

Study on Gas Extraction Technology in Fully-mechanized Face of Xiqu Coal Mine

【作者】 张会平

【导师】 赵耀江;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 瓦斯既是威胁矿井安全生产的有害气体,又是世界公认的三大温室气体之一,但同时也是高发热量的优质清洁能源之一。瓦斯的治理关系到矿井安全生产全局。课题研究的理论和技术背景包括采场瓦斯运移理论、瓦斯抽采技术两个方面,文章阐明了其各自的国内外研究现状,以此为基础阐述了瓦斯运移及瓦斯抽采之间的相互关系。论文以瓦斯运移的基本特征、运移的基本规律为出发点,分析了采空区瓦斯的主要汇集区域,指出了采空区瓦斯抽采的关键区域。以西山煤电有限责任公司西曲矿18202综采工作面为建模原型,对西曲矿采场瓦斯运移规律进行了数值模拟,得出了西曲矿18202工作面本煤层和高位裂隙带抽采方案的控制性参数,为其实施提供了基础性数据。论文结合西曲矿的实际情况制定了18202工作面本煤层和高位裂隙带抽采方案,确定了钻场及钻孔的布置。通过对连续数月的抽采记录进行整理和分析,得到如下结果:西曲矿18202工作面本煤层和高位裂隙带抽采技术方案的实施取得了一定的预期效果,抽取了采空区瓦斯资源,降低了采空区瓦斯向回采工作面的涌出强度,减少了上隅角和回风巷瓦斯超限,促进了采煤工作面的安全高效生产。

【Abstract】 Gas is a threat to mine safety production, recognized as one of the three major greenhouse gases in the world, but gas is also one of the high-quality clean energy resources with high calorific value. Goaf gas governance is related to safety production of coal mine.This thesis states the background and significance of the subject according to the world energy situation and structure, new energy utilization, carbon emission reduction and mine gas governance.The theoretical research and technical background of study includes gas migration theory and gas extraction technology. The thesis states the research status and the relationship of gas transport and gas extraction. As the starting point of the gas basic features of storage and transport, the basic law of migration and the basic form of the flow field, the two main migration characteristics of goaf gas——float and spread——are illuminated. This thesis analyzes main goaf gas collecting areas and points out critical areas of goaf gas extraction.The 18202 fully-mechanized face, Xiqu Mine, Xishan Coal Electricity Co.,Ltd., was taken as a prototype, and its actual rock characteristics and mechanical parameters was used as modeling original condition after a reasonable simplification, obtained control parameters of Xiqu Mine 18202 face current seam and high fracture zone gas drainage program, to provide basic data for it.Combining with the actual situation, the article identified Xiqu Mine 18202 face current seam and high fracture zone gas drainage program, determined the drill field and drillings layout. Through collation and analysis to the extraction records of several months, we can draw the following results: the implementation of Xiqu Mine 18202 face ro current seam and high fracture zone gas drainage technology program achieved the certain expected results, extracted goaf gas resources, reduced goaf gas poured out to the coal face, decreased gas transfinite of the upper corner and the return air, and promoted the coal face producting safely and efficiently.


