

A Comparative Genre Analysis of English Cover Letters Written by the Chinese and the English

【作者】 王静

【导师】 郭爱萍;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于文体分析和语篇分析的发展,越来越多的语言学家们认识到了语篇分析中的交际目的和语言策略的重要性,于是重在研究交际目的和语言策略的体裁分析便成了语言研究领域的热门话题。求职信是择业人员向用人单位推销自己以求获得面试机会的专用书信,是社交信函的一种也属于体裁分析的研究范畴。然而目前国内对求职信的研究主要在中文求职信和英文求职信的比较分析方面,针对中国人所写的英文求职信和英语本族语者所写的英文求职信的对比研究可谓是少之又少。鉴于此,本研究试图弥补这一缺憾。本研究有三个目的:第一,探讨在中国人所写的英文求职信与英语本族语者所写的英文求职信中是否存在语步差异;第二,如果存在差异,笔者试图从文化因素的角度来解释产生差异的原因。第三,笔者希望寻求一些教学启示来指导写作教学以指导求职者写出更地道的英文求职信。本研究选择中国人所写与英语本族语者所写的各三十封共六十封英文求职信作为研究的语料库。从体裁分析的角度对其进行语步分析、策略分析并总结出它们的相同点和不同点,并探究这些不同点产生的社会文化根源。研究发现,中国人的英文求职信的语步通常为十四个,而英语本族语者的英文求职信的语步通常为十个。在实现语步的策略上,两者也存在差异。最后论文从社会文化层面探究造成差异的主要原因是中西思维方式的差异,个人主义与集体主义以及等次观念与平等观念的差异。基于以上研究,作者希望此研究能对该体裁的写作教学提供一些帮助,并进一步揭示了其对专门用途英语教学以及跨文化交际的启示,从而实现帮助中国英语学习者提高对求职信的实际运用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, following the development of stylistic analysis and discourse analysis, more and more linguists have come to realize the importance of communicative purpose and language strategy in discourse analysis. Consequently, the genre analysis that focuses on the study of communicative purpose and language strategy has become a significant topic in the field of linguistic research. The cover letter is one sub-category of specific letters used to assist applicants concerning interview opportunities. Besides being a certain type of social letter it is also part of the research category of genre analysis. However, at present the domestic research of cover letters mainly focuses on the comparative analysis between Chinese and English cover letters. Studies concerning comparative analysis of English cover letters written by the Chinese and the English are limited. Therefore, this thesis intends to conduct the aforementioned contrastive study to fill that particular gap.There are three research purposes in the present study. The first is to explore the question whether there are differences in the move analysis for the English cover letters written by the Chinese and the English. The second is to find out the reason why the differences exist or why not. The writer tries to analyze this matter from the perspective of the culture factor. The third consists of the writer’s search for some pedagogical implications to guide writing teachers.The data of the present research include thirty English cover letters written by the Chinese and thirty English cover letters written by the English. The thesis analyses sixty English cover letters from the move analysis and strategy analysis then summarizes the similarities and differences of the two kinds of English cover letters, while summing up the cultural factors which cause the differences. The result of this contrastive study demonstrates the existence of certain differences. The generic structure of the English cover letters written by the Chinese is more complex than that written by the English, with fourteen moves in the letters written by the Chinese and ten moves in the letters written by the English. There are also differences with regard to strategy analysis. Finally, the thesis examines the main reasons that cause the differences from the perspective of the social cultural level; that is, the differences between the annular modes and linear modes of thinking respectively, individualism and collectivism, sense of hierarchy and sense of equality. Based on the above research, it is hoped that the research findings can offer some guidance to the Chinese writers. It also shows the enlightenment for ESP teaching and cross-cultural communication to help the English learners in China to improve their language ability.


