

【作者】 马培兵

【导师】 刘涛;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 沙滩足球是在沙地上进行的五人制赤足对抗赛,是一项集竞技性、艺术性、观赏性和趣味性于一体的新兴足球运动。目前处于起步阶段,有非常广阔的发展前景。沙滩足球运动在世界已广泛开展,并受到广大群众和球迷的欢迎和参与,在中国也有一定发展。在高校开展沙滩足球运动突破了校园内进行传统体育教学形式,使学生真正能够体验到运动的乐趣。随着我国沙滩足球运动发展和高校体育改革不断加深,各高校据现有条件和经验开设沙滩足球课程具有非常广阔的前景。特别是我省沿海城市高校较多,为沙滩足球运动开展提供了便利条件,这既顺应了沙滩足球运动在中国和世界快速的发展趋势,又为高校体育课程改革提供了探索方法和新思路。因此,研究山东省高校沙滩足球课程开展的必要性和可行性有重要的现实意义和社会意义。本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等写作方法,以山东省十所高校为研究对象对沙滩足球课程在山东省高校开展的可能性和必要性进行了分析,在得出结论的基础上提出相应建议和对策,可为山东省乃至中国在高校开展沙滩足球课程提供借鉴和参考。可行性从场地、学生、教师和政策环境方面进行了分析。目前高校内场地还很少,在教学、训练等方面会受到一定限制,但校外有很多可利用的场地,例如:青岛市第一海水浴场和青岛市第三海水浴场;临沂滨河健身长廊;东营市清风湖公园北门沙滩海滨浴场。而且各多数高校近几年投资扩建较大,有足够的场地来建设沙滩足球场,沙滩足球场建设资金耗费也较少、效益高。各高校足球教师资源比较丰富,但是缺乏专门的沙滩足球教师,这也是我们需要解决的问题。学生对沙滩足球运动作为选修课的接受性比较高,能够达到开设沙滩足球作为选修课的要求,学生对沙滩足球运动的兴趣较高。山东省高校开设沙滩足球课程必要性方面分析了新课程教学改革思想模式;学生终身体育意识,生理、心理、社会适应能力的发展;提高山东省沙滩足球水平;为国家队输送高水平运动员等方面做了分析。得出结论:山东省有必要在高校中开设沙滩足球课程。本文在得出在山东省高校开展沙滩足球课程既可行又必要结论的情况下,在对策方面进行深刻的探讨。体育职能部门要加强监督,有计划地检查和督导高校沙滩足球课程的开展;定期举办沙滩足球赛;根据学生和教师反馈的信息制定相应的政策;推动高校沙滩足球的发展。师资方面要进行针对性改革,定期组织教师参加培训,不断优化师资队伍;要完善教师教育体系,深化人事制度改革,加强教师队伍建设;培养一大批在教育教学工作中起骨干、示范作用的优秀教师。沙滩足球教学指导思想:高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以邓小平同志“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”和江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想为指导,坚持教育必须为社会主义现代化建设服务,为人民服务,必须与生产劳动和社会实践相结合,培养德、智、体、美等全面发展的合格的社会注意建设者和劳动者。沙滩足球课程的培养目标:通过沙滩足球课程学习,使学生了解沙滩足球运动的起源、发展、重大赛事情况和相关组织机构;基本掌握沙滩足球比赛方法和竞赛规则;掌握沙滩足球基本技术、基本战术,并能在比赛中合理运用;促进高校学生德、智、体、美的全面和谐发展,养成自我锻炼的习惯并为终身体育意识提供必备的知识和技能。开设沙滩足球课程宜采全校随机组合模式,打破系别、班级建制、全校随机组合授课模式有助于同学之间交流。宜把沙滩足球课安排在第五学期、第六学期或第七学期,这可防止学生沉迷于网络,可缓解学生就业压力,使学生融入到大自然、沙滩、阳光和激情四射的运动中。采取小班授课模式,能培养学生健康的情感,促进了学生的全面发展。教师有更多的机会进行个别辅导、因材施教,能更有针对性的进行个别指导,有效地提高了教学效果。在教师、学生和教学评价过程中要做到明确评价内容、评价标准,选择并设计评价制度与评价方法。要积极收集和分析反映学生发展过程和结果的资料、明确促进学生发展要点并随时制定和改进计划。高校沙滩足球教材要有梯度、有层次、有衔接性。教学内容、教学方法要从培养学生的兴趣和终身体育观念出发。课程内容要与体育课程标准接轨,突出娱乐、健身为主要目的,实现学生娱乐、健身、交际、锻炼目的,以便能够奠定终身体育的意识,并为沙滩足球运动普及和推广奠定良好基础。

【Abstract】 Beachsocccer is a five-a-side tournament, is a barefoot integrating athletics, artistic, appreciation and interesting as one of the emerging soccer movement. At present in the initial stage, has broad development prospects. Beachsoccer in the world has been extensively, and by the general public and fans welcomed and participation, in China also have certain development. Beachsoccer breakthrough in university to carry out the traditional sports teaching on campus form, make students really experience enjoyment. With China’s Beachsoccer development and the colleges and universities’’ PE reform deepened ceaselessly, various universities according to the existing conditions and experience of Beachsoccer course opened with very broad prospect. Especially in circumlittoral city colleges and universities, provides the convenience, this already complied with Beachsoccer in China and the world, and the development trend of college physical education curriculum reform for provides exploration methods and new ideas. Therefore, Beachsoccer in shandong province colleges and universities the necessity and feasibility of course has important realistic meaning and social significance.In this paper the writing methods has utilizes the literature material law, expert interview, questionnaire and statistics.In this paper, ten universities in shandong province as the research object to research the Beachsocccer course’s possibility and necessity to carry out are analyzed, the basis of the conclusion, and put forward corresponding suggestions and countermeasures for shandong province and even in China’s beachsocccer courses in colleges provides reference.From colleges and universities sites, likely students, teachers and policy environment are analyzed. Colleges and universities is still very little inside venues for teaching and training, will be restricted certainly, but there are many available outside the venues, such as: Qingdao first seawater bathing and Qingdao article seawater bathing; Linyi water-front fitness corridor; Dongying city north beach cool lake park seaside resort. And the most universities in recent years, have enough investment expansion of larger venues construction beachsoccer, beachsocccer construction costs less money, high efficiency. Each college football teacher resources abundant, but lacks special beachsoccer teachers, this is we need to solve. Students in beachsoccer as elective receptive to open, and can achieve higher requirements of beachsoccer as elective courses, students are interested in beachsoccer is higher.Shandong colleges and universities offers the necessity of beachsoccer course, analyzed the new curriculum educational reform thinking mode、the student lifelong sports consciousness、the student physiology、psychology and social adaptation ability development、to improve the level of shandong province. From these analysis we can draw the conclusion: shandong necessary opened in colleges and universities in beachsoccer courses.In this paper, in the eastern of shandong university to carry out beachsoccer is feasible and necessary conclusion situation, we strategy in the deeply discussed after draw the conclusion of carry out beachsoccer is feasible and necessary in Shandong province colleges and universities.The sports Functional departments must strengthen the surveillance, has the plan inspection and the direction university beachsoccer curriculum development; Holds the beachsoccer games regularly, feeds back the information formulation corresponding policy according to the students and the teachers, impels the university beachsoccer has development.The teachers must carry on the pointed reform, organizes the teachers to participate in training regularly, optimizes the teachers troop unceasingly; Must consummate the teachers to educate the system, the deepening personnel system reform, strengthens the teacher troop construction; Raises one in large numbers of the education teaching profession the backbone, the exemplary role prominent teacher.Beachsoccer teaching guiding principle: Lifts up high the Deng Xiaoping Theory great banner,“the education must face the modernization: face world, face the future and face the modern”and Comrade Jiang Zemin“The Three Represents”the important thoughts are the instruction, insisted that educates must serve for the socialist modernization, serves for the people, must unifies, raises the morality, intelligence and physiqueand so on. Full scale development the qualified society with the productive labor and the social practice pays attention to the constructor.Beachsoccer raise goal: Through to the beachsoccer’s study, makes the student unders Beachsoccer’s origin, development, the important sports event situation and the related organizations, master beachsoccer’s competition method and the contest basically rule , grasps the beachsoccer basic strokes, the essential tactic, and can in the competition can reasonable use utilization, the promotion university student morality, intelligence and physique, comprehensive accord development, fosters the self-exercise to the lifelong physical culture consciousness provide the necessary knowledge and skills.Opens the Beachsoccer curriculum to pick the entire school stochastic combination pattern suitably, and break series, classes and grades organization system, the entire school stochastic combination teaching pattern to be helpful classmates’ exchange.Suitably Beachsoccer class arrangement in the fifth semester、the sixth semester perhaps the seventh semester, is helpful for students goes out the network, and to go outside from causes to integrate in the movement in nature, sand beach, sunlight and fervor four shoots. Adopts the bottom class in kindergarten volume teaching pattern, can raises the students health, promoted student’s full scale development. The teachers has more opportunities to carry on the individual coaching, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, can more target-oriented carry on the particular guidance, enhanced the teaching effect effectively.In the teachers、the students and in the teaching appraisal process achieve are clear about the appraisal content, the evaluation criteria, chooses and designs the appraisal tool and the assessment method, collects positively and analyzes reflected the students developing process and the result material, is clear promotes the main point which the students develops and momentarily works out the improve plan.The colleges and universities Beachsoccer teaching material should including gradient、steps、to have the connection. The course content, the teaching method need from to raise student’s interests and the lifelong physical culture idea to embark. The curriculum content should including sports curriculum standard trail connection、prominent entertainment、the fitness main purpose、realizes the student entertainment、the fitness、the human relations、the exercise goal to establish the lifelong physical culture consciousness, and lays the good foundation for Beachsoccer’s popularization and the promotion.


