

Soil-Tree Nutrient Characteristics Research of the Main Grape Planting Areas in Hebei Province

【作者】 王探魁

【导师】 张丽娟; 吉艳芝;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 土壤学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前的葡萄生产上,传统施肥方式的盲目性,不仅导致了资源的浪费和生态环境的恶化,还造成葡萄品质下降,产量降低等问题。因此,如何在保证葡萄品质和产量的同时,进行合理的养分投入,成为葡萄生产的关键问题。本研究通过调查分析河北葡萄主产区果园土壤养分及果园施肥状况,明确了河北主产区果园土壤养分供应及果园施肥现状;同时选取河北葡萄主产区怀来县鲜食、酿酒葡萄高低产园作为研究对象,采取定点采样和室内分析相结合的方法,从施肥和养分平衡的角度,对其养分管理和树体养分吸收动态变化进行分析研究,初步揭示了土壤养分和树体营养的动态变化规律。研究主要得出以下结论:(1)当前河北主产区(怀来、涿鹿、昌黎)葡萄园地力状况良好。总体来看,河北葡萄主产区土壤中氮、磷、钾养分含量大体上处于中等以上水平,部分果园存在氮、钾养分含量偏低的情况;土壤中铁、铜含量丰富,锌含量适中,而锰含量却处于较低水平。(2)县域间施肥种类和用量差异较大。氮、磷、钾养分投入比例不协调,钾比例偏低;施肥时期不恰当,整个生育期氮肥过多,磷、钾肥不能平衡供应。有机无机总养分投入量以涿鹿最高,昌黎次之,怀来最低。(3)在定点跟踪的果园中,高低产园养分投入均偏高且盈余严重,鲜食果园氮磷钾盈余量分别为693.3 ,663.9 ,705.3 kg/hm2,酿酒果园则为145.9 ,353.3 ,246.4 kg/hm2;高产园较为关注生长季全程和需钾关键生育期进行钾肥追施补充。鲜食高产园果实可溶性固形物、还原性Vc显著高于低产园;酿酒高产园氮、磷、钾肥偏生产力均明显高于低产园。(4)树体氮素含量叶片﹥叶柄、果穗,生长季总体呈下降趋势,土壤硝态氮与树体氮素含量没有明显相关性;叶片磷素变化剧烈,呈现“高低高”的M状动态变化,叶柄和果穗波动较小,土壤速效磷与叶片磷素含量呈负相关趋势;整个生长季植株钾含量表现出叶柄﹥果穗﹥叶片的趋势,叶柄中钾素变化波动较大,高产园花后始终维持较高的土壤供钾水平。因此葡萄植株氮、磷营养诊断应选取花后叶片,钾则以花后叶柄为宜。(5)在整个生育期内,树体铁含量叶片>果穗>叶柄,叶片中铁含量逐渐增加,叶柄中铁含量基本稳定;树体锰含量叶片中呈波动上升,幼果期达最大峰值,叶柄中逐渐增加,成熟期达最大值;树体相同组织内锌含量变化趋势基本一致,品种之间无差异,在萌芽期至幼果期,叶片中含量显著上升,之后趋于稳定,但在叶柄中波动较大,在幼果期和着色期均出现峰值;叶片、果穗中铜含量波动上升,而叶柄中铜含量基本趋于稳定。

【Abstract】 Under the current situation of grape production, the traditional fertilization not only has lead to the waste of resources and deterioration of ecological environment, but also caused a decline in grape quality and yield. Therefore, it is a key to improve grape production that ensures the quality and yield of grape with combination to the reasonable nutrient inputs.In this study, soil nutrient and fertilization status in the main grape producing areas of Hebei Province were investigated. both the high and low grape production of the fresh and the wine vineyards were selected as the research object park, by the methods of field sampling in specific pilots and laboratory analysis. As the views of fertilization and nutrient balance, nutrient management and changes in nutrient absorption of tree body were analysed. The current study revealed that the dynamic changes of nutrient in the soil and in trees. The main results of this study are shown as follows:(1) Soil fertility condition was good in the current main areas of Hebei (Huailai, Zhuolu, Changli) vineyards. Overall, P and K nutrient contents in the soil were generally in the moderate level, but in several vineyards N and K contents in the soil were relatively low; soil Fe and Cu content was rich, and Zn content was in the moderate level, but Mn content was at a low level.(2) County differences between the type and amount of fertilizer larger. NPK nutrients into harmonious proportions, the proportion of low K; application time was inappropriate, the excessive growth of N, P and K can not be timely supply. Three regional fertilizer nutrient inputs were higher than the total input of organic fertilizer. The total amount of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs to the highest Zhuolu, Changli second, pregnant to a minimum.(3) In the fixed-point tracking wineyards, nutrient input in high and low yield wineyards of the local place are relative high with serious surplus, surplus amount of NPK in fresh grape wineyards are 693.3 ,663.9 ,705.3 kg/hm2 respectively, and 145.9 ,353.3 ,246.4 kg/hm2 in wine grape wineyards; high yield wineyards are more concerned about the entire growing season, potassium demand and potassium topdressing in the critical growing period; soluble fruit solids and the reducible Vc in high yield wineyard of fresh grape is obviously higher than that of the low yield wineyard; NPK fertilizer productivity in high yield wineyard of wine grape obviously higher than that of the low yield wineyard, which realizes efficient use of nutrient resources.(4) Trunk nitrogen content leaf blade﹥petiole, fruit ear, showing an overall downward trend in the growing season, soil nitrate nitrogen and trunk nitrogen content has no significant correlations; leaf posphorus changes dramatically, fresh and wine grape presents a“high-low-high”and M-like dynamic change, the petiole and fruit ear fluctuates slightly, contents of soil available phosphorus and leaf phosphorus shows a trend of negative correlation; potassium content of plant in the entire growing season shows a trend of petiole﹥fruit ear﹥leaf blade, potassium changes greatly in petiole, while high yield wineyards after flowering always maintains a relative high soil potassium supply level. It is recommended that leaf blade after flowering shall be selected for diagnosis of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition of grape plant, while petiole after flowering for potassium.(5) In the whole growth period, the Fe content in tree leaves> fruit ear> petiole, gradually increase the Fe content in leaves, petioles, the basic stability of the Fe content; tree leaves Mn content was increased fluctuations in young fruits of the maximum peak petiole gradually increased, reached the maximum maturity; tree within the same tissue Zn content in the same trend was no difference between species, in the bud stage to young fruit period, were significantly increased in leaves, and then stabilized, while the petiole the fluctuations, in the young fruit stage and the color of both the peak value; leaves, fruit ear fluctuations in the Cu content increased, the Cu content of the petiole base to stabilize.


