

Design and Implementation of Analysis Query System of Flow of Freight Trains Illegally

【作者】 刘锦堂

【导师】 邵晓堂; 王小相;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着铁路应用大量现代化技术及设备,铁路运输密度不断增大,调度员和货物编组站所采用的手工台帐方式已难以适应铁路跨越式发展的要求。为了减少机车、车辆中转次数,避免运输能力的浪费,提高铁路运输效率和增加经济效益,提出了设计货物列车违流违编系统,而如何实现系统的设计和分析是本文的重点。铁路网车流分配目的在于获得路网点线流量以及车流径路方案,属于网络优化问题,是路网规划的基础,对铁路运输组织起着重要的辅助指导作用。本文在深入研究铁路网车流分配理论体系和优化方法的基础上,结合我国铁路运输组织特点,首先分析了铁路网编组计划的主要相关因素,描述了铁路网车流径路分配方法,描述了以Dijkstra算法为基础的铁路网任意两个站间最短路径求解计算方法,通过利用闭值作为搜索约束,使搜索沿着从起点至终点最短路径的方向进行,消除了不必要的搜索过程,节省了搜索的时间,提高了求解最短路径算法的效率。本文结合系统本身的因素论述了系统目标、功能、设计和软硬件环境,并对车流径路的知识表示及生成方法进行了较详细的阐述。最后利用后台程序实现用计算机分析列车确报,最终为运输计划编制人员在日常工作中提供查询依据,同时提高编组站编组质量,提高铁路运输效率和经济效益。

【Abstract】 With the application of large quantities of modern railway technology and equipment, railway transport density increasing, dispatchers and cargo marshalling yard ledger used in manual mode can not meet the requirements of the railway by leaps and bounds. In order to reduce locomotive and transit times, avoid the waste of transport capacity and improve rail transportation efficiency and enhance economic efficiency, the design against the flow of freight trains compiled against the system, how the design and analysis is the focus of this article.Purpose of the railway network traffic distribution line of traffic and access to road network traffic routing plan, are network optimization problems, is the basis for road network planning, organization of railway transport plays an important role in supporting guidance. This in-depth distribution of the railway network traffic system and the optimization theory based on the characteristics of railway transportation in our country, first analyzes the main railway marshalling scheme related factors, described the railway traffic path allocation method, described by Dijkstra algorithm as the basis of the railway network the shortest path between any two points solution calculation Threshold as a search through the use of restraint, to search along the shortest path from start to finish direction, eliminating unnecessary search process, saving search of time and increase the efficiency of solving the shortest path algorithm.This in-depth distribution of the railway network traffic system and the optimization theory based on the combination of the factors that this paper discusses the system itself system objectives, functions, design and hardware and software environment, and traffic flow path of knowledge representation and generation methods for the detail. Finally, the background program is indeed implemented by the computer analysis of the train reported that the final plan for the transportation compilers provide access to in their daily work basis, while improving the quality of marshalling yard marshalling and improve the efficiency of railway transport and economic benefits.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】30

