

【作者】 张俊杰

【导师】 熊钰; 唐建荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 阳高寺气田茅口组气藏是一个具有典型代表意义的低压气藏,生产时间长达47年,目前井口生产压力普遍在1.0-2.0MPa。截止2009年12月底,气田共完钻井51口,获气井31口,嘉陵江组获气井15口,长兴获气井1口,茅口组获气井15口,累计产气49.38×108m3,累产水141.52x104m3。其中茅口组气藏作为阳高寺的主力气藏,探明地质储量45.52×108m3,截至2009年12月,累计产气36.79×108m3,累产水141.23×104m3,剩余地质储量8.73×108m3。其中,阳7井区、阳47井和阳49井等裂缝系统合计剩余储量6.18×108m3,占总剩余储量的70.79%。本文通过对上述茅口组裂缝系统低压气井的动态特征研究,分析气藏含水与出水情况;分析气藏温度、压力;判断储层连通性和水动力系统;分析气水分布与气水关系;分析气井和气藏的生产动态特点;动态储量计算;预测气井气藏产能等;并根据以上研究确定和建议气井后期开发的措施及对策进行潜力分析和开采措施研究,旨在提高气藏的最终采收率。

【Abstract】 The Maokouzu reservoir in Yang’gaosi district is a typical low-pressure reservoir, which has 47-year production period and maintains production pressure between 1-2 MPa at present. It has 51 completed wells and 31 gas wells by the end of 2009, Jialinjiangzu reservoir has 15 gas wells, the same as Maokouzu reservoir, and Changxingzu reservoir just got 1 gas well. The whole reservoir has cumulatively output 49.38×108m3 gas and 141.52×104m3 water, including 36.79×108m3 gas and 141.23×104m3 water from Maokouzu reservoir, which has got 45.52×108m3 original gas reserves in place and remaining 8.73×108m3 unexploited (The Yang 7 district, Yang 47 well and Yang 49 well got 6.18×108m3, reach 70.79% of the whole unexploited gas reserves in place).This paper has done dynamic characteristics research to distinguish the reservoir type; analyses the pressure and temperature of reservoir; analyses the distribution and relationship of the gas-water, reexamine the gas reserves in place and recoverable reserves; forecast the well or reservoir productivity etc. Finally, this paper will get the Maokouzu reservoir potentiality, and make the development countermeasures, in order to enhance the Maokouzu reservoir recovery almightily.


