

Research on GPS Carrier Phase Positioning Algorithm

【作者】 杨一洲

【导师】 史凌峰;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 全球定位系统(GPS)作为世界上最先进的导航与定位系统,随着其在全球的普及,日益显示了卫星定位的巨大优越性和其在经济、军事领域的重大作用。一方面在导航战中,GPS需要实时为地面、空中、海上部队和导弹发射、制导等提供导航定位数据,由于军事需求,定位精度需不断提高;另一方面,随着GPS被广泛应用于汽车、手机、测绘等民用领域,人们对定位精度的要求也不断提高。因此研究GPS定位算法有着重要的意义。在GPS各种定位算法中,伪距法计算简单,但定位精度低;而载波相位法定位精度虽高,但计算复杂,需要时间长。在载波相位法中,整周模糊度的求解是决定载波相位法精度的关键。本文主要针对GPS载波相位法做了较为深入的理论分析,提出了相应的算法,并进行了计算机仿真分析。论文首先阐述了GPS系统的概况,介绍了GPS定位方式的研究现状;然后介绍了GPS的组成,GPS信号结构,以及GPS定位的坐标系统和时间系统;其次研究了影响GPS定位精度的误差以及减小误差的方法和措施;重点研究了GPS各种定位算法,分别讨论了利用伪码测量的差分定位算法和载波相位测量的差分定位算法,然后提出了一种新的不用计算整周模糊度的五点解算法,显著提高了算法速度,并对该算法进行了仿真验证。再次研究了载波相位测量的整周模糊度解算理论,针对基准站和接收机的长基线,提出了一种三角形参考网,并结合LAMBDA(least square ambiguity decorrelation adjustment method),提出了一种新的单历元模糊度解算法,该算法只需要一个历元,不用考虑周跳的探测与修复。同时该算法采用了下三角降相关思想,减小了搜索范围,提高了算法速度,定位精度也得到了保证,随后给出了新算法的仿真验证。论文的最后概括了本文的研究意义和工作内容,并指出下一步的研究工作。

【Abstract】 As the most advanced navigation and positioning system in the world, GPS(Global Positioning System) has become popularized in the world, it increasingly shows the great advantages of satellite navigation and become a major role in the economy and the military field. On the one hand, GPS requires navigation and positioning data available for ground, air and sea forces and launching missile and guidance in real time because that the military needs to improve the positioning accuracy continuously. On the other hand, GPS is widely used in cars, mobile phones and other civilian areas. The need of the positioning accuracy is gradually rised , thus the positioning algorithm of GPS is of great significance.Among all the different GPS methods, the pseudo method is simple, but the accuracy is low. Meanwhile, the carrier phase method is with high accuracy, but the calculation is complex and takes a long time. In the carrier phase method, the solution of the integer cycle ambiguity is the key to determine the accuracy of the carrier phase method.This paper mainly analyzes the GPS carrier phase method and proposes a relevant algorithm according to the results of computer simulation. Firstly, it introduces the overview of GPS system and research status in GPS positioning method, then it introduces the composition of GPS, GPS signal structure, coordinate system and time system in which GPS positioning. Secondly, it studies the error which affect in GPS positioning accuracy and some methods and measures which can reduce error. It focuses on studying the various GPS positioning algorithm, discusses differential positioning algotithm in measuing pseudo-code and carrier phase respectively, and then it proposes a five-point solution algorithms which do not need to solute the whole cycle ambiguity, and significantly improves the speed of the algorithm and gives simulation of the algorithm at the same time. Again it studies ambiguity solving theory at the carrier phase measurement, in connection with base stations and receivers for long baseline, a triangular reference network which combined with LAMBDA (least square ambiguity decorrelation adjustment method) is proposed in a new single epoch ambiguity resolution algorithm. The algorithm requires only one epoch, regardless of cycle slip detection and repair and is used in the descend triangle to decrease the search range, thereby increasing the speed of the algorithm and improving the accuracy of positioning, and then given practical examples of the simulation. Finally, the paper sums up the significance of this study and the work content, and the further research work.


