

Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Motion Characterastics for the Clamping Unit of Injection Moulding Machine

【作者】 王中峰

【导师】 权龙;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 肘杆式合模机构以其刚性大过载能力强,运动特性良好符合注塑工艺要求以及可自锁能够满足安全、可靠和节能的要求等优点被广泛应用于国内外注塑机的合模系统。而伺服泵系统以其高精度,高动态响应速度,低噪音和节能等优点被越来越多的应用于注塑机的液压系统。国内外对肘杆式合模机构研究的论文很多,然而大多数论文都采用以力学和数学为基础的理论加经验法对合模机构进行静力学和运动学分析。由于注塑机双肘杆合模机构是在复杂的工况下工作的系统,其动态特性的好坏直接影响成型制品的质量精度以及生产效率甚至整机性能。因此有必要对其进行动力学及运动学分析和研究。本论文利用三维设计软件PRO/E建立了WK400注塑机合模机构各零部件的3D建模并对其进行虚拟装配,导入动力学仿真软件ADAMS中,在ADAMS/View中对机构添加约束并施加驱动,建立其动力学模型。在AMEsim中建立伺服泵系统驱动合模机构的液压系统仿真模型,通过ADAMS与AMEsim联合接口建立合模机构的机械—液压联合仿真模型,完成对合模机构油缸和动模板的位移和速度、锁模力、传动比、等效质量、肘肝力、节点摩擦力、曲肘角以及液压系统的压力,流量等参数的仿真计算和测量,并通过实验对机构的线位移,角位移以及电机转速,内啮合齿轮泵的出口压力等参进行了测量,通过仿真结果、实验结果对比分析,全面掌握了肘杆式合模机构的运动特性,同时对开合模过程中的能耗特性及压力流量变化规律有了全面的了解。也对数控伺服泵系统有了更深刻的理解。为注塑机合肘杆式模机构运动特性分析提供了一种全新的方法。

【Abstract】 Double-elbow clamping unit has been used extensively in the injection mould clamping system, because it has many advantages, such as big rigidty, high overload ability, good motion characteristics which can meet with the requirements of injection molding process,and it can be self-locked. All of these advantages can satisfy the safe, reliable and energy-saving require-ements for the institution. While servo pump system with its high accuracy, high dynamic response speed, low noise and energy-saving is more and more applied to the hydraulic system of injection molding machine.there are many papers about double-elbow clamping unit both at home and abroad, yet most essays base on mathematics and mechanics, through theory and experience method analysis the statics and kinematics for it. Because of the complex working conditions for double-elbow clamping unit, the dynamic characteristics of it directly impact on the quality precision and production efficiency of the products even the molding machine performance. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out their dynamics and kinematic analysis and research.This paper using three-dimensional design software PRO/E established the 3D parts models for WK400 injection mould clamping system and carried on the virtual assembly and finaly import to dynamics simulation software ADAMS, in ADAMS/View, we added restrictions and imposed driving force to the institutions, established its dynamic model. In AMEsim established the hydraulic system simulation model that servo_pump system drives the injection mould clamping system.Through AMEsim and ADAMS joint interface, established the clamping unit mechanical-hydraulic united simulation model, complete the simulation calculation and measurement of the clamping hydraulic cylinder and active moulding board’s displacement and speed, the clamping force, transmission ratio, equivalent quality, elbow liver force, node friction, curve elbow Angle and hydraulic system pressure, flow parameters. At the same time, through experiment on the institution,we measure the line and angular displacement and motor speed, internal meshing gear pump outlet pressure parameter. Comparing and analysis the results curves measured by the simulation and experiment, Comprehensively, grasped the motion characteristics for double-elbow clamping unit, and comprehensively understand the pressure and flow variation characteristics in the process of combining a model. For CNC servo pump system have a deeper understanding. This pater provides a new method analyzing motion characteristics of double-elbow injection mold machine.


