

Current Situation and Legal Measures to the Status of Collective Land of "Levy with Rent"

【作者】 钟宏

【导师】 蒋先福;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 从古至今,土地作为最基本生产资料,一直是人们赖以生存的基础。随着经济社会的迅速发展,土地以其不可再生的资源特性为基础,显化为资产,升华为资本,因此,依法科学高效利用土地日益成为社会关注的焦点。近年来,由于我国城镇化、工业化进程加快和各项社会事业蓬勃发展,对建设用地的需求越来越大,新增建设用地年度计划的严控和土地取得成本的不断提高,使农村集体土地成为土地需求者的“新目标”。但由于农村集体土地流转在立法、许可权限与程序、利益分配等方面存在许多不完善、不明晰的地方,导致“以租代征”农村集体土地这一违法违规现象在常德市频频发生,且有愈演愈烈的趋势。鉴于上述情况,国务院、国土资源部从2005年8月发布《关于坚决制止“以租代征”违法违规用地行为的紧急通知》到2007年开展土地执法“百日活动”,采取了一系列法律、行政、经济手段,打击和查处“以租代征”农村集体土地这一违法现象。本文以湖南省常德市“以租代征”农村集体土地违法现象为例,通过对常德市土地违法情况的调查和研究,阐述了“以租代征”这一违法现象的涵义及其特点,分析了“以租代征”现象产生的背景和原因,论述了“以租代征”与土地征收、土地承包经营权流转的本质区别,并结合常德市“以租代征”的实际情况以及当地政府和部门在管理过程中所运用的手段,试图运用法学原理对当前有关集体土地利用的法规政策提出修订和规范的建议,从而有效防治“以租代征”违法用地行为。

【Abstract】 Lands has been a fundamental means of production and humankind depend on it for ages. With the rapid economic development, the land feature of unregeneration makes it a kind of captial and it becomes the social focus as how to use the land reasonablely and lawfully. Recently, demand for farmland has increased and the land annual plan is controlled that makes the cost of obtaining land increasing, which caused rural collective-owned lands become the "new target". In addition, there are still some imperfections on the transfers of rural collective land in the view of legislation, administrative admission, procedure and benefit allocation. Hence, it resulted an illegal phenomenon called Levy with Rent and the situation is becoming increasingly worse in Changde city. To solve these problems, the State Council and Ministry of Land resources took administrative, legal and economic means to investigate and fight against the injuria from the Urgent Notice on Stopping the Levy with Rent (Aug,2005) to "Hundred Days Activities"(2007).This thesis sets the collective land injuria in Changde city as an example. Firstly, it describes the meaning and characteristics of "levy with rent" by investigation and analysis of illegal land use in Changde city. Then, it analyzes the background and causes of this phenomenon and discuesses the the differences among "levy with rent", land expropriation and circulation of rural land use rights. Basing on the situation in Changde city, the thesis also proposes some suggestions for legislations and policies on lands utilization in order to end the phenomenon of "levy with rent

【关键词】 集体土地以租代征对策
【Key words】 collective landslevy with rentcountermeasures
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】172

