

The Study on Housing Development Strategy of Real Estate Enterprise Based on Housing Consumption Behavior of Urban Households

【作者】 于德怀

【导师】 尚国琲;

【作者基本信息】 石家庄经济学院 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 进入90年代,我国房地产行业获得了迅猛发展,城镇居民的消费行为对住宅市场的影响越来越明显,但房地产企业在住宅开发时仍固守原有策略,于是出现了诸如企业所开发出来的商品房不符合市场要求,缺乏住房消费行为调查,开发策略单纯,客户细分不足等等问题。进入2008年以来,房地产企业如何在准确判断居民住房消费行为特征和趋势的基础上找到相应的住宅开发策略,如何通过适应市场的住宅开发策略的实施在残酷的市场竞争中树立起自己的开发策略优势和取得胜利,已经成为摆在房地产企业面前的一个严峻课题。本课题就是在这样的背景下,对石家庄城市居民的住房消费行为和房地产企业住宅开发策略进行分析,并在此基础上对基于住房消费行为的房地产企业住宅开发策略进行了探索性的研究。本文第二章对消费行为学和住宅开发策略相关理论进行了概述。第三章以石家庄居民为对象进行了住房消费行为问卷调查,通过问卷调查获得石家庄市居民人口统计学特征,并在此基础上构建起石家庄住房消费群体细分体系,得到11类住房消费群体,同时对不同住房消费群体的住房消费行为特征提出差异性假设,运用卡方检验、加权平均法和因子分析等统计方法对其进行了验证,从而得到石家庄11类住房消费群体的住房消费行为特征。第四章则在对石家庄市房地产企业的产生和发展过程进行简单概述之后,构建起住宅开发策略演变二维方格图,对过去20多年的石家庄本土房地产企业住宅开发策略演变过程进行具体分析,预测石家庄市住宅市场将更加细分化,房地产企业也将逐渐走上“双高”的住宅开发策略;在对石家庄房地产企业所面临的内外部环境进行了PEST和SWOT分析之后,提出了基于石家庄居民住房消费行为的五种房地产企业住宅开发策略,进行了概念介绍、提出理由分析以及当前石家庄现有楼盘情况分析,最后有针对性地提出一系列的住宅开发策略。第五章以卓达集团太阳城二期养老社区项目为例,对该项目的优势与劣势以及机会和威胁、所采取的开发策略进行了深入的分析,并对其为什么受到市场的欢迎进行了原因总结。

【Abstract】 Into the 90’s, China’s real estate industry is the rapid development of urban residents consumption behavior of the impact on the residential market, more and more obvious, but in the residential real estate development enterprises was still stick to the original strategy, the emergence of such enterprises developed The commercial houses do not meet market requirements, lack of housing, consumer behavior survey, development strategy simple lack of customer segmentation and so on. Into 2008 has been how to accurately determine the real estate business residential housing characteristics and trends in consumer behavior based on the development of strategies to find appropriate housing, how to adapt to the market through the implementation of the residential development strategy in the brutal competition in the market and establish their own development strategic advantage and the victory has been placed in front of the real estate business a serious issue. The subject was in this context, on the Shijiazhuang urban housing and real estate business residential consumption behavior analysis of development strategies, and on this basis, the housing consumer behavior based on the real estate business residential development strategy of the exploratory studyIn the second chapter of the consumer behavior and the theory of residential development strategy was outlined. Chapter III of Shijiazhuang residents object to housing consumer behavior survey questionnaire obtained by demographic characteristics, and built up based on the analysis of housing consumption in Shijiazhuang segmentation system, are 11 categories of housing, consumer groups, Meanwhile, consumer groups of different housing characteristics of the housing consumer behavior differences in assumptions made using the chi-square test, the weighted average method and factor analysis of their statistical methods were verified to be 11 categories of housing, consumer groups Shijiazhuang housing consumption behavior. The fourth chapter in the real estate company in Shijiazhuang City, the birth and after a brief overview of the development process, building from the residential development strategy of the evolution of two-dimensional grid map of the past 20 years, Shijiazhuang local residential real estate business development strategies for specific evolution analysis, forecasting Shijiazhuang City housing market will become more segmentation, real estate companies will gradually take the "double-high" of the residential development strategy; In Shijiazhuang, the real estate business and external environment facing the PEST and SWOT analysis carried out after the proposed Shijiazhuang-based consumer behavior of five kinds of residential housing residential real estate business development strategy, a concept introduced, reasons analysis and analysis of the current situation of Shijiazhuang, the existing real estate, and finally puts forward the development strategy. Chapter 2 to Zhuoda Corporation Sun City retirement community projects, for example, the project’s strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats, the development strategy adopted by the in-depth analysis, and its Why was welcomed by the market reasons summarized.


