

Investigation of the Clinical Effect for the Acupuncture Manipulation of Setting Fire on a Mountain at ST36 for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency

【作者】 杨丽洁

【导师】 吴节;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨足三里烧山火针法治疗脾肾阳虚型慢性疲劳综合征的临床疗效,为临床运用古代针法治疗这类由心理因素、社会因素、功能性失调所引起的亚健康状态,提供新思路,以提高临床疗效。方法:选择2009年3月—2009年12月期间成都中医药大学附属医院门诊患者。符合西医慢性疲劳综合征诊断标准及中医脾肾阳虚辨证标准,且年龄为18-55岁患者60例,随机分为足三里烧山火针法治疗组和常规针刺对照组。治疗3个疗程,在治疗前及每个疗程结束后采用量化评分的方式评定患者的各项症状。结果:(1)治疗前两组基线资料(年龄、性别、发病时间、疾病程度、症状评分、中医证侯评分)具有可比性(p>0.05)。(2)两组间疾病疗效比较:足三里烧山火针法治疗组痊愈3例,显效20例,有效6例,无效1例,有效率为96.67%;常规针刺对照组痊愈1例,显效12例,有效11例,无效3例,有效率为88.89%,经Ridit统计分析显示两组间疾病疗效差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)治疗后两组症状评分比较:疲劳严重程度量表(FSS)评分、躯体和心理健康报告(SPHERE)评分,治疗组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05),中医证候评分,治疗组低于对照组,差异显著,有统计学意义(p<0.001)。(4)治疗后1个月随访两组症状评分比较:疲劳严重程度量表(FSS)评分、躯体和心理健康报告(SPHERE)评分,治疗组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05),中医证候评分,治疗组低于对照组,差异显著,有统计学意义(p<0.001)。结论:足三里烧山火针法治疗慢性疲劳综合征,在改善患者疲劳程度、躯体和心理状态以及中医脾肾阳虚症状方面有显著临床疗效,该疗法在改善临床症状及促进患者良好心理恢复方面明显优于常规针灸疗法。

【Abstract】 Objective:This research is to investigate the clinical effect of the acupuncture manipulation of setting fire on a mountain at ST36 for chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) by kidney and spleen yang deficiency, which can provide a new treatment thinking for this kind of sub-health that is cuased by Psychological factors, social factors, and functional disorders, and which can increase the treatment effect.Methods:Select the outpatients of teaching hospital of chengdu university of TCM, during the time from Mar 2009 to Dce 2009. The patients should be in line with the diagnostic criteria of CFS, and the diagnostic criteria of kidney and spleen yang deficiency in TCM. The age of the patients should between 18 and 55 years old. Sixty patients are randomized into setting fire on a mountain at ST36 treatment group and common acupuncture control group. The corresponding treatment is lasted for three treatment courses, before the treatment and after each treatment course, evaluate the symptom of patients by quantitative score way.Ruslts:(1)Before treatment, two groups of the baseline data(age, sexuality,onset, severity of the disease, symptom score) are comparability(p>0.05). (2) Comparative efficacy of disease for two groups:for setting fire on a mountain at ST36 treatment group, recovery is two, markedly is twenty, effective is six, no effect is one, the efficient rate is 96.67%. For common acupuncture control group, recovery is one, markedly is twelve, effective is eleven, no effect is three, the efficient rate is 88.89%.The Radit statistical analysis shows that the difference between each group is significant(P<0.05). (3)The symptom score of two groups after treatment:the score of FSS and SPHERE in treatment group is lower than in control group, the difference between each group is significant(P<0.05). the score of TCM clinical manifestations in treatment group is lower than in control group, the distinguished difference between each group is significant(P<0.001).(4) The symptom score of two groups in follow-up:the score of FSS and SPHERE in treatment group is lower than in control group, the difference between each group is significant(P<0.05). the score of TCM clinical manifestations in treatment group is lower than in control group, the distinguished difference between each group is significant(P<0.001).Conclusion:Setting fire on a mountain at ST36 in CFS has distinguished clinical effect for improving fatigue, emotional disorder and TCM symptom, which has a better clinical effect than control group in relieving symptoms and rehabilitating normal mood.


