

Late-Cretaceous Spores and Pollen Assemblages and Palaeoclimte Record in Eastern of Songliao Basin

【作者】 荆夏

【导师】 万晓樵;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 古生物学与地层学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 松辽盆地是我国大型陆相含油气白垩纪沉积盆地。在青山口组和嫩江组沉积期分别发生了盆地演化史上规模最大的湖侵事件,孢粉、介形类等各门类化石繁盛。本次研究通过对松辽盆地东部地区五条发育良好的剖面,即青山口组鸟河剖面、红石山剖面、哈达山剖面、李家坨子剖面以及嫩江组沈家屯剖面,进行系统的测制、采样、化石处理、鉴定、统计工作,分析其孢粉化石组合特征,并结合岩性等资料,讨论地层时代,恢复当时的古气候环境。对黑龙江宾县地区鸟河剖面与红石山剖面、吉林农安地区李家坨子剖面以及吉林松原地区哈达山剖面进行测制、采样,基本涵盖了整个青山口组沉积期。在鸟河剖面中识别出孢粉组合Pinuspollenites-Cyathidites,属于青山口组一段;在李家坨子剖面中识别出自下而上Cedripites-Cyathidites-Classopollis、Classopollis- Schizaeoisporites-Callistopollenites两个孢粉组合,属于青山口组一、二段,在哈达山剖面中识别出孢粉组合Schizaeoisporites-Classopollis-Cyathidites,属于青山口组二、三段。综合四个剖面,在青山口组一段上部沉积期,属于温暖潮湿的气候状态,向上至青山口组二段下部沉积期,气候开始变干变热,至中部沉积期时呈现炎热干燥的气候状态;到达青山口组三段沉积期时,气候进一步变得炎热干旱。位于吉林农安地区的沈家屯剖面岩性以泥岩为主,夹粉砂岩。对其进行测制、采样,识别出自下而上Aquilapollenites-Dictyotriletes-Rugubivessiculites、Schizaeoisporites - Classopollis - Beaupreaidites和Rugubivessiculites - Schizaeoisporites-Quercoidites三个孢粉组合,属于嫩江组三、四段。通过对孢粉化石属种的分析,得出本剖面孢粉组合的时代为Campanian期。通过对孢粉化石的定量分析,认为其总体上反映了一种半湿润的中亚热带气候面貌,气候较稳定,波动较小。综合姚家车站剖面和后金沟剖面,在嫩江组沉积期初期呈现一种温暖潮湿的气候,自二段以后气候相对变干,到三、四段趋于稳定。

【Abstract】 The Songliao Basin is a large continental sedimentary basin of Cretaceous in China. The largest lake transgression event of evolution history of the basin has occured during Qingshankou and Nenjiang Stage. Spores and pollen, ostracods and other fossils are abundant. Five sections are analysed in eastern Songliao Basin, which are Niaohe section, Hongshishan section, Hadashan section and Lijiatuozi section of Qingshankou Formation, and Shenjiatun section of Nenjiang Formation. Spores and pollen samples are collected and identified from these sections. By lithology and biotic characters, these sections have been correlated, the palaeoclimate records have been analyzed.The analysis of the spores and pollen fossils has almost covered the whole Qingshankou Formation. The fossils come from Niaohe section and Hongshishan section in Binxian area, Hadashan section in Songyuan area and Lijiatuozi section in Non’an area. The Pinuspollenites-Cyathidites assemblage has been recognized from Niaohe section which is assigned to Member 1 of Qingshankou Formation. The author has identified two fossil assemblages from Lijiatuozi section (in ascending order): the Cedripites-Cyathidites-Classopollis assemblage and the Classopollis- Schizaeoisporites-Callistopollenites assemblage which are assigned to Member 1 to 2 of Qingshankou Formation. The Classopollis - Schizaeoisporites - Cyathidites assemblage has been identified from Hadashan section which is assigned to Member 2 to 3 of Qingshankou Formation.Integrated four sections, in the deposition period of upper part of Member 1 of Qingshankou Formation, the climate state was warm and humid. Up to the deposition period of lower part of Member 2 of Qingshankou Formation, the climate began to drier and heater. Up to the deposition period of Member 3 of Qingshankou Formation, the climate codition changed further hot and dry.The lithology of the Shenjiatun section which is situated in the Nong’an area is dominated by mudstone, and referred to the Member 3 to 4 of Nenjiang Formation. Based on analysis of the spores and pollen fossils of Shenjiatun section, the following three fossil assemblages may be recongnized (in ascending order): the Aquilapollenites-Dictyotriletes-Rugubivessiculites assemblage, the Schizaeoisporites- Classopollis - Beaupreaidites assemblage and the Rugubivessiculites - Schizaeoisporites-Quercoidites assemblage.Based on lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic features, the assemblages of Shenjiatun section have been correlated to the Campanian Stage, and the paleoeclogy, paleoenvironment, and paleoclimate of this section have been discussed. The quantitative analysis of spores and pollen fossils, such as vegetation type, climate type, and humidity type, diversity and dominance, infers a subhumid, mid-subtropical paleoclimate, with small climatic fluctuation.


