

The Study of Major Orthopedic Academic Schools in Sichuan (Clinical Study about Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis with Dialectics Massage)

【作者】 董孝龙

【导师】 江蓉星;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医骨伤科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 备注:四川中医骨伤科主要学术流派、学术思想与治疗方法的发掘、整理、研究及其研究成果的数据库建设系四川省中医药管理局重点课题。本课题做了以下几个方面的工作:1.在系统收集了杜派、郑派、杨派学术思想及治疗经验的前提下,发掘提炼其各派的学术精髓、独具特色的治疗方法(包括手法)、验方、用药特点等个性,从而博采众家之长,指导当今的医教研工作;2.探讨三派成功的共同点及基础,找出有规律性的共性;探讨三派的学术体系,找出其独特的个性;3.将研究成果及相关著述建设为“四川中医骨伤科主要学术流派及学术思想”数据库;4.总结与继承前人的经验、吸取其教训,供今人和后人学习、继承和发扬;同时以指导与改革当今的中医骨伤科人才培养模式和方法;

【Abstract】 Directions: The study of major orthopedic academic schools (include academic thought and treatment method) in Sichuan and building the database of research results are the Key topics of Traditional Chinese of Sichuan.The following aspects of this key topic have been done.1. After systematically collected the treatment experience of Du School,Zheng School and Yang School, the individuality of the schools are extracted, such as academic thought, own theory, unique treatment method or massage, proved recipe and so on. So as to use advantages to guide medical teaching and research.2. Investigate the common ground and basic of three schools that have certain regularity; Investigate three schools’academic systems, find their unique individuality.3. Writing research results and related construction in "Sichuan Journal of Orthopaedics and major academic schools and academic thought," database;4. Summarize and inherit experience of ancestors, and learn their lesson, so as to guide and reform the current personnel training model and methodologies in orthopedics and traumatology of traditional Chinese medicine; It can be utilized by other disciplines of Chinese medicine, and be inherited and developed by today and future generations.

【关键词】 学术流派杜派郑派杨派创始人手法传承发展
【Key words】 Academic SchoolsDu SchoolZheng SchoolYang SchoolFoundermassageInheritanceDeveloping

