

【作者】 冷小波

【导师】 杨宜康; 杜云贵;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着烟气脱硫产业的快速发展,出现了部分烟气脱硫工程建设质量不过关、脱硫设施投运率低、运行维护效果差等问题。为提高烟气脱硫设施建设质量,国家发改委会同国家环保总局组织开展了火电厂烟气脱硫特许经营试点。这对于建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会具有积极意义。为此,需要在项目开始前期进行电厂烟气脱硫工程的经济可行性研究,该项研究是决定是否开展烟气脱硫特许经营的关键因素。正是基于以上背景,我们对烟气脱硫特许经营项目的经济评价体系进行了相应的信息化建设。本文基于软件工程方法学详细介绍了此经济评价软件的开发流程,包括:问题描述、可行性研究、软件需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、系统的实施等多个阶段,逐步完成了“烟气脱硫工程经济评价软件”的开发工作。具体研究内容如下:(1)对烟气脱硫工程模型开发的可行性研究,包括:技术可行性、经济可行性、操作可行性和社会可行性;(2)对烟气脱硫工程模型开发的需求分析做了问题调研、功能需求分析、数据需求分析和性能需求分析。其中的功能需求严格按照软件开发流程,建立了分层的数据流图和数据字典;同时,数据需求分析给出了系统的实体联系图。(3)接下来在烟气脱硫工程模型的设计中,分别给出了系统的软件结构图和数据库的设计,在数据库设计里完成了系统所需的各种二维表格的结构创建。(4)通过前面对烟气脱硫工程的经济评价模型的分析和设计,采用VB.NET语言、利用SQL SERVER2005数据库管理软件,对该系统进行了技术上的实现。烟气脱硫工程经济评价软件的开发有助于提高企业投资决策的科学化水平,有助于引导和促进各类资源合理配置,优化投资结构,减少和规避投资风险。具体到中电投远达环保工程有限公司的烟气脱硫经营项目而言,该软件的开发能够为企业节约前期项目建议书和各种可行性研究报告费用的20%。同时,烟气脱硫特许经营在我国尚处于试点阶段,没有同类软件的开发流程可供借鉴,因此本软件的开发具有很强的创新性,无论是从软件工程的角度,还是从企业信息化建设的角度,都将对同类软件开发具有示范效应。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of Flue Gas Desulfurization Industry causes the problems such as the quality failure of some FGD projects, low operation efficiency of FGD devices, the poor operation maintenance. To improve the construction quality of the FGD facilities, the National Development and Reform Commission and State Environmental Protection Administration organized pilot program for FGD BOT for coal-fired power plants. The FGD BOT model is favorable for integration of resources, improvement of capital structure. The FGD projects for power plant operating in such model will help realizing the environmental industrialization, creating benefits for investor, creditor, and achieving the goal of emission reduction, that will contribute to the built of energy-saving and environmental friendly sociality. Adoption of the FGD BOT model goes in parallel with the national policy. As CPI Yuanda Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd meets the requirements on technology, operation management, reserve of talents and financing capacity, the key factor for operating the FGD BOT model is the economic feasibility of the FGD project in power plants.Therefore, in this article, it studies the economic feasibility of the FGD BOT in detail, which can be summarized in following 3 aspects: firstly establishing the financial and economic evaluation system; Secondly taking the 2×600MW units FGD project of the CPI Jiangxi Xinchang Power Company as subject, to expound and prove in detail the Financial and Economic Evaluation System for FGD BOT project; Finally analyzing and elaborating the application value of financial and economic evaluation system for the FGD BOT project. The main contents in this paper include:(1) The possibility research of this FGD project include: the possibility of technology, the possibility of economy, the possibility of operation and the possibility of society.(2) We discuss the requirement of, such as how to study the issue, how many functions in this system, what kind of relationship among different data. The requirement of function exactly follows the rules of the programming development; we build the layered DFD and data dictionary. At the same time we also build entity-relationship graphics for data requirement.(3) Then in the procedure of design of FGD project model, we build the software structure chart and database. At the same time we build all kinds of data tables of this system.(4) From the discussion and design of this economy evaluation model in FGD project, we use VB.NET language, SQL SERVER2005 language to develop the system.The Gross Revenue of FGD BOT project consists of desulfurization tariffs revenue and the desulfurization by-products sales revenue. The movement of online electricity quantity of power plant is in direct proportion to the desulfurization tariffs revenue, when receiving the same subsidy on desulfurization tariffs, which means the online electricity quantity, is higher and the desulfurization tariffs revenue gets higher. The operation costs of FGD project comprises of fix cost, variable cost and financial cost. The variable cost is in direct to the operation cost. By analyzing the project income, costs, making Cash Flow table, to define the economic feasibility of the project and make proper investments with the financial and economic evaluation indicators such as the project internal rate of return, net present value, return period of investment.

  • 【分类号】X701.3
  • 【下载频次】119

