

Study on Compensation System of R & D Staff

【作者】 杨晓婷

【导师】 王兰云;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经大学 , 劳动经济学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 薪酬管理在人力资源管理体系中占有重要地位,同时也是企业高层管理者和员工最为关注的内容,而薪酬体系设计是整个薪酬管理的基础,特别是对于研发人员来说,他们是企业实现持续创新的重要保证,是企业获得和保持竞争优势的关键战略资本。因此,每个企业都希望通过建立科学合理的研发人员薪酬体系吸引、留住并且激励研发人员,使研发人员在对薪酬理解后有足够的积极性投入工作,激发他们的工作热情,在工作职位上发挥出最大的效用,最终实现企业的经营目标。论文对研发人员薪酬激励特殊性进行了分析,并考虑研发人员的个性和心理特征以及工作特征,结合薪酬设计相关理论,提出从外在薪酬和内在薪酬两个方面来对研发人员薪酬体系进行设计,然后介绍了A公司研发人员薪酬体系的现状,并针对研发人员发放薪酬满意度调查问卷,利用因子分析法对得到的数据进行分析,总结出该公司研发人员薪酬体系中存在的问题:薪酬结构不合理、岗位工资发放没有经过职位分析、绩效考核没有科学公平的指标、能力考核不全面,奖金的发放依据不明确且比例过低、对内在薪酬关注不够等;最后从基本薪酬、可变薪酬、福利、内在薪酬四个方面对A公司研发人员薪酬体系进行设计,并采用了宽带薪酬设计的方法,希望能够解决A公司现有研发人员薪酬体系中存在的问题,也对其他企业研发人员薪酬体系改革有一定的借鉴和指导作用。

【Abstract】 Compensation management plays an important role in the system of human resources management, as well as the most concern contents of senior managers and employees, and the compensation design is the foundation of compensation management. Especially for R & D personnel, they are the important guarantee for sustained innovation and also the key strategic asset for company to obtain and maintain competitive advantage.Therefore, every enterprise hope that they can establish a scientific and reasonable R & D personnel compensation system to attract, retain and inspire the talent, and then stimulate their enthusiasm for the work in the position, play the greatest utility, finally realizes the business objectives.The thesis analyzes the specific incentive features, consider the personality and work characteristics of R & D personnel, combined with the related compensation theory, and make R & D personnel system design salaries from both external and internal aspects of compensation; Then introduce the actual R & D personnel compensation system of A company,design questionnaire for them to investigate the satisfaction of the current compensation system, use factor analysis method to analysis the data of company, summarized the actually existing problems. For example:unreasonable compensation structure, position compensation design is unscientific,no perfect performance appraisal indicators, the incomprehensive capacity assessment, inequity bonus distribution and insufficient attention to internal compensation; Finally we design the compensation system from basic salary、variable salary、welfare、and internal salary and use the design method of the broadband salary to solve the problems existing in current compensation system of R & D personnel,as well as can be used for reference and guidance by other companies.

【关键词】 薪酬体系研发人员宽带薪酬
【Key words】 Salary systemR & D personnelBroadband salary
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【下载频次】377

