸;白浪河左侧、虞河与堤河之间、潍河左侧及右侧归为一类,均是先后退然后稳定然后继续后退;胶莱河右侧是一类,为先后退然后稳定再向海延伸。根据不同区间岸线变化长度可将研究区海岸线分为三类,小清河左侧、白浪河左侧、白浪河右侧、虞河与堤河之间、潍河左侧为一类,岸线长度先减少后增加,除小清河左侧是2001年最小、潍河左侧是1989年为最小值外其余三段均在1979年达到最小值;小清河右侧和胶莱河右侧为一类,岸线长度先减少后增加再减少,均在1979年达到最小值;潍河右侧变化频繁,先减少后增加再减少再增加,单独归为一类。(5)莱州湾南岸海岸地貌演变影响因素莱州湾南岸海岸地貌演变影响因素包括自然因素和人为因素,自然因素又包括地质构造和海洋动力。人为因素主要包括海岸工程、盐田开发、养殖池开发、开采地下水等。

【Abstract】 The southern coast of Laizhou Bay lies in the binding site of Shandong Peninsula blue economic zone and the Yellow River Delta efficient ecological economic region, which is rich in natural resources, with high population density, and developed marine economy. With the rapid economic development especially in the last 30 years, the coastal landscape environment has gone through a significant change influenced by human activities.Based on the study of changes in coastal landform in the southern Laizhou bay, adopting four periods of remote sensing images,two periods of charts and other relevant data, this paper enhances and extracts the thematic information of coastal geomorphic through the establishment of remote sensing image interpretation signs and using the method of visual interpretation and computer interpretation combined. Moreover, supported by GIS, the paper will analysize the extracted coastal geomorphic information and establishes the geo-information of the southern Laizhou bay coastal geomorphic changes from 1979 to 2008. It further reveals the changing regularities of the landscape environment in the respect of time and space, and discusses the driving mechanism of the changes from the respective of nature and human activities. The major conclusions are listed below:(1)Changes of geomorphic types and structureThe main changes of geomorphic types in the southern Laizhou bay from 1979 to 1989 manifest in a way of decreases in natural geomorphic types, including seas, beaches, marine plains, alluvial plains, alluvial and marine plains, and increases in human landscapes of ponds, salt pans and buildings. Changes from 1989 to 2001 show the continuous decrease of beaches, marine plains, alluvial and marine plains, alluvial plains and increase of seas, building, salt pans and ponds. The variations from 2001 to 2008 behave a decrease of beaches, marine plains, alluvial plains, the alluvial and marine plains and ponds and an increase in seas, salt pans and buildings. As can be inferred from the above, the landscape of this area shows a rapid increase in human geomorphic types and a rapid decrease of natural geomorphic types.(2)Analysis of the geomorphic type transformationAs the main geomorphic types of human activities, ponds mainly transforms from marine plains, alluvial and marine plains and beaches, and salt pans converted from alluvial plains, marine plains and alluvial and marine plains, with ponds and salt pans are interchangeable. Besides, buildings are transformed from alluvial plains. Beaches, as a main natural geomorphic type, mainly convert into seas and secondly transformed to ponds, which correlates with tide level error. In addition, marine plains and alluvial and marine plains transform into ponds and salt pans, alluvial plain mainly transform to buildings.(3) Study on the Evolution of geomorphology erosion and depositionFrom 1979 to 1989, less affected by human activities, the southern Laizhou bay was shaped mainly by deposition, with its average net area increasing by 2.33 km~2 annually. While in the years from 1989 to 2001, the speed of deposition slowed down because of the intensity of human activities, with the average net area increasing by 0.99 km~2 annually. From 2001 to 2008, the increase of the erosion area exceeded that of the deposition area, with 84.85 km~2 in total, and the average 12.12 km~2 annually. It is suggested that the geomorphology erosion dominated in the southern Laizhou bay during 2001 to 2008, with a remarkable faster speed.(4) Information Analysis of Coastline ChangesAccording to the different types of coastline, extending to the sea or being steady or going backward, the studied coast can be divided into three categories. The both sides of Xiao Qing River and the right side of Bai Lang River goes to the same category, all first going backward then extending to the sea; The left side of Bai Lang River, the area between Yu River and Di River and the both sides of Wei River belong to the same category, going backward, turning steady and then going backward again; The right side of Jiao River is another distinct category, in the way of going backward, being steady and then extending to the sea. In accordance with its changes in length in different intervals, the coastline of the study area can be classified into three types. The left side of Xiao Qing River, the both sides of Bai Lang River, the area between Yu River and Di River and the left side of Wei River were of the same category, the length of whose coastlines decreased before increasing. Almost all the sections mentioned above reached to the minimum length in 1979, except the left side of Xiao Qing River in 2001, and the left side of We River in 1989. The right side of both Xiao Qing River and Jiao Lai River behave the same, the length of whose coastlines decreased, then increased, and at last decreased, reaching to the minimum in 1979. The right side of Wei River was a separate type, the coastline length of which changed frequently, decreased, then increased, then decreased and increased again.(5) Factors influencing the evolution of the landscapes Complicated factors are affecting the southern Laizhou bay, involving both natural elements as geological structures and marine dynamics, and human activities as coastal project, exploitment of salt pans, pools, and groud water resourcs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

