

Study and Application on 3D Limit Equilibrium Method

【作者】 袁富强

【导师】 姚磊华;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国乃多山国家,山地约占国土面积的2/3;经济发展,开山填土,必然造就大量新的边坡。据国土资源部统计,2010年全国共发生滑坡灾害22329起,占总地质灾害发生数的72.8%。建立在Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则与静力平衡基础上的二维极限平衡法目前广泛应用于边坡稳定性分析,但二维极限平衡法将边坡近似地作为平面应变问题考虑,忽略滑裂面侧面的阻滑力作用,使得计算过于保守。而现实边坡本身就是三维问题,作为二维问题来分析,必然会有局限性及不完善性,因此将二维分析扩展为三维分析,计算结果才能更符合实际。根据实际研究需要,本文对三维极限平衡法进行了研究,并将本文模型应用到工程实例计算中,论文主要包括以下几个方面内容:1)边坡稳定性分析的三维极限平衡法模型建立在水科院三维极限平衡分析方法模型基础之上提出本文的边坡稳定性分析的三维极限平衡法模型,主要表现在建立本文的三维极限平衡法力学模型和几何模型,对条柱受力情况进行了局部改进,增加了条柱列界面上的剪切力R,并规定R的大小及方向。2)建立力、力矩平衡方程并求解安全系数分析条柱所受力情况,求解条柱底滑面法向力N i;建立S方向上的整体静力平衡方程,建立y方向上的整体静力平衡方程,以及建立绕y轴的整体力矩平衡方程。根据牛顿-勒普生法迭代求解安全系数F、行界面条间力E与x轴夹角为β、底滑面剪切力T与xoz平面的夹角为ρ。3)建立边坡三维滑裂面搜索模型建立以双二次曲面贝塞尔曲面为滑裂面的边坡三维滑裂面搜索模型,简化曲面的控制参数S = S ( w, h, v , d , x , y , z ,θ,φ),以便于利用遗传算法对最危险滑裂面进行搜索。4)程序实现与算例测试编程实现滑裂面的搜索以及边坡安全系数的计算,并通过Zhang Xing椭球滑裂面边坡算例检测分析本文模型的合理性以及程序的可靠性。5)工程实例应用以昆明小哨国际机场高填方路基边坡稳定性评价为工程分析实例,对其进行二维、三维稳定性评价,并提出相应的边坡防护意见。

【Abstract】 In our country which is mountainous,more than two thirds of land area are mountains. With the development of economy,the mountain cutting and the soli filling,a large number of slops are being created. According to the statistics of Ministry of Land and Resources, 22,329 landslides occurred in our country in the year of 2010,72.8% of the total number of geological disasters. Based on the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion and the static equilibrium, two-dimensional limit equilibrium slope stability analysis is widely used,but the two-dimensional limit equilibrium method approximately consideres the slope as a plane strain problem, ignoring the blocking sliding force of the sliding flank surface,so the calculation is too conservative. The slope itself is a real three-dimensional problem.If taking it as a two-dimensional problem,there must be limitations and imperfections,so the two-dimensional analysis should be extended to three-dimensional analysis to make the results of calculation more practical. Based on actual research needs ,three-dimensional limit equilibrium method has been studied in this thesis,and is applied to engineering calculations.The thesis includes the following aspects:1) Build the model of the three-dimensional limit equilibrium of slope stability analysisThe model of the three-dimensional limit equilibrium in this thesis is based on the IWHR method,mainly embodying that mechanical model and geometric model of the three-dimensional limit equilibrium method are be established,the forces on the columns are be partly improved,shear force R is be added onto the row surface,and the size and direction of R are be provided.2)Establish the forces and torque balance equation,and caculate the safety factorStudy the forces on the columns and calculate the normal force N i on the base sliding surface;establish the overall static equilibrium equation on the direction of S;establish the overall static equilibrium equation on the direction of Y;and establish the overall torque equilibrium equation around the y-axis. According to Newton-Raphson method,the safety factor,the angleβbetween the force E on the line surface and the x-axis,the angleρbetween the shear T on the base sliding surface and the plane xoz.3) Establish the search model of three-dimensional slip surfaceEstablish the Bezier sliding surface search model of three-dimensional slip surface,simplifying the control parameters of Bezier S = S ( w, h, v , d , x , y , z ,θ,φ)for using the genetic algorithms to search the most dangerous slip surface.4) Procedure implementation and example testingWrite programme to search the three-dimensional slip surface and calculate the safety factor,and then test the three-dimensional model in this thesis and the reliability of the programme.5) Engineering exampleThis thesis takes the high fill embankment slope of the Kunming Xiaoshao International Airport as stability analysis engineering example to calculate its two-dimensional,three-dimensional safety factors and proposes advice of the slope protection.

  • 【分类号】TU43
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】247

