

Tectonic Evolution and Oil Enrichment of Shu 25-shang 2 Blocks, Songliao Basin

【作者】 何志勇

【导师】 刘大锰; 姚艳斌;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 树25-尚2区块位于松辽盆地中央坳陷区三肇凹陷东翼,处于西倾的单斜背景之上,区内发育了三个三级构造即北部的尚家鼻状构造,西南部的榆树林构造与和东南部的郝家粉房构造。扶余、杨大城子油层为本论文的主要研究层位。本文从构造精细解释、断裂系统划分、构造演化史研究、油水关系特征和石油富集规律五个方面进行了综合分析研究。取得主要成果如下:1、研究区总体形态呈西南低东北高的构造格局,地层倾角变化相对较缓,扶余和杨大城子油层顶面构造具有良好的继承性。2、区内断层发育且全部为正断层,平面上划分为四个断裂条带,剖面上表现为堑垒相间的发育特点。本区共划分四期断裂,其中以中、晚期断裂最为发育,同时与油气运移与聚集关系最为紧密。3、通过平衡剖面研究,区内扶余油层自泉头组开始沉积,至嫩江组末期基本定型,期间共经历了四期演化阶段,即泉三段-泉四段沉积时期的稳定下沉阶段,青山口组-姚一段沉积时期的强烈伸展阶段,姚二、三段沉积时期的稳定下沉阶段和嫩一、二段沉积时期的快速沉降阶段。4、由于断层发育,研究区内油气藏类型主要以断层油气藏为主,断层-岩性油气藏为辅,透镜状的岩性油气藏数量很少。油藏剖面及平面油水关系显示区内主要含油小层集中在扶一段和杨一段,不存在统一的油水界面。5、区内主要的成藏方式有地垒式成藏、阶梯式成藏和地堑式成藏,其中地垒式好于阶梯式好于地堑式。研究区油气为三肇凹陷侧向运移成藏,油井主要分布在断裂带附近且西部多于东部,东部油井产油层位高于西部。

【Abstract】 Shu 25-Shang 2 Blocks are located in the east of Sanzhao sag, central depression area, Songliao basin,characterized by westward monocline. There are developed three third-grade structure units in the area, such as nose-like, Yushulin and Haojiafenfang structures. Fuyu & Yangdachengzi (FuYang) Oil layers as main target strata are mainly studied by comprehensive analysis of seismic interpretation, fracture system, tectonic evolution, oil-water relationship and petroleum enrichment in this paper.1. The structure in research area is characterized by low in southwest and high in northeast with few changes in stratums dip angles, in which FuYang reservoirs are characterized by good inheritance.2. Faults in the study area are normal faults which are classified into four zones in plans and display a horst-graben developing mode. Faults are classified as four stages, among which medium and late faults are developed, closely connected with oil-gas migration and accumulation.3. By using balanced cross-section technology, it is indicated that FuYang oil layers in Shu 25-Shang 2 Blocks began to deposit in Quantou period, and nearly formed in the end of Nenjiang period, experienced four tectonic evolution stages, such as steady subsidence stage of K1q3-K1q4, intensive extension stage of K2q- K2y1, steady subsidence stage of K2y2-K2y3 and reversion stage of late K2n.4. As faults developed very well in the study area, there mainly exist fault-trap reservoirs, followed by fault-lithologic reservoirs, and lenticular-shape lithologic reservoirs are few. Reservoir profile and the relationships between the planar oil and water indicate that small oil layers mainly accumulated in F-I and Y-I members, no unified oil-water interface occurs.5. The main reserving ways in select area are horst-reservoir, step-reservoir and graben–reservoir, among which the first one is best and the last one is worst. The hydrocarbon accumulation was migrated laterally from SanZhao depression. Oil Wells are mainly distributed along the fault zone nearby and more in west than the east, while the height of oil formation is on the contrary. Keywords: Fuyang reservoir; fault features; balancing cross-section; tectonic evolution; oil accumulation; Shu 25-Shang 2 Blocks


