

Luminous Environment Perceptibility Study of Art Gallery

【作者】 陈天钰

【导师】 常志刚;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当下的中国,越来越多的人有了休闲时间和金钱愿意选择去追求精神享受和投资收藏。这反映了普通民众的对精神生活的追求,更折射出国家精神文明的程度。现在的798艺术区、“草场地”、上海的“莫干山”等艺术区的火爆就足以说明艺术文化已经进入了我们的生活。越来越多的人开始关注发生在我们身边的艺术,越来越多的人走进了展陈艺术作品的多功能艺术空间——当代艺术画廊,在欣赏艺术品的同时,展示艺术品的空间光环境品质得到了艺术家、画廊业主、欣赏者的前所未有的关注。所谓的“印象主义”特征在空间光环境中的表达指的是人对于建筑空间光环境的心理关系,强调的是人对光环境空间的心理情感体验。我们对空间光环境的印象必将对我们心理产生影响。笔者的论点正是光环境的营造应该向印象派绘画学习。其关注的并非艺术家对于造型的把握或者是对色彩的运用,需要学习的是印象派艺术家们摒弃前人对于事物形态一丝不苟的摹写,而用对于事物的充满感性的认识,以及用可感知的事物来描绘不可感知的感性事物的能力。笔者称这种设计为空间光环境的感知性设计。通过运用这样的思考方法所做出的艺术画廊光环境的设计对于艺术品流通市场领域乃至社会精神文明发展都具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, many people have to put their leisure time and money on spirit enjoyment and investment collection in China. It is not only for spiritual pursuit, but also expressing their civilization degree of one state.798 now, "pasture land ", Shanghai’s "MoGanShan" and other arts zones are sufficient to explain art and culture for our lives. More and more people are concerned art around us who approach the multi-functional art Art Space----Art gallery. While enjoying the works of art, luminous environment of displaying art space has been artists, gallery owners, who enjoy unprecedented attention."Impressionism " feature in the luminous environment space is a human psychological relationship between luminous environment. It emphasizes the human environment on the spatial light of psychological emotional experience. The impression of us for luminous environment space will impact on our psychology.Lighting designers should learn from Impressionist artists. We should not to learn the shape of the grasp of the artist or the use of color. However, we need to learn the impressionist artist full of emotional understanding of things which things used to describe the perceived could not perceive the perccptual abilities. I named this design approach the perception of luminous environment for the space design.

  • 【分类号】J124
  • 【下载频次】232

