

Study on Macrofauna and Assay of Water Quality of Wetland at Downstream of Beiyunhe River

【作者】 刘光华

【导师】 付荣恕;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 动物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 多年来,北运河一直受到人类干扰活动的影响,水体富营养化严重。大型底栖动物是湿地生态系统中的重要类群,因此对大型底栖动物的研究不仅可以掌握其群落结构,还可以反映水质的污染情况。2010年,对北运河下游大黄堡湿地自然保护区的大型底栖动物进行采集,并对其种类组成、数量分布、群落结构及多样性、环境因子影响和水质生物评价进行了初步研究。根据大黄堡湿地自然保护区的水流情况,设置5个采样点。2010年3月到10月逐月进行野外采集。采样方法分为定量采集和定性采集,各个采样点重复采集两次。样品经网筛过滤分捡后进行分类鉴定,并对每个采集点的样品进行数量统计和生物量的测定;利用密度、生物量分析群落的时间动态和季节差异;运用生物多样性指数和相似性指数进行群落多样性分析及群落聚类分析;采用H、BPI和FBI三种指数进行水质生物评价。本研究共采集到大型底栖动物37属40种,其中水生昆虫幼虫占65%,寡毛类占17.5 %,水生昆虫幼虫主要由摇蚊幼虫构成。根据捕获的个体数量得出,寡毛类和摇蚊类是大型底栖动物的优势类群,构成了大黄堡湿地自然保护区大型底栖动物群落的主体。其中寡毛类占捕获总量的比例最大,为63.13%,是最稳定最主要的类群。春夏秋三季大型底栖动物群落的类群较单一且变化不明显,类群构成较稳定。大型底栖动物群落的密度和生物量整体变化趋势是:3到5月递增,5到10月递减,最高值均出现在5月份。大型底栖动物群落的密度和生物量季节变化规律是:春季>夏季>秋季。各季节中密度和生物量的最高采集点均出现在进水口。3月至10月的Margaleff丰富度指数和Shannon-Weiner多样性指数均在5月份达到最大值(分别为2.5964和3.3522),且8月份为最小值;Simpson优势度指数却恰恰相反;Pielou均匀度指数的月份变化规律不明显,各月份的指数值变化相差不大。各采集点的Margaleff丰富度指数和Shannon-Weiner多样性指数季节变化明显,春季>夏季>秋季。不同采样点的群落相似性较高,相似性系数最高达0.8557。聚类分析表明:在0.5水平上,分为两组,芦苇采样点构成一组,其它采样点共同构成另一组。相似性系数和聚类分析表明在不同采集点的大型底栖动物群落的结构变化不大,群落结构相似。大型底栖动物群落多样性与氨氮、总氮、总磷、溶解氧、pH和高锰酸钾的相关性都不显著。主要是所捕获的大型底栖动物群落以高耐污的类群组成,理化指标的小幅度变化对群落影响不大。通过对各样点的多样性比较,芦苇采样点比广阔的水域更适合大型底栖动物的生长,生物多样性更高,可以看出植被对大型底栖动物群落具显著地影响。利用大型底栖动物群落生物指数对水质进行评价,各月份的生物学污染指数值均大于1.0,科级水平生物指数值都大于6.50,表明各月份水质都有不同程度的污染。生物学污染指数和科级水平生物指数显示8月份的指数值最大(分别为4.15和9.64),污染程度最严重。在春夏秋三季中,除春季芦苇、交界和岸边采集点的H值显示水质清洁,其余均表明水质受到污染,但污染程度不一。从采集样点污染程度来看,流经大黄堡湿地自然保护区的水质并没有得到良好的改善,在出水口采集样点的水质有恶化的趋势,仅是在芦苇采集样点水质有所好转。这与湿地下游的人工干扰活动和挺水植物、浮水植物、微生物群落的缺乏有关。根据测定的H、BPI、FBI三种指数并结合理化指标表明,该水域已经受到严重的污染,水体富营养化严重。

【Abstract】 The aquatic eutrophication has been seriously induced via human activity in Beiyunhe River during these years. The study of macrofauna could absorbed the community structure and reflected water quality as a result of the fact that macrofauna is an important component in wetland ecosystem. Sampling of macrofauna was carried out at Dahuangpu Wetland Natural Conservation located on the downstream of Beiyunhe River from March to October, 2010, based on which species composition and quantitative distribution, community structure and diversity, the effect of environmental factor and bioassay of water quality were discussed in present study.Samples, including quantitative collection and qualitative collection, were taken at 5 sites set according to the conditions of water current at every month interval. 2 reduplications were done at each sampling site. Quantitative statistics and determination of biomass were carried out after classification. Density biomass analysis, biodiversity index analysis, similarity clustering analysis were performed to evaluate the time dynamics and seasonal difference of community, community diversity, and to compare the similarity among sites, respectively. Meanwhile, H, BPI and FBI were used for bioassay of water quality.Macrofauna including 65% aquatic insects, mainly tendipes, 17.5% oligochaeta distributed in 37 genus and 40 species. The results indicated that tendipes and oligochaeta were dominant in the macrofauna community with the later being most stable and in the largest percentage (63.13%). Group composition of macrofauna community was simple and stable from spring to fall. The trends of changes in density and biomass towards increasing from March to May, then decreasing till October with peak value occurring both in May was apparent. Both density and biomass showed the most quantity from sampling site at water intake.Both Index of Margaleff and Shannon-Weiner went up to peak in May (2.5964 and 3.3522, respectivly) , and down to valley in August; while Simpson index happened reversely; seasonal changes of Pielou index was not distinct. Margaleff and Shannon-Weiner showed evident seasonal changes among sampling sites: spring>summer>autumn. Similarity coefficient was 0.8557 at most, indicating high similarity between communities. Cluster analysis demonstrated that it could be divided into two groups including the reedmarshes and the group containing all other sites at 0.5 level. Similarity analysis together with cluster analysis indicated similar community struture of macrofauna among different sites.No significant correlation was observed between biodiversity and NH4+, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, DO, pH and KMnO4 as a result of the group composition containing mainly groups with high tolerance value. The results of biodiversity index analysis indicated that reedmarshes, other than vast waters, was preferentially suitable for the survival of macrofauna, where the biodiversity was higher. It could be inferred that vegetation had significant effect on the macrofauna community.The biological index showed that biological pollution index was greater than 1.0, and family biotic index was more than 6.50 in every month, indicating water pollution to varying degrees in different months. Biological pollution index and family biotic index which were both the greatest in August (4.15 and 9.64, respectively) demonstrated that pollution was the most serious in August. Value of H indicated pollution of different levels from spring to autumn with exception of results from sites at reedmarshes, border and side in spring. The analysis of level of pollution at different sites indicated that the water showed little improvement on quality when floating across the wetland, the water quality got worse at water outlet with quality improvement only at reedmarshes. Human disturbance and lacking of emergent aquatic plant, floating vegetation and microrganism community were associated with present environmental condition. The comprehensive analysis of H, BPI, FBI, physical and chemical character demonstrated that the water body had been seriously polluted, and was at high level of eutrophication.


