

Study of Fine Stratigraphic Interpretation in YanQing Fault Basin

【作者】 赵玉

【导师】 钱荣毅;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文的研究区位于形成于晚新生代的延庆断陷盆地,该盆地内第四系覆盖物复杂、较厚,厚度范围变化大,使得新生界精细地层解释较为困难,且在已实施过的多次地球物理勘探中,都只是涉及了构造解释,并未形成一套比较成熟的地层、岩性解释方法体系。目前,多种地震解释方法在油气勘探中取得了很大的成功,但是在新生界中的岩性地层解释实例还很少。因此,在本次研究中,首先研究岩性地层的解释方法,接着针对延庆断陷盆地采用如下方法进行解释工作:对研究区内的层位进行划分,根据钻井资料对于新生界与侏罗系,侏罗系与蓟县系之间的地层采用地质、地震资料相结合的方法进行不整合地层划分;新生界的岩性地层精细划分中,在本区实际资料只有钻井资料,没有测井资料的情况下,本次研究采用结合全区地质与钻井资料,在反射能量剖面上进行划分层位工作,并且结合地震属性,分频技术来预测新生界岩性分布范围,通过前人的经验,选取对岩性变化比较敏感的地震属性是——绝对振幅与瞬时频率。同时试验采用道积分反演方法,根据其原理,道积分反演方法可以得到相对波阻抗剖面,对于区分波阻抗界面或是断层解释工作有着指导性的作用。最后,针对本研究区地热资源丰富且有利储层位于蓟县系巨厚白云岩裂隙中,借鉴裂缝型油气勘探方法,研究采用方位AVO来预测地下裂缝的位置,寻找地热水。通过对地震解释方法的研究,选择了适用于该研究区的解释方法,对延庆研究区的二维和三维地震资料做地层岩性精细解释,对于该工区后续的解释工作有一定的参考意义。

【Abstract】 This study area is located in the Yanqing fault basin formed in the late Cenozoic, the basin of the Quaternary covers complexly, thickly, and the thickness changes, making interpretation more difficult. It had already implemented many geophysical exploration only involved in the structural interpretation, so it did not form a system of more mature strata, lithological interpretation.Currently, a variety of methods in oil and gas exploration seismic interpretation achieved great success, but in the Cenozoic stratigraphic interpretation in instances were rare. Therefore, in this study, we first study stratigraphic interpretation methods, and then for the Yanqing fault basin interpretation using the following method: Layer of the study area were divided, according to drilling data for the Cenozoic and Jurassic, and Jurassic strata between Jixian System by geological and seismic data, the method of combining unconformity stratigraphic division; Cenozoic rocks fine division of strata, only the actual data in the area of drilling data, log data is not the case, the region of this study, combined with geological and drilling data, the energy profile in the reflecting layer on the division of work, and the combination of seismic attributes , sub-frequency technology to predict the distribution of Cenozoic rocks, through previous experience, choose the more sensitive to changes in lithology of seismic attributes is - the absolute amplitude and instantaneous frequency. At the same time test inversion method using trace integration, according to its principles, said the relative integral inversion method can be impedance section, the distinction between the interface impedance or fault interpretation has a guiding role in the work.Finally, the study area rich in geothermal resources and favorable reservoir located in the thick dolomite fractured Jixian System, the reference method of fractured oil and gas exploration, research using azimuth AVO to predict the location of underground cracks, looking to hot water.Through the method of seismic interpretation was selected for interpretation of the study area, study area of Yanqing 2D and 3D seismic data do lithology interpretation, follow-up for the interpretation of the work area has some reference value.

【关键词】 延庆盆地新生界岩性地震属性方位AVO
【Key words】 Yanqing BasinCenozoicLithologySeismic AttributesAVO
  • 【分类号】P535
  • 【下载频次】162

