

Shandong Bandit Cultural First Exploration

【作者】 闫英华

【导师】 秦永洲;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 盗贼现象是中国漫长历史上循环往复的主题之一。每当王朝嬗变、分裂、混乱时,盗贼便从中国社会的裂缝中钻出来孳事。盗贼作为文明社会的黑暗面,几乎与文明同步产生。山东文明的历史悠久,盗的历史同样源远流长。远古时期山东地区就已出现盗。少昊时代设立主管盗贼的官职——司寇。蚩尤率领部族公然寇盗,延及于平民也公然攘夺。舜时命皋陶制定刑法,来制裁日益增多的盗活动。山东远古还有嫦娥窃药奔月的美丽传说。西周有分工详细的主管盗贼官职。春秋战国时期盗大量出现,鲁国更以“鲁多盗”而闻名。其时窃盗、劫盗、盗贼集团开始出现,已基本具备后世盗的类型。秦汉时期少年为盗,大量群体盗的存在成为其主要特点。魏晋大动荡时期以劫盗为主。隋唐时期盗贼蜂起,啸聚山林成为山东盗活动的主要方式。宋元明清时期盗贼伎俩花样增多,日渐翻新,飞天大盗、文人雅盗时有出现。利用宗教、秘密会社参与盗是其重要现象。而群盗则时起时伏,一直存在于山东社会之中。民国时期山东是匪患最严重的省份,群盗如毛,各地没有一处净土。山东自古强盗众多。山东多山地丘陵、负山濒海、湖泊众多、河网密布、港汊交错等为盗的存在提供了有利的地理环境条件。重要的经济地位使山东人民承担着更重的赋税徭役,不堪忍受的部分山东人民被迫为盗,成为盗产生的主导原因。特殊的军事地位使山东成为战争的多发之地,人民饱受战乱之苦,家园残破,无以为生,不得不走上为盗之路。山东人自古崇尚武勇,具有侠肝义胆、见义勇为、除暴安良的侠义精神,这培育了山东人勇于抗争,喜好反抗的传统。当社会黑暗不公时,为盗成为山东人维护公平正义的方式之一。墨家侠义思想的传承,《水浒传》的广泛传播,成为山东多盗的文化根源。王朝末年的大灾荒,导致百姓极度贫困,是为盗的最后杠杆。总之,天灾人祸,交相迭加,从而盗贼蜂起。盗也是一种文化现象,属于民间亚文化。盗生存于社会边缘阶层,有其产生、存在、发展、兴盛的具体过程和合理原因。我们从文化视角来分析山东盗,他们呈现出特有的面貌。鲁国大盗盗跖提出“盗亦有道”,成为山东盗的最高职业道德标准。山东盗深受儒墨两家文化的影响,有着独特的仁义观。盗贼之间最重义气,敬佩义士,多有善举。尊崇孝道是山东盗突出的道德人格素养。替天行道是山东盗的内在使命和责任,因而浓厚的皇权主义思想是山东盗突出的表现。

【Abstract】 Bandits phenomenon is supirior theme of China’s long history.Whenever dynasty transmutation, splitting, chaos, a rogue comes from China social the cracks of the drill out fruits. Bandits as the dark side of civilized society, with nearly civilization synchronous generation. Shandong province with a long history of civilization, banditings history also have a very long history.Ancient times the shandong area already appeared bandit. ShaoHao era bandits have happen and set SiKou official. ChiYou with tribal in civilian also robbed publicly. Shun oredered that GaoTao formuated Criminal Law to sanctions bandits activities.The Charng-er stolen medicine to moon in Xia Dynasty. The western zhou dynasty had established division detailed bandits official post. Spring and autumn and warring states period appered a large of bandits. Lu Kingdom were famous with more bandits . When theft, robber, bandits,bandits group began to appear, later has basically met the type of robber. The Qin dynasty and Han dynasty period for stealing, a lot of groups teenager stolen and group of bandits existence as its main characteristics. With great turbulence period of WeiJin survive robber primarily. Sui and Tang dynasties appered a Large of bandits.They lived mountain forest.This were the main way of shandong bandits activities.AT Song and Yuan and Ming and qin dynasties bandits’s trick pattern increase, increasingly face-lifting, flying thieves, scholars thieves have appeared, stolen. Use of religion, secret societies part in stolen is one of the most important phenomenon. And the group of bandits arised and calmed down from time to time, always exist in shandong society. During the period of the republic shandong bandits is the most serious,bandits lived all rituals.Shandong ancient robber many. Shandong been hills, negative mountains, lakes and numerous and river coastal .This provides favorable geographical environment conditions of existence of bandits.Important economic position makes the shandong people to bear the heavier corvee taxes, unbearable part of shandong people were forced to steal, becoming the dominant reason stolen produce. Special military position makes the shandong becoming the multiple land of war. The war ravaged homes , without for a living, people have to on the road for banditing. since ancient times Shandong people advocated martial arts, so Shandong people are brave , heroic, and has the chivalrous spirit.this produced shandong people to fight, the resistance of the traditional preferences. When social injustice, dark that bandits are one way of maintenancing justice. The inheritance of mohism chivalrous thought and widely spread of the tale of the marshes, become stolen cultural roots of shandong more. Big famine of dynasty last lead to extreme poverty, is the last lever for banditing. In short, natural and man-made disasters natural result in more bandits.Bandits is also a cultural phenomenon, belong to folk subculture. Bandits live in social edge class, has its produce, existence and development, flourishing the detailed process and the reasonable reasons. We analyze the shandong bandits from cultural Angle, they show a unique display. DaoZhi of Lu kingdom proposed“bandits has road”, become the highest professional ethical standards of Shandong bandits. Confucian and Mohism influence deeply Shandong bandits,so has the unique righteousness view. Great-hearted are heaviest between bandits. Bandits admire a high-minded or chivalrous person,and has many good deeds. Exalting filial piety is the higest standing moral personality literacy of Shandong bandits. Enforce justice on behalf of Heaven is the inner mission and responsibilities of Shandong bandits, and strong imperial socialist thought is prominent expression in Shandong bandits.

【关键词】 山东盗亦有道
【Key words】 Shandongstealingthievesrobberbandits

