

The Method and Developing of Building 3-D Block System for Complex Rock Mess

【作者】 朱贵娜

【导师】 徐能雄;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 复杂岩体工程中,确定性结构面、随机分布结构面以及工程界面等将岩体划分成若干封闭块体。通过构建三维岩石块体系统,确定性块体的几何形态与邻接关系,是裂隙岩体稳定性分析的重要基础。本文提出了一种基于层次岩体结构模型的复杂岩体三维岩石块体系统的构建方法。采用分级建模方式,先构建由确定性结构面、工程界面、地表面等确定界面组成的岩体结构模型,并搜索出由这些界面围成的确定性块体,然后在每个确定性块体内建立随机结构面网络模型,再搜索出随机块体。确定性块体的构建方法是先通过界面求交、界线编辑与简单弧划分形成统一线框架;再进行界面闭合环搜索、界面编辑与重构;最后利用最小顺时针夹角规则搜索封闭块体。随机块体系统的构建方法与确定性块体类似,但由于确定性块体规模较大,包含的随机结构面数量众多,一次性处理耗费机时与内存巨大,为此本文采用分块构建的方式,按一定尺寸将确定性块体切割成一系列小块体,再在小块体内通过界面求交、界线编辑、闭合环搜索、封闭块体搜索等方法构建随机块体系统,然后把被小块体切割的随机块体再拼接合并,最后用确定性块体的边界面去切割随机块体,得到最终的随机块体系统。本论文以VC++为平台,开发了三维岩石块体生成系统BlockModel,可以为块体理论、离散元法、非连续变形分析方法提供几何模型,为岩体稳定性分析做好前处理工作。最后为了检验和校正本文的构建方法,利用上述程序实现了小湾水电站左岸马道边坡三维岩石块体系统。

【Abstract】 Rock-masses are divided into many closed blocks by deterministic and stochastic discontinuities and engineering interfaces in complex rock-mass engineering. Determining the sizes, shapes, and adjacent relations of blocks is important for stability analysis of fractured rock masses.This paper proposes an algorithm for identifying spatial blocks based on a hierarchical 3D Rock-mass Structure Model (RSM). First, a model is built composed of deterministic discontinuities, engineering interfaces, and the earth’s surface, and the deterministic blocks surrounded by these interfaces are traced. Then, in each deterministic block, a network model of stochastic discontinuities is built and the stochastic blocks are traced. Building a unitary wire frame that connects all interfaces seamlessly is the key for our algorithm to identify the above two kinds of blocks. Using this algorithm, geometric models can be built for block theory, discrete element method, and discontinuous deformation analysis.Construction of random block system block method is similar with deterministic blocks, but deterministic blocks are too large, which include a lot of stochastic discontinuities. The large number of data can not be deal with int a one-time. So this paper proposes a method that dividing stochastic discontinuities built in a deterministic block into small pieces. Then the stochastic blocks system are traced through the intersection among interfaces, editing intersecting line, searching closed loop and tracing stochastic blocks and so on. Then the stochastic blocks cut by the interfaces of small blocks should be merged. Finally, cutting the stochastic blocks by the interfaces of the deterministic blocks to built the final stochastic blocks system. In this thesis, a system(BlockModel) is developed in object-oriented Microsoft Visual C++ ? (release 6.0) to achieve the above methods, it can provides a geometric model for the block theory, discrete element method, discontinuous deformation analysis method and makes pre-treatment work for stability analysis of rock.Finally, in order to test and calibration of this construction method, the Left Bank of Xiaowan Hydropower Station is taken as an example. Using the above system to built three-dimensional rock slope block system.

  • 【分类号】TU452
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】152

