

On the Formation of Running-school Characteristic of the Vocational Schools

【作者】 罗莹

【导师】 肖化移;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 特色是衡量一所学校发展水平的重要尺度,它决定着学校的兴衰成败,追求和形成自己的办学特色,以质量求生存,以特色谋发展,已经成为职业学校的共识。职业学校办学特色形成研究,包括研究和探索职业院校办学特色形成的理论依据、表现形式、模式和具体措施,既是提炼职业院校办学特色的前提,又是对我国职业学校办学特色形成实际应用的指导,对指导职业学校形成自己的办学特色具有较高的现实意义。本论文运用调查研究法、文献研究法、比较研究法和个案研究法对职业学校办学特色形成过程进行分析和研究,得出以下结论:从理论依据上来看,职业学校形成办学特色要认真分析贯彻自己独到的办学理念的需要与现实办学水平之间的矛盾,根据自己的优势、条件和实际需要,体现地方性和行业,找准自己优于其他院校的优势,提高人才培养水平。从表现形式来看,职业学校办学特色可体现在教育目标、文化品格和培养目标上,特别是由于“职业”两字,在教学模式、学科/专业建设、师资队伍建设和校园文化上与普通学校有所区别。职业学校在找准自己的特色项目时可注重从这些方面着手区别于普通教育形成特色。从模式选择来看,职业学校相对于普通教育和普通高校而言大多数职业学校办学历史较短,办学条件较差。职业学校形成办学特色紧紧围绕“职业性”、“社会性”、“实践性”的特点来做文章,更适合选择理想实施式和空白填补式形成自己的办学特色。职业学校在认真贯彻校本理论的基础上,找准定位,重点突破,全员参与,长期打造,以点带面,实行整体优化,逐步形成一种独特的、优质的、稳定的办学特色。

【Abstract】 Characteristic of running the vocational school can measure the development of the school level, which also decides whether the school is success or failure. All of the vocational schools have reached a common view, that is the formation of the characteristics, pursuing quality for existence and seeking characteristics for development. The research on the formation of the characteristics, including theoretical foundation, representation form, pattern, specific measures, is the precondition of the improvement of running-school capacity and practical-use instruction, it is also meaningful for vocational school forming its own running-school characteristics.In order to analyse and research the process of the formation of the characteristics of vocational school, I use survey research, data study, compared with analytic method and case study method, and conclude the followings:From the theoretical foundation, we ought to realize the contradiction between the requirement of the original school-running concepts and the realistic level of the school-running standards. By considering our own predominance, condition and social requirement, we ought to have our own advantages over other schools and enhance the quality of teachers with abilities.From the representation form, characteristic of running the vocational school lies in the educational objective, cultural character and training goal. Vocational school is different from the regular school on teaching models, specialty constructions, constructions of teaching faculty and campus culture. By considering these differences, vocational school can form its own specialties.Form the pattern, compared with general education and university, vocational school has the shorter history and worse condition. The vocational school should characterize its way of running with "occupational nature", "social nature "and "practical nature". In order to form the much better running-school characteristics, vocational school could adopt the methods of realizing the ideals and filling the specialty-lacking gap.On theoretical foundation of school-based in-service training, we ought to find the right niche, breakthrough the keypoints, require all the members to take part in, construct the characteristics for a long time, promote work in all areas by drawing upon experience gained at key points, carry out optimization. By doing so, vocational school can form its own special, high-quality and stable running-school characteristics gradually.

  • 【分类号】G712
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】232

