

The Security Assessment of Regional Land Ecosystem

【作者】 王增

【导师】 付梅臣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源管理工程, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 土地生态系统是土地各组成要素之间,及其与环境之间相互联系、相互依存和制约所构成的开放、动态、分层次和可反馈的系统。随着我国社会经济的快速发展,人口的不断增长,形成了对土地资源的巨大压力,造成了许多土地生态安全方面的问题。因此,对区域土地生态系统安全进行评价、合理进行区域土地利用显得十分必要。区域生态安全评价的方法很多,但由于不同评价方法的侧重点不同,因此不同评价方法既能反映一定问题,同时也会有一定的缺陷。如何更加科学的对区域土地生态系统安全进行评价是当前众多专家研究探讨的问题。本文以武安市为例,将生态完整性评价中“组成—结构—功能”模型应用于土地生态系统安全评价中,考虑生物多样性和社会干扰等因素,综合景观生态学、生态系统服务价值等方法,建立“组成—结构—功能—社会”四级指标体系,对土地生态系统安全进行综合评价。研究内容如下:(1)引入“土地-生物多样性”指数,建立生物多样性系统组成指标体系,对土地利用方式对生物多样性的影响进行评价,确定各单元生物多样性安全等级。(2)通过结构稳定性与生态系统安全关联,建立以斑块密度、多样性指数、分维数、结合度指数为基础的系统结构考量指标体系,采用景观生态学方法评价景观结构稳定程度。(3)以生态系统服务价值为基础,构建生态系统功能指标体系,评价生态系统产出程度,并确定各评价单元生态系统服务价值安全等级。(4)“系统组成、系统结构、系统功能”评价体系相叠加,结合社会因素的偏差订正,对土地生态系统安全进行综合评价。

【Abstract】 Land ecosystem is an open, dynamic, hierarchical, flexible system, including all the living organisms and their physical environment on a particular piece of land. With the rapid economic development of the society and population growth, the land resource has been suffered tremendous pressure, causing lots of land ecological security problems. Therefore, it is significant to assess the security of regional land ecosystem and make a comprehensive and reasonable programme for land use.There are many methods of the security assessment of regional land ecosystem. However, since different methods have different emphases, they could solve some problems as well as bring some new problems. How to scientifically evaluate the security of regional land ecosystem has attracted much attention in recent years. In the research, Wu’an city located in the south of Hebei province is chosen as the target area. The present paper applies the ’composition - structure - function ’ model of the evaluation of ecological integrity to the security assessment of land ecosystem. In addition to biodiversity and social disruption, the ’composition - structure - function - society ’ with four indicators is established based on landscape ecology and ecosystem service value. The primary contents are presented as follows:(1) The paper introduces the ’land - biodiversity ’ index, then establishes a system composition index about biodiversity, assesses the influence of land use on the biodiversity, and finally determines the security level of each unit of biodiversity.(2) According to the connection of structure stability and security of ecosystem, the paper proposes a system structure index based on patch density, diversity, fractal dimension and combination degree index, and evaluates the stability of landscape structure using the theory of landscape ecology.(3) On the basis of ecosystem service value, we develop ecosystem function indicator system, assess the degree of ecosystem outputs and ascertain the security level of ecosystem service value. (4) Combined with the bias correction of social factors, the evaluation system related to the component, structure and function is utilized to assess the security of land ecosystem.


