

Study on the Resource Investigation and Technique Propagation of Elaeagnus Angustifolia in Desert Region of Gansu Province

【作者】 谢新平

【导师】 李景侠;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 沙枣是一种集生态效益与经济效益于一体的重要树种,在我国主要分布在西北各省区和内蒙古西部的干旱区。沙枣是甘肃河西走廊主要的防风固沙树种,因其具有适应性强,繁殖容易,生长迅速,抗旱,耐盐碱,耐贫瘠等特性,深受当地群众喜爱。甘肃省林业科学研究院2007年承担中国林科院林业研究所下达的《沙区优良经济植物品种选繁技术研究》项目后,开展了沙枣资源调查工作,初步摸清了甘肃省沙枣资源的重点分布区域、面积、种类及资源量。同时,通过为期两年的种子繁殖与扦插繁殖试验,掌握了沙枣繁殖的关键技术,为繁育沙枣优良品种,实现沙枣的综合利用,改善生态环境、提高经济效益提供了理论依据。1.通过对甘肃省各地区沙枣的资源分布和生长发育情况的调查显示:在甘肃境内分布的沙枣属的植物有1种1变种24个品种,其中经民间栽培的优良品种主要有大白沙枣、牛奶头沙枣、八卦沙枣和羊奶头沙枣等。甘肃的武威、张掖、酒泉等15个(市)县沙枣人工林约26400hm2,沙枣成片林比较集中,呈大面积的防护林带分布;从果品质量上来说,以张掖、临泽、金塔所产的沙枣品种的果实质量较好,其产果率高,果大饱满,色泽光亮,基本无病虫害发生。2.通过对从15个种源地采集到的24个品种的沙枣种子和种条进行种子繁殖和种条扦插繁殖试验,掌握了种子育苗和扦插育苗的作业技术,经过对比分析得出:沙枣种子繁殖时,宜采用沙藏催芽法催芽;育苗时选用营养土,可提高出苗率;早春播种成苗率最高。沙枣种条扦插操作技术简单,可选用中基部枝条剪成长18-20㎝作插穗,开春土壤解冻后即可扦插繁殖。3.对沙枣进行冻害调查,沙枣实生苗受冻害株数占调查株数的42%,沙枣扦插苗受冻害株数占调查株数的72%,结果表明沙枣实生苗抗冻害能力比沙枣扦插苗强。

【Abstract】 Elaeagnus angustifolia, is an important tree with ecological benefit and economical benefit, which mainly distribute in dry region of provinces and regions of Northwest and Western Inner Mongolia, and is a main tree for defending disease from wind and sand at Hexi corridor of Gansu province. Elaeagnus angustifolia have the characteristics of drought-resistance, wind and sand-resistance, saline-resistance and barren-resistance. The project of Study on the Technique of Selection and Propagation of Fine Economy Plant Varieties in Desert Region, which is designed by Gansu Forest and Technology Research Institute in 2007, this project was distributed by Forestry Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Forestry, and then, the study of variety selection and propagation were conducted for two years. Through the introduction and colonization of Elaeagnus angustifolia seedlings, the cutting propagation and container nursery, comprehensive value were made with the experiment results and reference of other factors, fine varieties of Elaeagnus angustifolia which was suitable for cultivation breeding in China were selected preliminary.1.Through the investigation of resource, key regions of Elaeagnus angustifolia was grasped preliminary, there are 1seed 1variation 24 varieties of Elaeagnus angustifolia in Gansu province. There was area of artificial forest of 2.64×104 hm2 at distributions of Wuwei, Zhangye and Jiuquan, and counties of Minqin, Liangzhou, Ganzhou, Linze, Gotai, Anxi, Jinta and Jinchang has area of more than ten thousand Chinese MU. The Elaeagnus angustifolia forest distributes assembly, and the break-wind belt holds the largest area. The areas with best quality of fruit are Zhangye, Linze, Jinta, and the fruit with good color is plump without disease and insect. The rate of fruiting is largest. The main distributions of Elaeagnus angustifolia was ensure, and given a base to take seed, checked quality of seed and identified variety in Gansu province.2.Through the experiment on the cutting propagation and container nursery of 24 varieties of Elaeagnus angustifolia,which from 15 origin regions, grasped the techniques of cutting propagation and container nursery. The results shown that sand storage method was adopted to germination during propagation the seed,use nutrition soil when breeding could increase the rate of emergence; early spring sowing had the highest seeding rate. Elaeagnus angustifolia hardwood cutting operation techniques were easy, the cutting propagation after soil unfrozen, with cuttings 18-20cm.3.The frostbite was invested for seedling. The result shown that the rate of frozen seedling is 42%, and 72% of the cutting seedling was harmful. The ability to defend frostbite of seedling is stronger than that of the cutting seedling.


