

The Preliminary Investigation between the New Policy in Late Qing Dynasty and the Civil Society in Modern China

【作者】 王丛丛

【导师】 郭大松;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 庚子之变后,清政府为了继续其岌岌可危的统治,适应国难后社会各方面的需求,在经济、文化、政治等方面推行了新政措施。在经济上清政府逐渐树立了工商立国的观念,设立商部,颁布了一系列保商奖商的政策律例,并劝办商会;在文化领域内,清政府建立了较为完善的教育行政体系,废除科举制度,兴办新式学堂,并倡办留学教育;在政治领域内,清政府实行预备立宪,积极倡导地方自治运动;此外,清政府在新政时期还积极促进近代传媒业的发展。清政府在各个领域内推行的政策取得了明显的效果,在经济上资本主义工商业经济得到了很大的发展;在思想文化上广泛的传播了西方民主、自由的思想;通过政治上的地方自治运动扩大了人民的参政权利,培育了人们的参政意识;通过开放党禁,允许集会结社等政策,培育了人们的权利意识;此外,在阶级构成上彻底打破了传统的士农工商四民机构,社会上涌现出了一批包括工商业者、新式知识分子和青年学生等在内的近代市民团体,市民阶级逐渐形成并壮大,他们积极的与政府互动,组织了旨在维护本阶级利益的社会活动,市民社会逐渐发育并得到发展。即,清政府自上而下推行的新政,催生了近代中国的市民社会的全面发育。新政之前,中国的一些租界内零零散散的存在着西方式的市民社会。租界内市民社会的发育主要源于西方殖民者将本国的经济体制、政治体制以及文化体制强行移植到租界内,促使了租界内工商业经济、市民文化的不断发展,也促使着政治体制的不断完善,市民社会发育所需的经济、文化以及政治条件成熟,市民社会逐渐形成。清末新政之前,中国的租界内存在着市民社会,其他大部分地区还都是万马齐喑的局面。义和团运动后,清政府推行新政措施,促使了近代中国市民社会全面发育。市民社会产生后,展现了其巨大的能量,反过来促进了清末新政的进一步推行,促进资本主义的发展等等。然而,对于清末的市民社会,学术界未能对其产生的根源做一研究,也未能对其与清末新政的关联做一阐释。因此,本文从清末新政的各项措施入手,剖析近代中国市民社会产生的原因以及发展状况。论文可以分为三大部分共七章:第一部分(第一章)阐述了马克思主义的市民社会及市民阶级,是本文的理论依据。第二部分(第二章、第三章)阐述了清末新政之前的中国社会以及晚清租界内市民社会的发育情况,与清末新政时期社会各个层面的变化以及市民社会的发育相比较。第三部分(第四-七章)通过阐述清末新政的经济、文化及政治政策的颁布、推行以及市民团体的活动,肯定了清末新政时期存在着市民社会。通过以上七章的论述,本文肯定了清末新政直接促进了近代中国市民社会的产生,即清政府推行的经济政策、文化政策以及政治政策,引起了国家与社会关系的变革,国家对社会的控制力逐渐弱化,社会与国家逐步分离,市民社会逐渐形成,市民社会反过来又推动了新政的深入开展。论文肯定了近代中国的确存在着西方式的但又具有中国特色的市民社会,从新的角度拓展了对清末新政的研究,同时对于市民社会发育发展所需“土壤”的分析,对于当今我国构建公民社会提供了一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 After the Boxer movement, the government of the Qing dynasty implemented the new policies in economic, cultural and political aspects in order to continue its precarious rule and deal with the national crisis.In the field of economics, the Qing government gradually established the concept that commerce business can strengthen the country; established the Business Department; issued a series of policies about business and persuaded establish the Chamber of Commerce. In the cultural field, the Qing government established mature educational administrative system, abolished the imperial examination system, founded the westernized schools, and promoted studying abroad. In politics, the Qing government executed the Preparative constitution, actively advocated local autonomy movement. In addition, the Qing government had also actively promoted the development of modern journalism. The series of sweeping reforms of Qing dynasty greatly made the obvious effect, for example, the reforms promoted the development of capitalist industry and commerce; widely disseminated the western democracy and freedom; expanded local autonomy rights and fostered the people’s political participation through the local autonomy campaign; fostered the awareness of people’s rights by lifting the ban on political parties. Besides, the New policy completely broke the traditional classes institutions, and fostered a number of modern civic groups, civil classes gradually expanded and they positively interacted with the government, they also launched social activities which aimed at safeguarding the interests of the class, and the civil society developed. That is, the Qing government implemented the New Policy from top to bottom and eventually gave birth to the Civil Society in modern China.Before the New policy, there also existed civil society in the foreign settlements in modern China. The western colonists in the foreign settlements forcibly transplanted their own economic system, political system and cultural system into settlements, which prompted the development of industrial and commercial economy, citizen culture and political system. These all prompted the development of the civil society. So before the New policy, there existed the civil society in foreign settlements and most other areas still were conservative depressing situation.After the Boxer movement, the Qing government implemented the New policy, which fostered the civil society comprehensively in modern China. After the generation, the Civil Society demonstrated tremendous energy, which in turn promoted the further implementation of the New Policy in late Qing dynasty and the development of capitalism and so on. However, the academia hasn’t researched the root cause of the civil society, and also failed to interpret the connection between the civil society and New Policy. Therefore, the article will analysis the causes and development of the civil society in modern China from the view of the New Policy in late Qing dynasty.This paper can be divided into three parts including seven chapters: the first part (chapter 1) expounds the Marx’s civil society and bourgeois, this is the theory basis of the paper. The second part (chapter2 - chapter 3) expounds the conservative depressing society and the civil society in foreign settlements before the New policy, which can compare with the civil society during the period of the New policy. The third part (chapter4 - chapter 7) affirms the existence of the civil society in modern china through the elaboration of implementation of the New policy and the movements of the bourgeois.Through these three parts, this paper is sure that the New Policy directly contributes to the civil society in modern China. The Qing government implemented the New policy, which caused the change in relationship between the state and the society, the state control was gradually blurred, the society and the state gradually separated, and civil society gradually formed. The civil society in turn pushed the development of the New policy. This paper affirms that there did exist the western civil society but with Chinese characteristics, which extends the new study about the New policy in the Qing dynasty from a new perspective, at the same time, the analysis of the“soil”of the civil society will offers instructive significance for building the citizen society nowadays.


