

Study on Influence of Workpiece on Resonant Frequency in Ultrasonic Assisted Gear-honing System

【作者】 刘新

【导师】 马麟;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 超声波辅助珩齿加工技术是将超声振动引入齿轮珩齿加工中而发展起来的齿轮加工新工艺。该技术利用超声波和珩齿进行复合加工,由于超声空化现象与切削液的共同作用,强化了珩磨轮的实时动态清洗,更加有效地减小了珩磨轮堵塞,提高了加工效率,因此,超声波辅助珩齿加工技术具有良好的应用前景。近年来,该项技术研究得到国家自然科学基金(基金号5097519)的资助,也取得了很多阶段性成果,但还存在一些技术难题,急需尽快研究解决。由换能器、变幅杆和被加工工件(齿轮)组成的超声振动系统是超声波辅助珩齿加工系统的核心,换能器的正确选用、变幅杆的正确设计及它们与工件的正确连接,是使超声振动系统有效工作的关键;在超声波辅助珩齿加工中,被加工工件物理参数的不同,势必导致超声振动系统谐振频率的变化;因此,在设计过程中,必须考虑由于安装工件而造成的超声振动系统谐振频率、振幅等参数的变化,从而使变幅杆参数的设计计算更为合理,保证整个振动系统处于最佳谐振状态。本文研究的目的是分析总结出这种影响的规律,为超声波辅助珩齿振动传递系统的设计提供一定的理论依据。本文的主要研究内容如下:(1)概述超声加工技术、齿轮加工技术,特别是珩齿加工技术的研究状况,重点阐述由它们结合形成的超声波辅助珩齿加工技术的现状与发展趋势。(2)综合应用圆锥型变幅杆的纵振动位移方程、圆盘弯曲振动方程及边界条件、耦合条件以及圆锥型变幅器的频率方程,将它们在mathematics软件上编程计算,得出了超声波辅助珩齿加工工件半径和厚度等参数的变化对振动系统谐振频率的影响规律。(3)基于工件参数的变化对系统谐振频率的影响规律,研究圆锥型变幅杆的设计理论,进一步得出圆锥型变幅杆长度随工件参数的变化规律,对变幅杆的合理设计具有一定的理论指导意义。(4)将上述理论指导下设计的变幅杆与给定工件组合,用ANSYS软件进行模态分析,得出变幅杆纵振动、工件轴向振动及变幅器的谐振频率,其结果验证了所得规律的正确性。(5)分析变幅杆和工件组合前后它们各自轴向振动的位移幅值曲线,对组合前后的节点、节线位置进行比较,研究得到变幅杆和工件在位移振幅方面的相互影响关系。(6)本文研究了超声波辅助珩齿加工工件对系统谐振频率的影响规律并以此为依据进行了变幅杆的设计,但在变幅器的简化、工件参数的选择等方面仍存在一定的不足之处。

【Abstract】 Ultrasonic assisted gear-honing processing technology is a kind of new gear processing developed through the application of ultrasonic vibration in gear honing. This technology applies ultrasound and gear honing. The real-time dynamic cleaning of gear honing wheels can be strengthened because of the ultrasonic cavitations’phenomenon and cutting fluid, which effectively reduces the honing force and honing wheel jams, and increases efficiency. Accordingly, ultrasonic assisted gear-honing processing technology has a good application prospect. In recent years, the research of this technology was supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China(Grant No. 5097519), and had also made a lot of achievements. However, there are still some technical problems in dire need for solving.Ultrasonic vibration system, consisted of transducer, horn and machined gear, is the core of ultrasonic gear-honing system. The correctness of transducer selection, horn design and the connection of them, is the key to make ultrasonic vibration system work effectively. In ultrasonic assisted gear-honing processing, the difference of the physical parameters of processed gears certainly will cause the ultrasonic vibration system resonant frequency changes. Accordingly, it is necessary to consider the change caused by installation work piece resulting ultrasonic vibration system resonant frequency, amplitude and other parameters. Consequently, the design of ultrasonic horn is more rational, to guarantee the vibration system in best resonant state.The purpose of this dissertation is to draw this influence regularity, and to provide certain theoretical basis for ultrasonic assisted gear-honing vibration transmission system design. In this paper, the main research contents are listed as follows:(1) Research activities of ultrasonic machining technology, gear processing technology, especially gear-honing technology are summarized. The present status and development trend of ultrasonic gear-honing processing technology are emphatically introduced.(2) By the programming of the longitudinal vibration displacement equation of cone horn, bending vibration equation of disc, and boundary conditions and the force-coupling conditions and the frequency equation of cone transformer in mathematics, the influence law of gear’s radius and thickness on vibration system resonant frequency is obtained.(3) Based on the influence of work piece parameters on system resonant frequency, the theory of design on cone horn is researched. Further, the changing trend of length of horn with work piece parameters is obtained, which have great theoretical signification in the reasonable design of horn.(4) Combining the horn designed with the theory and work piece, through modal analysis with ANSYS, the resonant frequency of the horn longitudinal vibration, work piece axial vibration and ultrasonic transformer, is obtained. The results verify the correctness of the derivation results.(5) Analyzing the displacement amplitude curve of the axial vibration of ultrasonic horn and work piece, before and after installation, the position of nodes and lines are compared. The relationships between ultrasonic horn and work piece on displacement amplitude are obtained.(6) In this paper, the influence of work piece on resonant frequency in ultrasonic assisted gear-honing is studied, and some conclusions are obtained. However, it still needs to be improved in the simplification of transformers and so on.


