

【作者】 胡志杰

【导师】 周小佳; 丁里;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 航空气象作为气象学科的一个分支,服务是根本,预警预报是核心,观测是基础,信息与技术是保证。随着气象业务的快速发展,气象部门的各种气象资料及服务产品越来越丰富,其中民航地面气象观测与普通气象观测有着明显的区别,它除了每小时或每半小时一次的例行观测,为气象预报提供服务和积累大量各要素的历史资料外,还是气象衍变统计的基础数据来源。各种气象数据存储量在迅猛增加,保存和利用这些资料对今后的业务发展和科学研究有着重要的意义。但是,业务的发展也带来了一系列的挑战,目前大多数气象部门仅仅依靠硬盘、光盘等介质进行存储,其存储容量、速度、可靠性、安全性等方面与业务需求不适应的矛盾逐步突出。因此,客观上需要一种容量大而且能安全、完整地保存好各类气象数据的技术或介质。本文利用了信息化技术实现了重庆民航气象数据采集处理分析系统,实现对历史资料的科学、有效管理,依据民航气象历史资料管理办法保证历史资料的长期、安全存储,按照中华人民共和国民用航空行业标准MH/T 4016.7-2008实现气候资料自动化整编与分析,实现了观测年与报表的自动化生成,提供气象数据统计报告和趋势比对分析,充分、合理的使用现有数据资源为进一步的气象数据分析和挖掘奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Aeronautical Meteorology as a branch of the Meteorology, service is fundamental, forecast and warning is a core, observation is the base, information and technology to guarantee. With the rapid development of meteorological operations; all kinds of weather information services and products of meteorological departments are more abundant. There is an obvious different between the civil aviation ground meteorological observations and meteorological observation. Except the routine observation for delivery service to the weather forecast service and accumulate a large number of all elements of historical records every hour or every half hour, the slight changes of the basic statistical data sources. A variety of meteorological data storage has increased, and the use of these data in the business development and scientific research has a significant. However, the development of business also brought a series of challenges, the majority of meteorological department solely rely on the hard disk, disk, a storage medium, the storage capacity, speed, reliability and security aspects related to the conflict needs gradually. Therefore, the objective is required on a larger security and integrity and the preservation of good variety of meteorological data or medium.The article on information technology through the implementation of the civil aviation in the history data file management system, the realization of the history of science and effective management and data based on the history of civil aviation management measures to guarantee a long-term historical information, safety of storage。

  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】82

