

The Developing of Mineral Resources in Mentougou District

【作者】 白鹤桥

【导师】 赵连荣; 杨建锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究对象是今后一段时间北京市门头沟区矿产资源开发利用的政策措施。2008年9月27日,结合北京市功能定位和发展目标出发,市委提出了“坚持科学发展,建设人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京”发展战略。门头沟区作为首都西部的生态屏障,被市委定位为“生态涵养发展区”。这一发展战略要求首都的发展必须把以人为本、科技创新、生态文明的要求摆在重要的位置。自此,北京对矿产资源开发实行限制政策,并提出矿产资源开发在全市范围内要逐步退出的政策要求。门头沟区辖区面积1455平方公里,其中98.5%是山区,1.5%的面积是平原,为其他产业开发利用的土地资源极其有限。门头沟区是北京市第二矿业大区,矿产资源种类多、储量丰富,矿业经济占全区GDP很大比重。鉴于目前政策条件,再考虑矿产资源开发破坏环境的天然属性与可能造成安全生产隐患的实际情况,社会各界对矿业经济作为“夕阳产业”,是否还有存在的价值,还有多大的存在价值开始提出疑问。针对上述情况,本文用实证研究的方法,从理论、政策与技术层面入手,从解决本地区劳动力就业、维护区域社会稳定、保障当地人民群众生产生活实际需求、保护本地区生态环境、解决首都空气污染、满足首都经济与社会发展对矿产品多样需求的角度出发,对门头沟区矿产资源开发利用进行探讨和研究,并提出如下应对解决措施:1、加大地勘投入、摸清资源分布与储量家底;2、按矿种、按区域制订《门头沟区矿产资源开发利用总体规划》。制定禁采区、限采区和可采区,合理设置采矿权;3、提高采矿权市场准入门槛。分矿种设立最低开采规模,在开采、加工等方面,制定严格安全生产、环保保护、卫生防护、劳动用工等技术标准与操作流程。通过提高市场准入门槛,将高耗能、高浪费、高污染的企业拦在门外;4、以矿产资源储量动态监管为切入点,运用资源税、矿产资源补偿费、采矿权使用费、采矿权价款、矿山环境恢复治理保证金等经济杠杆,引导矿产资源的集约、节约与高效利用;5、采取有效措施,加强矿山地质生态环境保护,走绿色矿山之路。实现保障资源供应、保护地质生态环境的“双保”目标,达到资源、环境与社会经济发展“双赢”。

【Abstract】 The main object of this article is to find suitable policies and measurements of how to explore and use the mineral resources of Mentougou(MTG) district in Beijing municipality.In accordance with the function and developing of Beijing city, the government proposed the developmental strategy of“persist in scientific development, build a humanity and scientific and technological and green city”. As the west environmental defense of Beijing city, MTG district was positioned to be an area of ecological environment conservative and developing by the authority in sep.27th 2008. From then on, the city carried out an limited policy on the developing of mineral resources, and requested a gradually withdraw of the mining.The area under MTG’s jurisdiction is 1,448 square kilometers, 98.5% of which are mountains. The plain area that can be used for other industry is such a little. Being the second mining administrative division of Beijing, MTG is rich in the vast variety and abundant reserves of mineral resources. The mining Industry occupies a huge proportion in the area’s GDP. Considering the current policy situation and the nature of environmental destruction, the society is wondering whether we still need developing mineral resource or not.In view of the above situation, this article introduce a method of practical study, adopting a theoretic, policy and technology way, in order to achieve the following targets: solving the native employment, upholding the social stability, ensuring the livelihood requirement of native people, protecting the area’s environment, relieving the air pollution, satisfying the multi-demand for mineral resources.This article probes into the developing and utility mineral resources in MTG, and advances the following suggestion:1.Investing more in the field of geological exploring, clearing the distribute and reserves of the local mineral resources;2. Enhancing the legal building and implement of mineral planning;3.Readjusting and specifying the order of mining;4. Approving mining rights rationally, lifting the entrance threshold of mining; 5. Adjusting relative taxes and utility fees, guiding intensive and economically and comprehensively and effectively use of mineral deposits;6. Basing on local mineral deposits, actively exploring nonlocal resources;7. Fostering and perfecting the market of mining rights, following a sustainable developing way, realizing the reasonable distribution between deferent generations;8. Promoting social and humanity and geo-environmental protection, achieving double-protection and double-win;9. Setting-up a safety withdrawal system for the mining enterprises.

【关键词】 门头沟区矿产资源开发利用政策研究
  • 【分类号】F426.1
  • 【下载频次】211

