

Measurement of Cortical Thickness and Its Application

【作者】 李伊钧

【导师】 卢虹冰; 张军英;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大脑皮层是大脑的表层部分,是我们意识活动的物质基础,研究表明,随着大脑的发育和老化,以及病理改变,皮层厚度在相应区域会呈现出显著的变化,即皮层厚度在一定程度上表征了脑组织的发育和老化情况,并与神经衰退等方面的疾病相关联。随着MR图像分辨率的提高和图像处理分析技术的发展,基于MR图像的脑皮层厚度无创测量已经成为研究疾病发生发展的重要基础性研究工作。本文提出了一种将SPM(Statistical Parametric Mapping)软件、拉普拉斯方程厚度测量方法、厚度较正算法相结合,完成三维MR图像的分割、脑皮层厚度测量和在全脑范围内分析厚度值的方法,研制了计算机程序,并对程序进行了可靠性验证。随着各国自然灾害、突发事件、个人创伤性遭遇的发生越来越多,创伤后应激障碍(post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD)患者逐年增多。分析PTSD患者脑皮层容积和厚度的变化,对于揭示大脑皮层由于应激障碍可能引起的形态学变化具有重要意义。论文将提出的脑皮层厚度的测量方法应用于14名遭遇矿难后患有PTSD的患者和11名遭遇矿难但未患有PTSD的实验对象,对其三维MRI扫描数据进行了分析。对两组数据脑皮层容积和厚度的对比统计分析表明,矿难引起的PTSD患者在大脑皮层的额回和枕叶区域厚度明显增厚,而在顶叶区域厚度变薄,在额回区域灰质容积增大,而在海马区域容积减小。本文的研究发现矿难应激患者大脑皮层的厚度变化区域与体积变化区域并不完全相同。

【Abstract】 The cerebral cortex is a sheet of gray matter located on the outer surface of the brain, which plays a key role in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. Clinically, the assessment of human cerebral cortical thickness has massive importance in the determination of pathology and in assessing the processes of normal brain maturation and ageing. Nowadays, with the development of the magnetic resonance technology, it is possible to get a measurement for the thickness of the human cerebral cortex from MRI.In our study, we present a method which combines SPM(Statistical Parametric Mapping), Laplacian method and thickness correction to segment 3D MRI images, estimate cortical thickness, and analyze the thickness maps throughout the whole brain.Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or military combat. Analysis of the cortical volume or thickness changes in people with PTSD is important for the research on the cortical morphological changes caused by PTSD. Our research was performed between 14 survivors of mining disaster with PTSD and 11 survivors of the same event without PTSD. The results show that in the frontal gyrus and occipital lobe, the cortical thickness of survivors with PTSD is larger than those without PTSD, and in the parietal lobe, the cortical thickness changes to smaller, however, in the frontal gyrus the cortical volume changes to larger, and in the hippocampus the volume changes to smaller. So our research indicates that the cortical volume and thickness changes caused by PTSD are not in the same regions.

【关键词】 大脑皮层MR图像拉普拉斯方程矿难应激
【Key words】 cortical thicknessMRILaplace equationPTSD

