

The Stress Analysis and Fatigue Life Prediction on Double Telescopic Column of Hydraulic Support

【作者】 苑成城

【导师】 刘混举;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 立柱是液压支架的主要承载构件之一,其强度和疲劳寿命对煤矿的安全生产起着至关重要的作用,进行液压支架立柱的应力分析及其疲劳寿命预测对提高立柱的使用寿命及其工作可靠性具有极其重要的意义。目前,立柱的应力分析和疲劳寿命预测多凭借经验或理论计算,其结果的准确性差。而利用计算机仿真技术进行的应力分析或寿命预测,将有效降低开发成本、缩短开发周期、提高其可靠性水平。论文通过立柱失效的资料,进行了失效形式及其失效机理的分析,提出焊缝疲劳失效是立柱的主要失效形式的结论。论文按照MT313-1992《液压支架立柱技术条件》标准,在1.5倍轴向载荷和1.1倍偏心载荷下对双伸缩立柱进行应力测试;并利用UG建模软件和ANSYS有限元分析软件建立立柱的实体模型和有限元模型,在相同的载荷条件下对其进行有限元分析,比较应力测试结果与有限元分析结果,验证有限元分析结论的可信度。论文基于双伸缩立柱的焊缝结构进行研究,从试验和仿真两个方面对其进行了应力分析,以实测载荷历程,采用局部应力应变法对不同焊缝结构的立柱进行疲劳寿命预测,得到立柱各部分的疲劳寿命和安全系数,并比较焊缝坡口类型和角度对立柱疲劳寿命的影响。通过双伸缩立柱的仿真分析,得到了不同焊缝结构、工况条件下双伸缩立柱的应力和疲劳寿命,为液压支架立柱的设计和使用提供了理论依据。论文在UG环境下生成焊缝的方法和利用ANSYS耦合节点自由度模拟焊接连接的方法,为其它工程焊接件的仿真提供了方法和依据。

【Abstract】 Column is one of the main bearing structure in hydraulic support, its strength and fatigue life plays a vital role to safety production in coal mine. For hydraulic support column the to improve the service life of the pillar with its working reliability and important meaning.It is of extremely important meaning to proceed stress analysis and fatigue life prediction of hydraulic support’s column. Now, the stress analysis and fatigue life prediction of double-telescopic props are proceeded by relying on experience or theoretical calculation, the result accuracy is poor. The stress analysis and fatigue life prediction proceeded by the computer simulation technology can help to reduce development costs, shorten the development cycle and improve reliability level.The failure forms and failure mechanism of double-telescopic props are analyzed through collecting material and put forward that weld fatigue failure is the main failure forms of column. In accordance with the standards MT313-1992 "technology conditions of hydraulic support column", stress of double-telescopic props with 1.5 times axial load and eccentric loads 1.1 times are tested; The entity model and finite element model are built by using UG modeling software and ANSYS finite element analysis software; In the same conditions of loading, the finite element analysis are done; The reliability of finite element analysis are verified by comparing test results and finite element analysis results.The research is preceeded based on the weld structure of double-telescopic props in this paper. Stress analysis are done from two aspects:test and simulation, and to stress analysis results for load process the fatigue life are predicted by using the method of local stress strain gauge. And the influence of weld structure and stress concentration to double-telescopic props strength is considered.Last, on the basic of s-n curve and load spectrum curve, the fatigue life prediction of double-telescopic props with different weld structure are proceeded by using method of local stress strain gauge through ANSYS/FE-SAFE fatigue module to get of fatigue life and safety coefficient on each part of double-telescopic props and compare the influence to fatigue life of double-telescopic props brought by weld groove type and angle to get fatigue life and safety coefficient on each part of column and compare the influence to fatigue life of column brought by weld groove type and angle.The stress and fatigue life of double-telescopic under different weld structure and working condition are obtained through the simulation and analysis, which can provide theoretical basis for the design and use of double-telescopic props.The method on weld generation in UG environment and the simulation way on welding connection through coupling freedom of nodes in ANSYS are also introduced in this paper,who can provide method and basis for other engineering simulation.


