

Study on Friction Characteristics of Pneumatic Cylinders Base on LuGre Model

【作者】 陈剑锋

【导师】 刘昊;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 气缸作为气动系统中最常见的执行机构,以其结构简单、控制方便等优点,广泛应用于自动化生产中。近年来,随着微电子技术的飞速发展,气动技术与微电子技术相结合,气动伺服系统,特别是气缸位置伺服控制系统得到越来越广泛的应用,以满足工业设备的自动控制要求。然而,气动系统本身有不少不利于精确控制的弱点,其刚度比较差,非线性强。气缸的摩擦力特性,特别是低速状态下的摩擦力特性是影响其非线性的最主要因素之一,研究并掌握其特性对于更精确的伺服控制和爬行预测具有重要意义。对此,本课题综观国内外气缸摩擦力研究现状,在分析比较各种摩擦力模型和简要分析气缸摩擦力影响因素的基础上,结合实验室原有条件建立基于伺服电机的被动式气缸摩擦力测试台,实现被测气缸两腔气压与速度的独立控制。并以一无杆气缸和一单出杆气缸为例对其在不同气压、速度下的摩擦力进行测试分析,提出基于LuGre摩擦模型的各个动态和静态参数辨识和建模方法,并进一步研究供气压力和两腔压差对各个参数的影响,得出给定工作压力下被测气缸的摩擦力模型。最后根据实验结果,对于如何合理、有效率地测量和描述气缸摩擦力特性,提出了自己的一些有益建议。本论文主要分为四个章节:第一章本文的绪论部分,主要介绍了气动技术、气缸的特点和应用现状,以及国内外对气缸摩擦力的研究现状,并由此引出本论文的主要研究内容。第二章首先介绍了各种典型的摩擦现象,接着分析比较了现有的各种摩擦力静态和动态模型,简要分析了气缸摩擦力的影响因素,为摩擦力测试台的设计和测试结果提供理论依据。第三章详细描述了气缸摩擦力测试台的设计,包括其方案原理、硬件组成和软件设计。第四章以一无杆气缸和一单出杆气缸为例,对其在不同气压、速度下的摩擦力进行测试分析,研究供气压力和两腔压差对气缸的LuGre摩擦模型的各个动态和静态参数的影响。最后根据实验结果总结出如何合理、有效率地测量和描述气缸摩擦力特性的一些原则。

【Abstract】 Recently with the rapid development of microelectronics technology, the pneumatic servo system, especially the pneumatic position servo control system, has become more and more widespread application in many industrial fields. However, the pneumatic servo systems have many disadvantages to be overcome. For example, they have very low stiffness, inherently non-linear behavior and low damping, which cause difficulties to precise control. Among these, the most complex non-linearity in pneumatic position servo systems is the friction force of the actuator, which has a decisive influence on its motion characteristics. So learning more about the friction force in pneumatic actuators is an important step to obtain the precise control and its appropriate design.In this regard, we look at the current research status on the friction of cylinders, and have a comparison of various existing friction models, then briefly analyze the friction factors. On this basis, a new experimental apparatus on which the cylinder tested is driven by a servo motor, is designed to have an in-depth study. The friction of a rodless and a single-rod cylinders are tested under different working pressures and speeds, as an example. And then the method to identify the parameters of LuGre Model using the experiment data is proposed. Also the impact of various pressures on the parameters is investigated. Finally, According to the experimental results, some useful suggestions on how to measure and describe the friction characteristics of the cylinder reasonably and effectively are carried out.The whole paper consists of four sections:Chapter one is the introduction of this paper. It first briefs the current application situation of cylinders, and then briefly introduces the current research status on the cylinder friction. In the end, it points out the main subjects of the research work.Chapter two introduces the theory of friction by tribology method, including a variety of typical friction phenomenon, various existing static and dynamic friction models, and the impact of the friction factors.The third chapter describes in detail the design of test rig on cylinder friction, including its hardware and software design.In the fourth chapter the method to identify the parameters of the friction model is proposed. And then the friction of a rodless and a single-rod cylinders are tested under different working pressure and speed. Also the impact of various pressures on the parameters of the friction model is investigated. Finally, According to the experimental results, some useful suggestions on how to measure and describe the friction characteristics of the cylinder reasonably and effectively are put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

