

Effects of Irrigation and Film Mulch on the Yield and Quality of Mini-Watermelon in North-West of Hebei Plateau

【作者】 张飞

【导师】 文宏达;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 土壤学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 冀西北高原砂质栗钙土农田土层浅薄、土壤贫瘠、作物生育期内降水分布不均,使得区域内农业生产低而不稳,效益低下。稀植经济作物礼品小西瓜具有“占天不占地”的资源利用特性。本研究以占全区耕地面积2/3以上的砂质栗钙土为供试土壤,以礼品小西瓜为供试材料,研究垄作沟膜种植模式下,不同灌水、覆膜处理对礼品小西瓜的产量、品质和水分利用效率的影响。主要研究结果如下:(1)不同灌水处理条件下,两品种礼品西瓜均是三次灌水(W3,播前水+伸蔓水+膨瓜水)处理的经济产量最高,无膜处理的产量分别为20077.74和20309.33 kg·hm-2;白膜处理的产量分别为23708.74和23982.22kg·hm-2;黑膜处理的产量分别为23817.73和24093.63kg·hm-2。与对应的一次灌水(W1,播前水)处理相比分别增加26.65%和18.62%;29.30%和21.55%;26.07%和17.98%。(2)不同灌水、覆膜处理下两品种礼品西瓜均是W3外观品质效果最好,久一可食用部分W3处理比W1处理平均增加了7.69%;好运来可食用部分W3处理比W1处理平均增加了4.94%。两品种礼品西瓜的营养品质指标参数较W1处理均有不同程度的提高,久一果实中心可溶性固形物的含量, W3处理较W1处理平均提高了11.96%;久一果实边缘可溶性固形物的含量,W3处理较W1处理平均提高了21.35%;久一果实中可溶性糖含量,W3处理较W1处理平均提高了20.48%。好运来果实中心可溶性固形物的含量, W3处理较W1处理平均提高了11.91%;好运来果实边缘可溶性固形物的含量,W3处理较W1处理平均提高了8.90%;好运来果实中可溶性糖含量,W3处理较W1处理平均提高了17.81%。(3)在整个生育时期,两品种礼品西瓜不同灌水处理060cm贮水量在膨瓜期都显著降低。两品种礼品西瓜在伸蔓期-果实膨大期耗水量最高,白膜处理久一伸蔓期-果实膨大期耗水强度最大,平均为5.13mm·d-1;白膜处理好运来伸蔓期-果实膨大期耗水强度最大,平均为5.40mm·d-1。(4)不同灌水、覆膜处理下两品种礼品西瓜水分利用效率均以W3F2处理最高,W3AF2达97.70kg·mm-1·hm-2比W1AF2提高27.84 %。W3BF2达98.84kg·mm-1·hm-2比W1BF2提高19.64 %。

【Abstract】 Because of the handicap of thin soil layer and infertile of sandy chestnut soil and uneven distribution of the rainfall in crop growth stages,in north-west of Hebei plateau, the agricultural production was low and unstable in this region. Mini-watermelon with thin planting had the special property of resource utilization which is larger spacial area above the ground and small root area underground. In the research, the experimental soil was sandy chestnut soil, which was accounted for 2/3 of whole cultivated area in north-west of Hebei plateau and the tested materials was Mini-watermelon.The effects of irrigation and film mulching treatments on the yield, quality of fruit and water use efficiency of Mini-watermelon were studied in the ridge culture and film mulching on furrow system. The main results were as follows:(1)Under different irrigation treatments, the two varieties of Mini-watermelon are the highest economic output W3 treatment. No film processing yield were 20077.74 and 20309.33kg·hm-2; white film treatment yield were 23708.74 and 23982.22kg·hm-2; black film treatment yield were 23817.73 and 24093.63kg·hm-2. W1 treatment compared with the corresponding increase of 26.65% and 18.62%; 29.30% and 21.55%; 26.07% and 17.98%.(2) The treatment of W3 was the best appearance for two kinds of mini-watermelons under different irrigating and film mulching conditions. The edible part of the W3 treatment was increased by 7.69% on average than the part of W1 treatment for the kind of“Jiu-Yi”, and that was increased by 4.94% for the kind of“Hao-Yun-Lai”. For the nutritional quality parameters of two kinds of Mini-Watermelons, the treatment of W3 was higher than that treatment of W1. For the kind of“Jiu-yi”, the content of the soluble solids in the center and the edge of the fruit and the content of the soluble sugar were increased by 11.96%, 21.35% and 20.48% on average, respectively. For the same parameters of the kind of“Hao-Yun-Lai”, the W3 treatment was increased by 11.91%, 8.90% and 17.81%, respectively.(3) During the whole growth period, the storage of soil water in the depth of 060 cm decreased significantly in the fruit formation stage for different treatments of the two types of Mini-Watermelon. For these two kinds of watermelon, they have the maximize water consumption between the stage of vine-extending and fruit formation and the water consumption of white film treatments during this stage was the largest. The largest water consumption of the two kinds of Mini-Watermelon, Jiu-Yi and“Hao-Yun-Lai”, was 5.13mm·d-1 and 5.40mm·d-1 on average, respectively.(4) Different irrigation, film mulching treatments of two varieties of water use efficiency of Mini-watermelon are W3F2 treatment was the highest, W3AF2 up to 97.70kg·mm-1·hm-2 increased 27.84% than W1AF2. W3BF2 up to 98.84kg·mm-1·hm-2 increased 19.64% than W1BF2.


