

Research on Spatial-temporal Dynamics and Ecosystem Services Evaluation of Tidal Marshes in Shanghai Based on Remote Sensing

【作者】 阮俊杰

【导师】 黄沈发;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 上海地处长江入海口,长江携带的丰富泥沙资源在河口堆积,造就了上海的淤泥质潮滩,孕育了极其丰富的滩涂湿地资源。滩涂湿地不仅是上海经济发展的重要后备土地资源,也为上海地区提供了强大的生态服务功能和资源环境价值。然而,近年来由于自然过程和高强度的人类活动,长江流域及其河口的环境发生了一系列重大变化,上海地区的滩涂湿地面临着滩涂资源开发与保护的严峻挑战。本研究使用Landsat TM/ETM+遥感卫星数据,并结合大量的地面调查,研究了近20余年来上海滩涂湿地时空动态,动态评估了滩涂生态系统服务功能价值,分析了滩涂敏感性及健康状况,探讨了影响长江口滩涂变化的主要因素,提出了滩涂管理的相关对策。研究的主要结果如下:(1)滩涂总体上保持淤涨态势,但近几年速度有所减缓,九段沙形态基本保持稳定。主要淤涨区域是大陆或岛屿东、北部和江心部分区域。滩涂面积并未随滩涂淤涨而逐年增加,除互花米草滩涂外,其余各类型滩涂面积均呈现出明显减少的趋势。近20余年,滩涂遭到较为严重的圈围,累积圈围653.54 km2,主要圈围区域:崇明东滩、崇明北滩,南汇边滩,横沙东滩、长兴岛西部沙洲。(2)总体上来看,近20余年来,上海滩涂生态系统服务功能呈现出明显下降的趋势,除了互花米草滩涂外,其它各类型滩涂生态系统服务功能价值均呈现出明显的下降趋势,这是由于除互花米草外的其余各类型滩涂面积也均呈下降趋势。从各类滩涂生态系统服务功能价值看,光滩的服务功能价值最高,其次为芦苇滩涂以及海三棱藨草滩涂,而互花米草滩涂从无到有快速飙升。从区域来看,九段沙、崇明西滩、东风西沙临近沙洲、青草沙及临近沙洲外,其余滩涂湿地生态系统服务功能均呈现出减少的趋势。互花米草入侵和近年来滩涂发育速度减缓是导致2009年生态系统服务功能有所降低的主要原因。(3)崇明东滩、九段沙、南汇边滩属于高度生态敏感区,东风西沙、青草沙、中央沙、宝山边滩和崇明北滩属于较高生态敏感区,而横沙东滩、崇明西滩、浦东边滩、杭州湾边滩生态敏感性较弱。大陆边滩因为开发过度,并且长期得不到科学有效的管理和保护,致使滩涂退化严重,健康状况不容乐观。长江口岛屿和江心沙洲在适度开发利用的同时,加强了科学管理与保护,健康状况良好。(4)上海滩涂面临诸多的威胁,如圈围、滩涂经济活动、生物入侵、污染、上游大型水利工程、气候变化等。为此要加强滩涂的管理与保护,建议以动态保护与动态利用相结合为原则;以迁徙鸟类种群数量恢复为保护目标;以滩涂面积不因人为因素减少为底线;以法制建设与机制建设为抓手;加强滩涂生态环境质量的监测;加强对入侵生物的控制与管理,使滩涂的开发和利用走上可持续发展之路。

【Abstract】 Shanghai, with the huge amount of the silt brought by the Yangtze River, is blessed with plentiful coastal tidal marshes, which are the potential land resources for economical development. The tidal marshes could also provide ecological service and environmental value, such as improving water quality, mitigating climate change and conserving biodiversity. The results of this research on the developmental dynamics of the tidal marshes in Shanghai provide a sound basis for resource management and planning, preservation of biodiversity, sustainable development and utility of wetlands in the region.Remote sensing analysis with Landsat TM/ETM+data as well as field surveys were carried out in this study to explore the developmental dynamics of the tidal marshes in the past 20 years. The author evaluated the tidal marshes ecosystem services value dynamically, analyzed the sensitivity and the health of the tidal marshes, discussed the influencing factors of the Yangtze estuary tidal changes, and put forward the strategies for the management of tidal marshes. The results of this study showed:(1) The tidal marshes are silting up on the whole, but they are growing more slowly in the recent years, however, Jiuduansha Shoal’s shape remains stable. The main silting up areas are the mainland, the east of the islands, the north and the shoal. Nevertheless, the tidal marshes are not expanded year by year. The various types of tidal marshes are declining except for S. alterniflora. In the last 20 years, the tidal marshes were relatively seriously enclosed, with a cumulative enclosure of 653.54 km2, and the main enclosed areas are:Chongming Dongtan and Chongming Beitan, Nanhui Dongtan, Hengsha Dongtan, Changxing island west bank.(2) Overall, in recent 20 years, Shanghai tidal marshes ecosystem service value displays an obvious downward trend, and the various types of the tidal marshes ecosystem service value showed a marked decline apart from S. alterniflora. This is because various types of tidal marshes are tending to decline. From the point of view of all kinds of tidal marshes ecosystem service value, Guangtan service functions most efficiently, followed by P. australis and Scirpus mariqueter, and S. alterniflora has soared, from scratch fast. From the regional perspective, the tidal marshes ecosystem service value showed a reduced tendency, except Jiuduansha Shoal, Chongming Xitan, Dongfengxisha Shoal and Qingcaosha Shoal. S. alterniflora intrusion and the tidal marshes’slow growth in recent years are the main reasons for reducing the 2009 ecosystem service value.(3) Chongming Dongtan, Jiuduansha Shoal, and Nanhui Dongtan are the highest ecological sensitive areas, Dongfengxisha Shoal, Qingcaosha Shoal, Zhongyangsha Shoal, Baoshan beach and Chongming Beitan are the higher ecological ecological sensitive areas, and the ecological sensitivity of HengSha Dongtan, Chongming Beitan, Pudong beach, Hangzhou bay beach is relatively weak. Caused by over-development and the absence of effective management and protection, the tidal marshes in mainland are suffering from severe degeneration and poor health state. Scientific management and conservation of islands and Shoal in Yangtze estuary is enhanced under appropriate development, therefore, the tidal marshes in good health.(4) The tidal marshes are facing many threats, such as enclosure, economic activity, biological invasion, pollution, upstream, large-scale water conservancy projects and climate change. Therefore better management and protection are needed. The author suggested a principle of the integration of the dynamic protection and dynamic development; a goal to retrieve the migratory birds’populations; a bottom line with the area of the tidal marshes not reduced due to the human factors. What’s more, the author suggested that the monitoring of the ecological environmental quality be strengthened with high-quality legal system construction and mechanism construction; and the control and management of the biological intrusion be reinforced, and consequently, the tidal marshes exploitation and utilization be on the path of the sustainable development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

