

A Study on "Book of Songs "Agricultural Ritual Poems

【作者】 蒋胜波

【导师】 周远斌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《诗经》是我国古代第一部诗歌总集,它反映了西周初年到春秋中叶的政治、经济、文化、生活等各个方面,《诗经》中的农祭诗记载了周人的农业祭祀活动。这些农业祭祀诗深刻反映了周人的宗教思想和当时周代的祭祀礼仪制度,同时也向后人展示了西周社会农业发展水平,为我们了解周代社会农业发展状况提供了最为鲜活的原始材料。祭祀是远古先人一项重要的活动,表现在生活的方方面面。农业是立国之本,祭祀必然渗透于农业生产的各个环节中。周人通过农业祭祀来求得生产的丰收和部族的繁衍,同时寄寓着周代劳动人民改造自然、控制自然的愿望。这种愿望虽有浓重的幻想成分,但客观上增强了人们征服自然的信心。因而,围绕农业生产,周人设置了种类繁多的农业祭祀,场面都极其隆重而热烈。祭祀作为祭祀文化最具表现力的载体,是祭祀文化的“物质外壳”。通过农业祭祀仪式的观察和分析,我们就可以窥探到周人的内心世界和当时的农业祭祀文化。因此,从农业祭祀诗的角度来研究周代农业社会,能使我们了解先秦时期带有神秘、朦胧色彩的原始祭祀文化,同时也能让人深刻的理解中华民族农耕文化的精神特征。基于以上目的,本论文对《诗经》中的农祭诗进行深入研究,结合先秦典籍来探讨农祭诗中所蕴含的农业文化,以期使人更好的了解周代社会的农业生产力发展水平和生产关系的状况,进而窥探周代劳动人民生活的基本文化面貌。论文的主要内容包括以下几个部分:第一章确定《诗经》中农祭诗的划分标准和农祭诗基本的篇目,同时系统的梳理了先秦到当代《诗经》农祭诗的研究历程,概括出不同时代的研究特点,使人了解到前人农祭诗的研究成就和存在的不足。第二章分析农祭诗产生的基础。这部分主要从周代先进农业劳动工具的使用、农业耕作管理方法等方面来显示周代农业的巨大进步,这是农祭诗产生的物质基础;然后分别从农祭诗产生的思想基础和宗教基础来分别加以论述。第三章研究农祭诗中的祭祀礼仪制度。这部分论述农祭诗反映的周代籍田礼礼俗、农业祭祀前的准备情况和农业祭祀的具体仪式。从农业祭祀祭品的种类和要求、农业祭祀仪式的庄严肃穆、井然有序和祭祀结束后的同族宴饮等方面来了解当时周代的农业祭祀风俗习惯。第四章农祭诗的祭祀对象和祭祀中周人表现的情感。农业祭祀对象主要为农业保护神和周部族自己的先祖,其中以祖先祭祀为主。在农业祭祀中周人还表现出消弭灾祸的祈求、同族同宗的自豪之情,整个祭祀仪式热烈而欢快,更好的表现出了周人和谐的人际关系。第五章深入探析农祭诗蕴含的思想。主要从三个方面来展开:周代对农业生产技术的不断研究、周人“不误农时”的劳动观念和统治者与普通民众以农为本的劳动观念等方面体现出的重农思想;周代统治者以重视农业的实际行动来获取民众支持的政治思想;周人特有的天命观思想和“先人事而后鬼神”的理性精神。第六章解析农祭诗的文学艺术成就。这个部分主要从对周代农业祭祀生活和周人劳动品格的真实再现,农祭诗特有的叙述结构,农祭诗的语言艺术等方面来分析探讨农祭诗存在的文学价值。第七章农祭诗对后世诗歌的影响。本章主要从农祭诗对后世诗歌题材的开拓和农祭诗写实风格对后世诗歌的影响,这两方面来阐述对中国古代诗歌的影响。《诗经》因它在中国文学史上的重要地位,历来都是人们的研究重点。虽然横向纵向的研究都十分的深入,但是从农业祭祀诗来研究还是有很大的领域去探索。基于此,本论文力图对《诗经》中农祭诗的研究来总体把握周代的农业祭祀礼制文化和农业文明,同时从文学的角度来审视农祭诗的文学价值。论文这七个方面相互联系,构成一个统一的整体,希望能为《诗经》研究尽自己的一点绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 "Book of Songs" is our first collection of poems in the ancient, and it reflects the political, economic, cultural, life and other aspects during the period from the early West Zhou Dynasty to the middle age of Spring and Autumn period, the poems of agricultural worship of "Book of Songs" records the agricultural festivals in the Zhou Dynasty. These poems of agricultural worship profoundly reflects the religious ideas and the system of sacrifices, as well as the level of agricultural development of the West Zhou dynasty, which also provide the most vivid raw materials of the Zhou Dynasty to our understanding of agricultural and social development.The worship is an important activity for the ancient ancestors, reflected in all aspects of life; agriculture is the foundation of a nation, sacrifices permeate every aspect of agricultural production inevitably. The people in the Zhou Dynasty obtained the harvest of agricultural production and tribal reproduction through agricultural worship,and ignited people’s desire for transforming nature, controlling of natural, although this desire contains strong fantasy elements, objectively strengthened people’s confidence to conquer nature. Thus, people in the Zhou Dynasty set up a wide variety of agricultural sacrifices on the aspect of agricultural production, the scene is very grand and warm. Sacrifices as the most expressive carrier of ritual culture, and is also its "material shell". Through the observation and analysis of ritual culture, we can glimpse into the inner world of people and the culture of agricultural worship in the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, from the perspective of agricultural worship to research agricultural society of the Zhou Dynasty can make people understand with the mysterious, hazy colors of the original sacrificial culture, but also can make people understand Chinese farming culture spirit deeply.Based on the above purpose, the thesis develops a in-depth study on the poems of agricultural worship of "Book of Songs", combined with the classical literature in the pre-Qin Dynasty to explore the agricultural culture inherent in the poems of agricultural worship to make people better understand the situation of a forces and relations of production in the Zhou Dynasty, and then attempt to find out the basic cultural outlook of the laborers in the Zhou Dynasty .The main contents include the following components:Chapter one offers the criteria and the basic items of the poems of agricultural worship in the "Book of Songs"; and systematic analysis the research course poems of agricultural worship in the "Book of Songs" from the early Qin Dynasty to contemporary, summarized the study characteristics of different times, make people understand the research achievements and shortcomings of the poems of agricultural worship.Chapter two analyzes the basic origin of poems of agricultural worship. This part mainly from the aspects of the use of the main advanced instruments of labor and farming management methods in the Zhou Dynasty to show the tremendous progress in agriculture in the Zhou Dynasty, which is offering the material basis of the poetry; and then from the aspects of the ideological foundation and religious basis of the origins of poems of agricultural worship to make a respectively analysis.Chapter three researches the etiquette system of the agricultural sacrifices recorded in the poetry, this part discusses JiTian Ceremony, the preparation of the ceremony and the specific circumstances of the ceremony. To understand the agricultural ritual customs from the aspects of the types and requirements of offerings; the solemn and orderly of the agriculture ritual ceremony, and the feast with the family at the end of the ritual, etc.Chapter four focuses on ritual objects of the poetry and people’s emotion in the ritual performance in the Zhou Dynasty. In order to get agricultural harvest and happiness, the objects of the agricultural ritual is the worship of God on agricultural protection and the worship of ancestors, the latter is the main activity. People’s agricultural worship in the Zhou Dynasty also displays their pray for eliminating the disasters, and their feeling of being pride in the same original family, the whole ritual is warm and cheerful, and better performance out of people’s harmonious interpersonal relationships in the Zhou Dynasty.Chapter five makes a deep analysis of the ideology in the poetry. In the following three main areas to expand, the constant research on the agricultural technology, people’s attitude of "do not miss farming season," and the labor and the rulers’concept of states to agricultural-based and other agricultural-based mind; the rulers’political thought of attaching importance to agriculture to get people’s support; people’s unique destiny view and the rational spirit "people first and then spirits".Chapter six analyzes the achievement of literature and art of the poetry. This section mainly from the aspects of the exact reproduction of the life of agricultural worship of the Zhou Dynasty and the character of labor; the unique narrative structure of the poetry; the art of the language in the poetry to analyze the literary value of the poetry of agricultural worship.Chapter seven focuses on the poetry of agricultural worship’s influence on the later ages’poetry. The chapter mainly from the two aspects of the exploration of the theme of later ages’poetic by the poetry of agricultural worship and the influence of realism attitude of the poetry of agricultural worship on the later ages’poetry to elaborate its influence on the ancient Chinese poetry."Book of Songs" has always been a research focus for its important position in Chinese literary history. Although the vertical and horizontal research is very in-depth, as if from the perspective of agricultural ritual have a lot of areas to explore. Based on this, the paper tries to overall grasp of the culture of the system of agricultural sacrifices and agricultural civilization through the poetry of agricultural worship in "Book of Songs", and from a literary point of view to survey the literary value of the poetry of agricultural worship. The seven parts of the papers combine with each other to form a unified whole, hoping to do a bit for the research of "Book of Songs".

【关键词】 农祭诗农业文明祭祀文化文学价值
【Key words】 AgriculturePoetryFestivalAgriculturalcivilizationSacrificeLiteraryvalue

