

A Study on Media Responsiblity

【作者】 陈张壮

【导师】 郑根成;

【作者基本信息】 浙江财经学院 , 伦理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 传媒的迅猛发展使当前社会成为信息社会,芜杂的信息、文化充斥着人们生活的每个角落。传媒在使这个时代丰富多彩的同时,也在诱导着人们一步步走入传媒布下的陷阱,政治、经济和文化的强势者利用传媒操纵着社会大众,传媒也甘心成为少数人手中的傀儡,不断对民主理念和私人领域进行着蚕食。传媒责任研究成为当前传媒领域对传媒活动进行约束和指导的最具紧迫性的任务之一。传媒责任必须包括对传媒实务活动、传媒监督功能和传媒理念引导的规范和指导,这是传媒所具有的经济属性、公共服务属性、教育属性和告知功能、监督功能、教育功能对自身所隐含的责任要求,而现有传媒责任体系却不能很好地同时在这三方面对传媒发挥应有效力。传媒自由的意义在传媒责任研究中学者们观点不一,但实质上传媒自由自其产生之初就与传媒责任具有相同的价值指向,即服务社会、服务大众,并且传媒自由本身就预设了对自身的责任要求,同时也唯有在责任保障之下,真正的传媒自由才会实现。在传媒的发展过程中,自由往往被不断放大,以至最终成为传媒谋取私利、操纵大众的借口。传媒对消费主义的推崇是当前传媒侵入人们生活方方面面的重要原因,传媒在这一过程中不断构筑着消费社会的虚幻,使人们的生活世界成为一个光怪陆离的假象,固有的传统道德遭到冲击,人们的理性批判能力逐渐消褪。传媒原有规范约束失效,传媒的经济属性成为传媒最明显的特点,而其公共服务属性和教育属性却隐而不显,传媒陷入责任困境,传媒责任被传媒远远的撇在了一边,传媒责任体系建构刻不容缓。在传媒责任体系建构过程中,必须考虑传媒主体多层化、传媒功能层级化的特点,这要求传媒责任体系应呈层级结构,包括传媒实务责任、传媒监督责任和传媒理念责任三部分,这是应对传媒责任困境实质,即责任外在化和道德价值遭解构的必然出路。其中,传媒实务责任在“不伤害”原则下,约束传媒行为,保障现实传播行为合理进行;传媒监督责任是对作为机构性和制度性主体的传媒进行约束,同时也引导传媒发挥对当代民主社会的积极意义;传媒理念责任即是对传媒在当前消费社会面对多元价值冲突、传媒职业规范约束失效的情况下对传媒的最高道德价值引导,同时也规范着传媒监督功能的实现,以健全民主社会理论,并深入到传媒的实务活动中,使传媒成为一个负责任的组织。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of media make the society be the information one,which the information and knowledge is filled with in every corner of the people’s life.In this era of media,it’s rich in induction,but people is step by step into a trap which the media set.Political,economic and cultural stonger use the communication with the strong using public media as the puppet,constantly to hand democratic ideals and private sector.The research into the responsibility of media realm rgarded as guidance and rules are the most urgent task.Media Responsiblity must include the rule and guidance for media practice activities,the media supervision function and media idea norms,because the media has economic attribute,the public service attribute,education attribute and inform function,education function,supervision function,which implied responsibility to itself.But the existing media responsibility system is not very good at it to play its effectiveness.Media freedom plays the biggest obstacle for media responsibility research,but since its beginning,the media freedom have the same value orientation of responsibility,namely,social services,public service,and media freedom itself preset requirement for its responsibility,also only the responsibility safeguard the media freedom can be achieved.In the process of the development of media,freedom is continuously amplified,and eventually become the reasons for media currying favours and manipulating masses.The consumerism praising of Media is the most important reason for the current media intrude into people’s life.In the process,the media constructing a consumer society unceasingly,makes the life of people becomes a dazzling and illusory world.The traditional ethics and the rational criticism ability of the people gradually faded.Media’s economic attributes becomes the most obvious characteristics,and the public service attributes and education attribute conceals,the media responsibility has leaven away by far.It is at once that to construct media responsibility system.In the process of media responsibility system construction , the layers characteristic of the media body and media function must be considered.The hierarchy should be required in media responsibility system.The system shoud include media practice responsibility , media supervisionand responsibility and medie idea responsibility.The media responsibility in practice,under the“no damage”principle safeguard the media communication behavior;The media supervision duty is to constraints on the media as an institution,also guide media made positive significance for democratic society;In the current consumer society,media’s idea responsibility is the highest moral value media guidance when media faces the pluralistic value conflicts,media professional discipline’s failure,but also restrict the media supervision function,improve democratic society,and penetrate into the media practice activities,to make media become a responsible organization.

【关键词】 传媒传媒责任传媒自由传媒生态
【Key words】 MediaMedia responsibilityMedia freedomMedia ecology

