

Hazard Zoniton of Loess Slopes Geological Disasters in Baoji

【作者】 张新蕊

【导师】 孙进忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国约有1/3的滑坡、崩塌灾害发生于黄土地区,而黄土滑坡、崩塌是这些地区最常见的地质灾害之一。宝鸡地区的黄土地貌类型多,黄土地层全、分布广、厚度大,黄土颗粒细且均一,质地疏松、垂直节理发育。黄土具有的一些特殊的物理力学性质,使得该地区的黄土边坡经常发生滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害。其分布广泛、数量众多、规模巨大、性质复杂、危害严重,威胁着人民的生命财产、交通安全以及工农业设施安全,给该地区的生态环境和社会发展造成了严重的影响。本文在已经完成的地调项目的基础上进一步系统总结和提高,找出黄土地区斜坡灾害的规律性和主要诱发因素,实现黄土斜坡灾害的易发程度分区与危险性区划研究,为既有黄土斜坡灾害的防治提供依据。具体研究内容如下:(1)总结宝鸡地区黄土斜坡灾害发育特征:在宝鸡地区地质灾害调查的基础上,分析研究区内黄土斜坡灾害的分布特征及分布规律,研究影响宝鸡黄土灾害形成的内、外动力地质作用;(2)构建黄土斜坡灾害易发性评价的指标体系:以宝鸡地区黄土斜坡灾害为研究对象,根据研究区内黄土斜坡灾害特点,选取地形地貌特征、气象水文条件、工程地质岩组特征、地质构造单元、斜坡结构类型、人类工程活动等作为黄土斜坡灾害发育的主要影响指标,初步建立宝鸡地区黄土斜坡地质灾害易发性评价的指标体系和分级标准。(3)宝鸡地区黄土斜坡灾害易发性评价:利用信息量模型与ARCGIS相结合,根据地质灾害详细调查资料,提取影响因素图层并将其叠加,从而确定研究区评价指标的信息量值,据此划分宝鸡地区黄土斜坡地质灾害易发程度,最终获得研究区黄土斜坡地质灾害易发性分区图;(4)宝鸡地区黄土斜坡地质危险性评价:在宝鸡地区黄土斜坡地质灾害易发性评价的基础上,主要考虑降雨诱发作用,分析诱发因素导致黄土斜坡灾害的危险性,综合考虑黄土斜坡地质灾害危险性构成要素,从现有的黄土斜坡灾害稳定性、变形历史及高易发区内历史崩塌、滑坡的频率,对本区黄土斜坡地质灾害危险性进行区划研究,绘制宝鸡黄土地区危险性区划图。

【Abstract】 In China, 1/3 of geological disasters occurred in the loess area, and the loess landslides are the most common disasters of geological disasters in these areas. In the region of Baoji, there are many types of loess landforms, and loess strata are distributied widely with large thickness, fine grains, and loose and uniform textures as well as vertical joints. Such special physical mechanical properties of loess make slope geological hazards, such as landslides and collapses, occur frequently with large scales and quantities, complicated features and serious consequences that threaten the pepole’s live and property, safety of traffic, industrial and agricultural facilities, and deteriorate ecological environment and hinder the social development of the region seriously. Based on the projects, on the basis of the finished geology survey, further systemic summarizing and improving, and find out regularity and the main inducing agent of the landslide disasters in the loess region, forming susceptibility and risk classification standard of landslides in the loess region of Baoji, then realize loess landslides susceptibility zoning and danger division, and provides the basis for the prevention of the loess landslide disasters. The specific research content as follows:(1) Summarizing the developmental characteristics of loess slopes disasters in the region of Baoji: On the basis of geological hazard survey in the loess region of baoji, then research the distribution characters of loess landslides, and study on endogenic and exogenic geological effect in the formation procedure of loess disasters in Baoji;(2) Constructing the hazard evaluation index system of loess slopes disasters: Landslides in loess region of Baoji as the research objects, according to research in loess landslide characteristics, the selection of the main influencing factors, such as landform features, meteorological hydrological conditions, engineering geology rock group characteristics, geological tectonic units, slope structure types, human engineering activities as loess landslide disaster, initially established risk evaluation index system and the classification standard of loess landslide in the region of Baoji;(3) The susceptibility evaluation of geological disasters of the loess slopes in Baoji: Make use of information model combined with ARCGIS, according to the detailed investigation data of the geological disaster, extracting influencing factors and superimposing, determining the value of index information using of information model and overlying the factors layers, hereby partition the degree of susceptibility landslide disaster of loess region in Baoji, eventually obtaining geo-hazard susceptibility zoning maps of loess landslide disaster area;(4) Hazard assessment of landslides in the loess region of Baoji: Based on the susceptibility evaluation of loess landslides geo-hazards in Baoji, take into account of rainfall which the main inducing agent, establish loess slope instability criterion Baoji, combine qualitative analysis with quantitative evaluation to analysis loess landslides hazards, consider the loess landslides hazards elements comprehensively, from the stability of the existing geological disaster, deformation history, the maximum distance of the potential slip, extended range frequency of history collapse and landslide. Establish the risk criterion and grading standards of loess landslides, evaluate the loess landslides hazards in Baoji, and draw up the landslide hazards zoning map for the loess region of Baoji.

  • 【分类号】P694
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】325

