

【作者】 李燕玲

【导师】 赵力;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 艺术管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 敏求精舍不仅是二十世纪中后叶华人民间收藏的典范,也是中国民间收藏得以延续血脉的重要环节。上世纪五六十年代到七八十年代,敏求精舍创造了华人民间收藏的奇迹。历经半个世纪的岁月沉浮,现在的敏求精舍,依然保持住了其重要收藏团体的历史地位。中国内地自改革开放以来的近二三十年,艺术收藏有大兴之势。了解敏求精舍,有助于内地收藏家的良好成长。本文从敏求精舍的成员、藏品风格、交流活动、规章制度及对华人收藏团体的影响等方面对其进行多角度剖析,以期达到对敏求精舍的综合认识。

【Abstract】 Min Chiu it’s not only the apotheosis of Chinese private collections in 20th century, but also an important part of the continuity of Chinese private collections. It create a miracle in Chinese private collections from fifties to eighties in the 20th century.All through the fifty years development, Min Chiu become a very inportant Chinese private collections club. Since the reform and opening up for nearly three decades, art collections in the mainland of China becoming more prosperity than ever. To study with Min Chiu is good to growth of the mainland collectors.By the reaserch of Min Chiu’s Component members, collection style of members, community activities, regulations and the influence to Chinese collection. We get comprehensive understanding of Min Chiu.

  • 【分类号】J124
  • 【下载频次】162

