

【作者】 曹俞

【导师】 徐金尧;

【作者基本信息】 杭州师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究根据党的十六届六中全会关于《构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》提出的基本目标及主要任务,以丰富浙江沿海城镇社区体育、促进居民和睦平等相处、营造友好和谐的社区环境、提高社区文明程度为目的,以挖掘社区体育活动内容、推进社区体育方法和形式创新为研究重点。运用体育学、社会学、政策学、管理学、环境学、文化学、心理学等学科,采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法,对浙江区宁波、舟山、台州和温州等四个沿海地区的35个社区体育与社区和谐的相关问题进行深入的调查研究。主要对浙江沿海城镇社区体育在构建和谐社会中的作用、价值、意义进行研究;对作为构建和谐社会重要基石的社区体育的理论依据、社会基础及构建社区和谐的基本内涵进行探索:对沿海社区体育活动内容、活动形式、组织管理进行探究;对浙江沿海城镇社区体育特点、优势和发展与建设文明和谐新社区的基本途径进行了全面阐述;同时对典型社区体育案例进行分析总结。从而寻找出社区体育在促进社会和谐发展的理论依据,挖掘了浙江沿海社区体育在构建和谐社会中的潜在功能。通过研究,提出社区体育在平等参与,和谐相处,团结协作中体现了“粘合剂”作用;在化解社区矛盾,维护社区秩序,转化居民对社会的不满情绪,缓冲社区矛盾激化中具有“减压器”作用;在密切党群关系、形成良好社会风尚中具有“润滑剂”作用;在公平参与、平等服务、快乐协作的氛围中体现“民主示范”作用的新观点。

【Abstract】 In this study, according to the sixth plenary session of the 16th central committee of Party on " A number of important issues of Building a harmonious socialist society " raise the basic objectives and key tasks, in order to enrich the coastal town of Zhejiang community sports, promote the residents to live in equality and harmonious, create a friendly and harmonious community environment, improve the level of civilization for the purpose, community to pursue community sports content, promote the methods and forms innovation of community sports as a focus. use the methods of sports science, sociology, policy, management science, environmental studies, cultural studies, psychology and other disciplines, use literature, questionnaire, statistics, logical analysis, make depth research on the related issues of 35 communities sports and community harmnious in four coastal areas in Ningbo, Zhou Shan, Taizhou and Wenzhou, Zhejiang province.Mainly study the role, value, significance of community sports in building a harmonious society in coastal cities and towns in Zhejiang, explore the basic content on the harmonious society as a cornerstone of the theoretical basis of community sports, social base and building harmonious communities; explore coastal communities sports content, the form, organization and management; make a comprehensive exposition on the sports features, advantages and development of coastal town community sports of Zhejiang and the basic ways of building a civilized and harmonious new communities; at the same time, make a conclusion on the typical case of community sports. In order to find out the theoretical basis of the community sports in promoting social harmony development, Mining the potential function of Zhejiang coastal community sports in building a harmonious society,Through research, presents the "glue" role in equal participation in community sports, harmony, solidarity and cooperation; has a "decompression "role in resolving the community conflicts, maintain community policing, transforming the social discontent of residents, intensification of community conflicts in the buffer; has a" lubricant "effect in the close ties between the party and public, creating a good social climate; embodies a" democratic model "effect of new ideas in fair participation, equality and service, atmosphere of fun cooperation.

  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】170

