

Clinical Reaserch on Using the Xiaoyinjiedu Tang to Treat Active Psorasis Vulgaris

【作者】 耿爱爱

【导师】 吴军;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过临床疗效观察,评价中药方剂消银解毒汤治疗进行期寻常型银屑病(风热血燥证)的治疗效果。方法:按照随机对照原则,将60例患者分为两组。治疗组30例,口服消银解毒汤。对照组30例,口服复方青黛胶囊。两组均外擦肤痔清软膏。连续治疗12周后,观察疗效,通过对比治疗前后PASI评分,经SPSS16.0软件统计分析,作出疗效判定。结果:临床观察显示,治疗组总有效率为83.33%,对照组总有效率为70.00%,两组治疗前后PASI评分均有改善,治疗组总有效率明显优于对照组总有效率(P<0.05),两组有明显的差异性。治疗过程中未见明显不良反应导致患者退出试验。结论:消银解毒汤是治疗进行期寻常型银屑病(风热血燥证)的有效验方,可显著改善患者的临床症状,无明显不良反应。其疗效明显优于复方青黛胶囊。

【Abstract】 Objective:To evaluate the treatment effect of "Xiaoyinjiedu Tang" in treating active psorasis vulgaris, which belongs to wind heat and dry blood pattern in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), through observing clinical effects.Metheods:We divided 60 cases into two groups at random according to the different treatment applied.30 cases in the cure group, treated by "XiaoyinjieduTang". 30 cases in the control group, treated with "Fu Fang Qing Dai"capsule.We used "Fuzhiqing ointment"as external preparation in the two groups. To evaluate the treatment effect by comparing PASI scores 12 weeks later, and analyze it with the software of SPSS 16.0 for windows.Results:Clinical observation show that the total effective rate of treatment group was 83.33% while that of control group was 70.00%. There was significant difference between two groups (P<0.05) from the total effective rata. The PASI scores of the two groups both got better obviously, but treatment group was obviously better than control group.During the treatment course, there was not any obvious side effects which make patients drop out.Conclusion:"XiaoyinjieduTang"can improve the patients’clinical symptoms without any obvious poisonous side effect.It was an effective decoction to treat active psoriasis vulgaris which belongs to wind heat and dry blood pattern in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). "XiaoyinjieduTang"is much better than "FufangqingDai" capsule in curative effect.


