

Communities of Autonomous Units for Programming Tutoring

【作者】 官洋

【导师】 朱国进;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 计算机应用, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM/ICPC)已成为在中国大学生中很受欢迎的竞赛活动。越来越多的大学正在参加这项赛事。比赛本身成为一个不同大学间交流教学经验的好机会。许多大学正试图把ACM/ICPC的模式引入到他们的程序设计教学中,希望借竞赛的创新机制来推动程序设计教学的改革和发展。2009年我校成功举办了ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛全国邀请赛,第34届国际大学生程序设计竞赛亚洲区预选赛(上海赛区)网上预赛,第34届国际大学生程序设计竞赛亚洲区预选赛(上海赛区)现场决赛。其中上海赛区的决赛中共有来自中国大陆、中国台湾、泰国和蒙古等地区的90所高校组成的134支参赛队伍参加。我校创造了两项ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛的记录:一是首次在国内的竞赛环境中使用我校自主开发的程序设计评判系统。二是首次在现场决赛时同时进行网上同步赛。我校以及学院通过赛事的成功举办向国内外同行展示了良好的学术科研水平。程序设计评判系统圆满的完成了竞赛的任务,如果能将程序设计评判系统引入我校日常程序设计教学的过程中,那将为程序设计教学的改革和发展提供一个良好的系统平台。但是问题在于:程序设计评判系统最初的开发是按照程序设计竞赛的需求完成的。程序设计教学和程序设计竞赛虽然有相关性,但是程序设计教学也有其自身的应用和需求。同时由于开发程序设计评判系统的时间紧,任务重,周期短。课题组的成员就没有在系统的模型上投入太多的精力,也没有预见程序设计评判系统会被应用到程序设计教学中。由于这些原因,程序设计评判系统很难适应程序设计教学的应用和需求。本文结合国家自然科学基金项目:“网络知识互联结构自主发育模型研究”,针对上述问题,重点研究程序设计评判系统在程序设计教学中的结构模型,目标是其结构模型在理论上能够实现程序设计教学所面临的新的任务和需求。同时其结构模型也可以作为网络知识互联结构自主发育模型研究的实验性原型系统的前期准备工作。本文按如下步骤展开:首先,总结出程序设计教学的需求和程序设计竞赛的需求,再根据程序设计教学和程序设计竞赛的需求分析,整理出程序设计教学和程序设计竞赛的任务。研究程序设计教学的需求、任务和程序设计竞赛的需求、任务之间的区别和联系。其次,在现有程序设计评判系统的基础上,结合程序设计教学任务和程序设计竞赛任务的区别和联系,在程序设计评判系统模型的设计上引入互连体和自主单元的概念,研究出程序设计教学系统的模型。然后,将程序设计教学中各个任务用互连体和自主单元的互连来实现。程序设计教学系统的实例模型可以通过自主单元的实例互连而形成。最后,基于以上理论与方法,讨论程序设计教学系统自主单元互连结构模型是如何动态适应具体应用环境的。对未来的程序设计教学系统的发展作出一些展望,以期望程序设计教学系统平台能够更好地为计算机教学服务。

【Abstract】 In these years, the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) has become a very popular activity among university students in China. More and more universities are taking part in this contest, and the contest itself becomes a good chance for exchanging teaching experience among different universities. Some universities have tried to apply the model of ACM/ICPC to their programming courses. And these universities hope that the innovation of the contest can improve the development of the programming tutoring.The 2009 ACM-ICPC Asia Shanghai Regional Contest was successfully hosted by Donghua University. During the final round from 90 universities in 4 countries and territories,134 teams participated in the onsite contest, including teams from China Mainland, Taiwan, Thailand and Mongolia. Another 153 teams participated in the synchronizing contest through the Internet concurrently. We have created two records in ACM/ICPC Contest. First, the judging system PC2, widely used in many regionals, was not used in the Shanghai regional contest. Instead, the judging system developed by Donghua University was used in the preliminary and final of the Shanghai regional. Second, during the final round of the Shanghai regional, a synchronizing contest was held on Internet, which provided the same problems as the on site contest did, to allow the fans who were unable to attend on-site trying the problems and feeling the atmosphere of the contest.The online judge system successfully completed the task of the contest. If we can introduce the online judge system into the programming tutoring and update the online judge system into a new programming tutoring system, the system will improve the development of the programming tutoring. The online judge system hardly applies in programming tutoring for many reasons. The online judge system is designed for the programming contest, not for the programming tutoring. The programming tutoring is related with the programming contest, but the programming tutoring has its own application and needs. The time spend on the development of the online judge system is very tight. So we spend little time and effort on the model of the online judge system. And we don’t anticipate this system will be applied to programming tutoring. Because of these reasons, this system is difficult to be directly applied to programming tutoring.Based on the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), this paper focuses on the structural models of programming tutoring to address the problemes. The subject of this paper is that the system model can meet the new requirements brought up by the programming tutoring in theory. At the same time, the structure model also can be used as an experimental prototype of the preparatory work for network interconnection of self-development knowledge.This paper starts as follows:First, sum up the applications and needs of the programming contest and tutoring. And sort out the tasks of the programming contest and tutoring according to the applications and needs of the system. Work out the difference and contacts between the programming contest and tutoring.Second, based on the difference and contacts between the programming contest and tutoring, we introduce the community of autonomous units to the model of the programming tutoring, and complete the model of the programming tutoring.Then, complete the various tasks of the programming tutoring with the community of autonomous units. Many autonomous untis form a community through the connection.Finally, based on the above theory and method, we discuss how the model can dynamically adapt to specific application environments in programming tutoring. We will also analyze the problems that we are now meeting and the works to be finished in the future.

【关键词】 自主单元程序教学互连体结构模型
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

