

【作者】 李程程

【导师】 曹士云;

【作者基本信息】 杭州师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 产业集群是工业化过程当中的普遍现象,集群是特定产业中互有联系的公司或机构聚集在特定地理位置的一种现象,所有发展的经济体当中都明显地看到各种产业集群。产业集群也是衡量一个国家或地区经济发展水平的标志,在不同的经济发展阶段及产业结构条件下,经济增长点的选择具有明显的差异。理论和实证研究表明:产业集群是当今世界产业经济发展中最重要的组织形式之一,成为吸引国际资本的主导力量,也是区域经济健康发展并获得竞争优势的重要战略。随着市场经济体制改革的逐步深入以及人们生活水平的不断提高,尤其是北京奥运会的成功举办,促进了我国体育产业实践活动的飞速发展。从2007年开始,国家体育总局先后授予深圳、成都、晋江和北京龙潭湖4个地方“国家体育产业基地”称号,并在2009年9月同时授予富阳“国家体育产业基地”和首个“中国运动休闲示范区”称号,说明富阳有发展体育产业和运动休闲产业的产业基础、区域资源和区位优势。因此,本文以“富阳体育产业”作为研究对象,从产业集群的视角,把体育产业放在集群这样一个互相联系的复杂的区域性网络中进行研究,从而为富阳体育产业的发展提供广阔的发展空间。现阶段富阳体育产业主要以体育用品制造业和体育休闲服务业为代表,大多停留在低端的生产层次,追求逐低的利润,可以说“制造力”是非常脆弱的。应结合富阳体育产业基础、区位优势,充分发挥产业集群的优势,完善富阳体育产业发展过程中政策目标的制定,力求做到有序竞争、聚集效应、健康发展,将体育产业培育成为富阳支柱性产业。富阳体育产业已初具集群发展规模,并为县域社会经济的发展做出一定贡献,但富阳体育产业的集群效应尚未得到充分的发挥。需要借鉴产业集群理论,探析富阳体育产业基本结构与布局,揭示富阳体育产业形成机制与主要特征,全面提升富阳体育产业的核心竞争力,并快速嵌入到全球价值链中升级发展。在全球金融危机背景下,主动顺应全球休闲时代发展的浪潮,积极转变经济发展方式,探寻富阳体育产业发展的最佳契机与路径,促进富阳县域经济社会持续发展。应充分发挥区域品牌与区域资源的系统性优化配置作用,提高富阳体育产业的品牌意识和经营水平,抓住杭州建设“东方休闲之都”的战略契机,更好更快地实现体育产业与区域经济社会的和谐发展。

【Abstract】 Industry cluster is a common phenomenon in industrial process, each cluster is a phenomenon linked to specific industries, companies or organizations gathered at the specific location, it is obvious to see various industry clusters among all developing economies, it is also a sign of measuring economic development of a country or region, in different stages of economic development and industry form conditions, the choice of economic growth point is obvious different. Theoretical and empirical research shows that:industrial cluster is one of the most important organization form of the world’s industrial and economic development, become the leading force in attracting international capital, It is also an important strategic of healthy development and competitive advantage of regional economy.With the gradual deepening of market economic system and people’s living standard rising, especially the successful holding of Beijing Olympic Games, the sports industry to promote the rapid development of practical activities. Beginning in 2007, the State Sports General Administration has granted Shenzhen, Chengdu, Jinjiang and Beijing Longtan Lake four local "National Sports Industry Base", and in September 2009 also awarded Fuyang "National Sports Industry Base" and first "Demonstration of Chinese sports and leisure area "designation, indicating the development of Fuyang has leisure industry, sports industry and regional resources and location advantages.Therefore, In this paper, "Fuyang sports industry" as the object of study, from the perspective of industry, the sports industry cluster on the complexity of such an interconnected regional network of research, so as to Fuyang sports industry to provide a favorable development.Fuyang sports industry at this stage mainly sporting goods manufacturers and sports and leisure services industry representatives, most remain in the low-end production level, the pursuit of profits by low, you can say "manufacturing power" is very fragile. Fuyang based sports industry should be combined, location advantages, give full play to the advantages of industrial clusters and improve the development of sports industry in the Fuyang formulation of policy objectives, and strive to achieve orderly competition, mass effect, the healthy development of the sports industry, cultivate a new Fuyang economic growth.Fuyang Sports Industry Cluster has been basically formed, and the county has made great contributions to socio-economic development, but the Fuyang sports industry cluster is still immature, is taking shape, the cluster effect has not yet been fully exploited. Need to learn from industry cluster theory of Fuyang, the basic structure and layout of sports industry, sports industry Fuyang reveal the main features of the formation mechanism and raise the overall Fuyang core competitiveness of the sports industry, and quickly embedded into the upgrading and development of global value chains.In the context of the global financial crisis, conform to the tide of the times the global leisure, positive change in the economic development mode, explore the best opportunity for the sports industry and the path in the development of Fuyang, to promote economic and social sustainable development of Fuyang county. Should give full play regional brand and optimal allocation of regional resources, the role of systemic and enhance brand awareness Fuyang sports industry and the management level, grasp of Hang Zhou "Oriental leisure capital" strategic opportunity to achieve better and faster Sports Industry and Regional the harmonious development of economy and society.


