

Implementation of a Single Sign on System Based on Various Authentications

【作者】 李坤

【导师】 周利华; 苟世英;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 计算机技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网web应用的发展,企业内部的应用系统也大量增加,单点登录技术(Single Sign On)将多个不同应用服务的身份认证和登录系统进行集中管理,对于简化网络用户登录多个应用、提高网络安全性有非常现实的意义。本文在分析了国内、外各种单点登录系统的实现模型及其优缺点的基础上,提出了一种基于多种认证方式的单点登录系统模型,该系统模型采用认证中心统一信息库存储用户认证信息,可以支持用户名/口令认证,一次性口令认证,CHAP认证三种认证方式;采用了基于时间戳的数字签名技术,结合非对称性加密,有效地防止了非法用户对数据的伪造和篡改,实现了用户、认证服务器、应用服务器三者间信息的安全传递。通过理论分析和实验验证该系统具有良好的可部署性、扩展性和安全性。论文的主要工作如下:1.对现有的单点登录系统的设计模型进行了概述并分析了它们的优缺点。2.提出并实现了一种基于多种认证方式的单点登录系统,给出了该系统的整体模型和实现流程。3.详细给出了认证服务器、应用服务器中实现认证的接口,重点分析和设计了认证过程中认证服务器、应用服务器和用户的信息传输互动过程。4.对实现的单点登录系统进行了安全性能分析,并指出了该系统的优缺点以及今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 With the development of World Wide Web, Internet applications increased greatly. SSO (Single Sign On) system integrated different application system to a centralized management system and can simplify users’ logon. This has real sense to improve network security.By analyzing various domestic and foreign SSO systems, we proposed a SSO system to support different kinds of authentication ways. The SSO system stores users’ information on Certificate Authority, which supports the username/password authentication, one time password authentication and CHAP authentication. The system uses timestamp based on Digital Signature Technology and asymmetric encryption algorithm. Thus it can effectively prevent the illegal users’data falsification and can ensure user’s information transmission security. And experiment proves the system has a good deployment, scalability and security property.The main contributions of the thesis are:1. Analyzed some of the existed SSO system.2. Proposed a SSO system based on various authentication and introduced process flow of the SSO system.3. Gives detailed realization interface of certification servers and application servers. Elaborate the information transmission of user, certificate authority and application server.4. After analyzed the safety of the SSO system, we pointed out its future research direction.

  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】135

