

Studies on Creative Features and Playing Characteristics of Brahms’ "Piano Rhapsody"

【作者】 徐勤娜

【导师】 王秀敏;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 约翰尼斯·勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms,1833—1897),德国作曲家、钢琴家。勃拉姆斯热爱民族文化,他的音乐创作取得了辉煌的成就,整整一代作曲家都受到其音乐风格之魅力和权威性的深刻影响。在众多的研究评论中,十九世纪德奥浪漫主义时期作曲家约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯常常被视为保守的传统主义音乐创作者,德国古典作曲家中的“最后一人”。其实这一评价并不全面,它忽视了勃拉姆斯音乐中的创新精神。事实上,勃拉姆斯的音乐既有传统的方面,又有创新的方面。在勃拉姆斯的一些作品中,我们能明显的感觉到其中的浪漫主义情怀。本文试图借助勃拉姆斯的创作背景与创作环境,以勃拉姆斯《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)为例,从古典主义和浪漫主义的双重角度,进行创作特征与演奏特点的研究,以期进一步提高本人的音乐素养和研究水平,同时能够对勃拉姆斯研究者带来一点点的帮助。不周之处,请专家老师们批评指正。本文拟从以下章节行文研究:第一章勃拉姆斯及其《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)的创作背景本章节简要介绍了勃拉姆斯的生平,对其生活环境和创作背景进行了分析,以更全面的介绍《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)的创作。第二章《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)的创作特征本章节从《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)旋律的特点、曲式结构特点、交响性特点等方面对其进行研究分析,论证了乐曲既具有古典主义的内在美,又具有浪漫主义的时代气息。第三章《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)的演奏特点本章节通过对《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)演奏提示的理解、各种技巧的分析、风格的处理等方面分析研究其演奏特点。只有掌握了其演奏特点,演奏者才能更准确地表达音乐情绪,彰显勃拉姆斯音乐的无限魅力!结语通过以上对《钢琴狂想曲》(Op.79.No.1)创作特征与演奏特点的分析研究,进一步论证了勃拉姆斯音乐的创新性—勃拉姆斯运用古典主义的严谨曲式结构,创作出了具有浪漫主义情怀的音乐作品。勃拉姆斯是一位伟大的改革者,其音乐创作对二十世纪音乐产生了重大而深远的影响,也掀起了人们“听”勃拉姆斯、重新审视勃拉姆斯音乐的热潮。

【Abstract】 Johannes Brahms (1833—1897), German composer and pianist, loved national culture. His music has made brilliant achievements, which has deeply influenced a whole generation of composers with its charm of musical style and authority. In the nineteenth century during the German and Austrian Romantic Period, Johannes Brahms is often seen as a conservative traditionalist music creators and the "last man" among the German classical composers in numerous research comments. This evaluation is not comprehensive, since it ignored the spirit of innovation in Brahms’music. In effect, Brahms’s music both has traditional aspects and aspect of innovation as well. In some works of Brahms, we can obviously feel the romantic feelings. This article attempts to get help from Brahms’writing background and creation environment .Take Brahms’"Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1)for example, this essay tries to probe into its creative features and playing characteristics from the dual viewpoints of classicism and romanticism to further improve my music accomplishment and research levels .Meanwhile, I wish that it can bring a little bit of assistance for the researchers of Brahms. I expect that this will raise attention from more scholars and welcome criticism on my article.This article involves four chapters.ChapterⅠ: Brahms and the creative background of "Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1).This section briefly describes Brahms’s life, and analyzes his living conditions and creation background for a more comprehensive introduction to the creation of "Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1).ChapterⅡ: The creative features of "Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1).This section studies and analyzes "Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1)from the melody and rhythm, harmony and musical form, symphonic characteristic features and other aspects to demonstrates that it has both inner beauty of the classical music and a romantic flavor of the times.ChapterⅢ: The playing characteristics of "Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1).This section analyzes its playing characteristics by understanding the performance introduction of "Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1), grasping a variety of techniques, handling the styles and other aspects. Only with the playing characteristics can the players more accurately convey the musical mood, highlight the infinite charm of Brahms music.The last section demonstrates the innovativeness of Brahms’music- Brahms uses strict classical musical structure to create music with romantic feelings by analyzing the creative features and playing characteristics of "Piano Rhapsody" (Op.79.No.1).Brahms was a great reformer. His music not only had a significant and far-reaching impact on the 20th century music, but also set off people to "hear" Brahms, to re-examine the boom of Brahms’music.


