

Effects on Regulation of Fertilizer and Water in Arid Mountainous Apricot

【作者】 王伟军

【导师】 周大迈;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 杏(Prunus Armenniaca)蔷薇科,李属,落叶乔木,原产于我国。杏树抗逆性较强,其营养价值和药用价值较大,是山区和丘陵干旱地区脱贫致富的主栽树种之一。研究区(唐县游家佐)位于太行山东侧低山丘陵去,海拔100 m500 m,该地区降雨量少,干旱明显,水资源供需矛盾尖锐,土壤养分含量比较低,如何提高本区灌溉水的利用效率、肥料利用效率成为当前农业节水、合理施肥的研究热点。本研究以5年生金太阳杏树为研究材料,通过灌溉保墒试验、施肥试验和灌溉保墒施肥试验,探讨不同灌水时间、灌溉量和保墒措施下农田土壤水分的动态变化规律以及不同施肥方式下土壤养分含量、叶片果实养分浓度及杏产量的变化规律,为该区合理施肥及节水灌溉提供数据支持,主要研究结果如下:1.在杏收获前期,增加灌水量可以提高土壤含水率;在整个生育期内,常规灌溉(CK)、滴灌(DI)、滴灌覆膜(PMDI)和控滴覆膜(PMRDI)的灌水量分别是66.6 mm、33.4 mm、33.4 mm和25.0 mm,各个处理下果实产量分别为9.79、9.10、9.55和8.29 kg/株,与常规灌溉比较,滴灌覆膜、滴灌和控滴覆膜处理节约灌水量分别是49.85%、49.85%和62.46%;滴灌覆膜、滴灌、控滴覆膜耗水量较常规灌溉分别减少8.18%、9.06%和11.39%;滴灌覆膜处理水分利用效率(WUE)最高,为7.934 kg·m-3;滴灌覆膜处理下可溶性固形物含量分别比控滴覆膜、滴灌和常规灌溉处理提高了2.38%、8.92%和12.95%。2.与不施肥(NF)相比,施肥可以提高100 cm土层养分含量、叶片及果实全氮磷钾浓度;与环状施肥(NR)和滴灌环状施肥(DR)相比,滴灌施肥(NW)方式下土壤养分含量更高;滴灌施肥叶片全氮浓度比不施肥、环状施肥、滴灌环状施肥分别提高9.12%、0.62%和0.94%;与不施肥相比施肥可显著提高果实纵径、果实横径、果形指数及果实产量;滴灌施肥、环状施肥和滴灌环状施肥处理下单株产量分别比不施肥处理提高34.75%、34.48%和25.00%;四种施肥方式下可溶性固形物、总糖及总酸含量差异显著,滴灌施肥方式下可溶性固形物含量最高,分别比环状施肥、滴灌环状施肥和不施肥处理下的可溶性固形物含量提高了2.28%、5.16%和8.00%。3.施肥量相同的情况下,滴灌施肥(NW)处理产量显著高于常规灌溉施肥(CK)处理;与滴灌施肥相比,对杏树进行覆膜保墒,可提高果实产量、水分利用效率;与常规灌溉施肥相(CK)比,覆膜+滴灌施肥(PM+NW)和滴灌施肥(NW)的水分利用效率分别提高了37.67%和33.28%,覆膜+滴灌施肥处理水分利用效率最高,为8.782 kg·m-3

【Abstract】 Apricot (Prunus Armenniaca), rosaceae, prunus, deciduous arbors, native to China. Apricot has a strong stress resistance, large nutritive and medicinal value. Apricot is also one of the main plantings in mountain, hilly, and arid areas to accumulate wealth. The research area (You Jia-zuo village ,Tang county) is located on the eastern piedmont , low mountains and hills of Taihang Mountain at 100 m to 500 m altitude. This region rainfall is few, drought significantly, the water resource between supply and demand contradiction sharpen, soil nutrient content is relatively low. How to increase irrigation water use efficiency and fertilizer use efficiency has become present research focus of agricultural water saving and rational fertilization. The field experiment of 5-year-old Apricot Sol Aureus orchard, designed to have three different treatments (soil moisture conserving irrigation treatment, fertiliztion treatment and irrigation technique of mulching -fertilization treatment), to study the effects of different irrigation times , irrigation amount, soil moisture keeping measure on soil water dynamics and different fertilizer application method on the soil nutrient, leaf and fruit nutrient concentration, and yield variation regularities. In order to support the provide data for rational fertilization and water saving irrigation. The main results were as follows:1. Before the harvest stage, the added irrigation quantity could increase water content. During growth period, the irrigation quantity of conventional irrigation (CK), drip irrigation (DI), the plastic mulched drip irrigation (PMDI) and plastic mulched of regulated drip irrigation (PMRDI) were 66.6 mm, 33.4 mm, 33.4 mm and 25.0 mm, respectively. The yield of each per plant was 9.79 kg, 9.10 kg, 9.55 kg and 8.29 kg. Compared to the conventional irrigation, the plastic mulched drip irrigation, drip irrigation and plastic mulched of regulated drip irrigation saved water by 49.85%, 49.85% and 62.46%, respectively. Compared to the conventional irrigation, the plastic mulched drip irrigation, drip irrigation and plastic mulched of regulated drip irrigation decreased water consumption by 8.18%, 9.06% and 11.39%, respectively. The plastic mulched drip irrigation treatment of water use efficiency was 7.934 kg·m-3, which was the highest among four treatments. The soluble solids of plastic mulched drip irrigation treatment respectively increase 2.38%, 8.92% and 12.95% to plastic mulched of regulated drip irrigation, drip irrigation and conventional irrigation treatment. 2. Compared to non-fertilization (NF), fertilization could increase 100 cm soil nutrient concentration, leaf and fruit total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentration. Compared with deep-ditch fertilization (NR) and drip-deep-ditch fertigation, fertigation (NW) treatment had the higher soil nutrient concentration. Compared with non-fertilization, deep-ditch fertilization and drip-deep-ditch fertigation, fertigation treatment could increase the leaf total nitrogen concentration, the increased data as 9.12%, 0.62% and 0.94%, respectively. Fertilization could significantly increase fruit length, fruit width, fruit shape index and fruit yield. The yield per plant would be increased under fertigation , deep-ditch fertilization and drip-deep-ditch fertigation, the increased data as 34.75% , 34.48% and25.00%, respectively. The difference was significant of the soluble solids, total sugar, and total acids content among the fourth treatments. The fertigation treatment of soluble solids was the highest among the fourth treatments. The soluble solids of fertigation treatment respectively increase 2.28%,5.16% and 8.00% to deep-ditch fertilization,drip-deep-ditch fertigation and non-fertilization treatment.3. In the same fertilizer amount condition, the yield of fertigation(NW) was significantly greater than conventional irrigation and fertilization(CK). Compared with fertigation, the fruit yield and water consumption increased on the film-covered moisture conservation measures. Compared to the conventional irrigation and fertilization , the plastic mulched fertigation (PM+NW) and fertigation (NW) raised water use efficiency by 37.67% and 32.28%, respectively. The plastic mulched fertigation treatment of water use efficiency was 8.782 kg·m-3, which was the highest among three treatments.


