

A Study About the Succession Problem for Clothing Family-Owned Business

【作者】 王川

【导师】 蒋智威;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 服装设计与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 兴起于70年代末80年代初的服装家族企业在我国服装行业中有着举足轻重的地位,历经近30年发展,即将面临或已经进入企业领导权由第一代向第二代的交接。如何进行成功的传承已经成为服装家族企业或服装品牌生存与发展的战略性问题。因此,开展对我国服装家族企业传承的专项研究,具有重要的现实意义。本文研究主要内容如下:(1)探讨我国服装家族企业传承研究的重要性和必要性。(2)通过“家族”、“企业”、“家族企业”和一般传承理论研究,界定“服装家族企业”和“传承”概念。分析了“行为学理论”、“人格”、“人格与行为关系理论”、“利益相关者理论”、盖尔西克的家族企业系统理论以及模型理论。(3)在分析专业年鉴、期刊、报纸、网站和家族企业相关文献等详实的历史资料基础上,编制我国服装家族企业发展事件表,按一般历史阶段划分方法,将我国服装家族企业发展历程划分为四个阶段。从发展背景、存在形式、企业规模、营销手段四个方面总结了我国服装家族企业发展总体特征。通过案例,分析国内外服装家族企业传承特点。(4)在服装家族企业领导者和高层管理者深度访谈和问卷调研的基础上,分析样本企业和访谈对象的基本情况。并在此基础上分析他们对企业发展现状、企业传承现状、接班人选择来源、接班人胜任力以及各利益相关者对传承影响程度的态度,探讨领导者和高层管理的对上述问题看法的异同点。从卢因行为学理论出发,把领导者性别、年龄、学历、人格以及所处的传承环境作为背景变量,讨论不同背景条件下领导者传承态度的差异,并整理出不同背景条件下领导者传承态度分布表。(5)在前人家族企业传承模型研究和实证研究的基础上,从过程分析的角度构建服装家族企业理想传承模型。本文从传承过程中的利益相关者主体(企业领导者和高层管理者)角度出发,从不同背景条件下来展开传承问题的研究,并构建理想传承模型,研究视角和方法均是一种尝试,研究结论得到企业领导者和高层管理者的基本认可,对服装家族企业顺利传承有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Clothing Family—owned Businesses which establish during the late 1970s and early 1980s played a decisive role in China’s garment industry. Through effort of nearly 30 years, They are facing or has already entered The transfer of leadership from the first generation to the second generation. Successful succession is a strategic problem for the subsistence and development of Clothing Family—owned Businesses or Brand clothing. So, The specialized research on the succession problem of Clothing Family—owned Businesses has important real significanceFollowing is the main content:(1) Discussion the necessity and importance of research on problem for the succession of Clothing Family—owned Businesses.(2) Based on the definition of "Family", "business", "Family Business" and the general theory of succession. Gives a explanation of "clothing family business" and "succession" concept analyzed. Discussed abouf"Behavior Theory", "personality", "The relationship between personality and behavior theory", "Stakeholder Theory", "Family Business System theory of Gersick" and Model Theory. (3) In the analysis of yearbooks, journals, newspapers, websites, and family businesses, preparation Chinese Clothing Family—owned Businesses development of Event List. As general historical phase partition method. divided Clothing Family—owned Businesses of our country’s development process into four stages. Summed up the general development of Clothing Family—owned Businesses of our country including four factors,such as development backgrounds, a form of existence,enterprise scale, and marketing tool. Through actual case analysis of succession characteristics of clothing family business at home and abroad.(4) on the basis of Clothing Family—owned Businesses leaders and senior managers-depth interviews and questionnaires, Analysis of the sample companies and interviews with the basic situation of the object. On this basis, Analyze the developmental situation of enterprise, enterprise succession status, source of successor, successor’competency, takeholder’s impact on the succession. Discussion leaders and senior management on these issues’s similarities and differences. From behavioral theory of Lewin,Take the leader in gender, age, education, personality, and in which the succession of the environment as the background variables. Discuss the leadership’s attitude of succession under the conditions of different backgrounds. put together Leader’s succession attitude variable on Conditions of different backgrounds. (5) on the basis of family succession in business model and empirical research. From the perspective of process analysis practicality. Build an Clothing Family—owned Businesses’s ideal succession model.This paper, from the perspective of main stakeholders (business leaders and senior managers) perspective. Focuses on succession problems on different background conditions. Build an Clothing Family—owned Businesses’s ideal succession model. research angle and methods is one attempt. The conclusions are approved by the leadership and senior managers. This article has some reference value on Clothing Family—owned Businesses’s successful succession.Wang Chuan(Fashion Design and Engineering)Supervised by Vice-Prof. Jiang Zhiwei

【关键词】 服装家族企业传承模型
【Key words】 Clothing Family—owned BusinessesSuccessionModle
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

